[indent][i]You got a master key!!  So! Notte kina motto touzainanboku maemae maemae e  It's time! Ahead!  Shinsekai e joushou wo te ni kakiegaiteku[/i][/indent] Izuki yawned as she leaned her chin on her fist. The seats ahead of her were empty, as they usually were. Who in their right mind would sit opposite a young lady whose hands were like [b][i]that?![/i][/b] The earbuds in her ears played one of her many J-rock songs while the train rumbled along its course. The journey was, of course, boring. Almost everything about her commute to and from school was boring. Even school was boring. At least, to her anyway. Even now, the angry purple bruises on her knuckles told a story she didn't have to open her mouth for. So did the black eye and the dried cut on her lip. She sighed and toyed with her phone, idly scrolling through her Twitter and Facebook feeds while she waited for the train to reach her stop. [indent][i]Insutooru shita jinsei wa saikouchou ni  Agarikitteru yatsura atama made boy boy  Juunen saki made kikaseru knockdown  Konna kanji hey yo!! [/i][/indent] As Izuki leaned against the window, the gentle rumbling of the train slowly lulled her to sleep. That's where she went under, her body gently shaking along with the train car. Which was when all hell decided to break loose. Dragged from her sleep, her body flew forward. Her face collided with the seats in front of her, and she crumpled flat against the cushions, then fell onto the floor with a muffled thump. Immediately after, she struggled to her feet, groaning in barely disguised pain. Blood dripped from her lip, the cut there open again. Agony shot through every fibre, into every aching muscle, bruise and bump. Izuki looked around, gathering her thoughts while she nursed her bleeding lip. Around her, everything was frozen. Men, women, even the environment. The train itself was, strangely, intact. She obviously wasn't. This was... [color=lightblue]"What the hell...? Not again..."[/color] [color=00a99d]“H-hello?”[/color] She heard speech. Something decidedly different. It came from the car ahead of her. Specifically, the young lady holding onto one of the big metal poles at the side of the car. At first, Izuki thought to ignore her. But she was struggling. In pain. Unable to rise because of a bum leg. Was it because of the fall...? She couldn't leave someone in trouble like that. It wasn't her thing. [color=lightblue]"Hello? Hey! You okay?!"[/color] Without anyone to judge her, she rushed forward. The poor girl was in clear pain from the way she grimaced when trying to stand. But as Izuki got in front of her to help her up, she noticed the big issue. She was blind. [color=lightblue]"Oh [b]fuck[/b] me. Here, I've got you."[/color] Izuki knelt and wrapped her strong arms around Mari's waist. She draped one of her smaller arms over her broad shoulders and got ready. [color=lightblue]"Here, I'm gonna lift you, stand on your good leg, okay?! One. Two. Three!"[/color] Izuki hauled Mari upright and slowly lowered her into the nearby seat. She quickly spotted the cane she'd dropped, picked it up and placed it in her waiting hands. [color=lightblue]"Phew."[/color] She plopped into the seat opposite, ignoring the frozen girl that stood nearby the blind one. With a sigh she ran a hand through her hair, frustrated but... Somehow relieved that she wasn't the only one. Her gaze returned to Mari and she spoke. [color=lightblue]"So...you too, huh? Everything's kinda stopped. Frozen. Nothing moves except you. Fucking pointless fucking super power if I ever saw one."[/color]