[@Enki] [i]The Magna Pater's wing exploded and the shock fractured its left arm. However, it had a reckless side too. In the wild, hesitation meant death. A cornered tiger does not cower. Instead of using its tail to stay balanced and be struck by the sword swing, the monster allowed itself to be knocked to its side. Due to the sheer toughness of the wing though, most of the necrotic drops would fly in the opposite direction. Those that did reach the monster's body would be stuck in the mucous coating its flesh, not even getting a chance to reach home base. As Nergal slashed, the monster's tail cut through the air like a whip set to catch the outstretched arm and stop it before impact, coiling around it tight enough to make the limb go numb in a matter of seconds if it were caught. Not that there would be many seconds left. If the creature succeeded in trapping Nergal, it would then try to jerk him forwards off his feet, hauling him down into close range on the floor where he'd not only be at the mercy of the slime, but also the elder horror's favorite weapon. It didn't need its left arm for a ground scuffle, or even the right. All it needed were its teeth. Rancid carrion fumes hissed from its great and terrible mouth, flabby lips pulling back over thick, trembling molars. Its eyes rolled into its skull like those of a shark as an otherworldly radiance flared up within its eye sockets, two stars of ghostly cerulean whose coming would be heralded by an immense and palpable air of dread. [/i]