As the group increased by size it was only destined to be bigger. Outside and on his way was two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle. It was short with dark brown hair and a large beard that went past his waist. If you hadn't come to the answer of what this creature is then you never saw a dwarf. He wore mithril mail as his armor and carried a tower shield made of steel. His weapon of choice was a war hammer. Made of solid gold and steel. The shaft was darkened steel where as the pummel and the head was made of gold. The symbol of Maradin on each side of it. A man walked up to him and before he could speak he got a stern look from the dwarf. "Look, unless its ale your selling I don't want any got it?" He said. The man gulped and nodded walking away. He continued his walking soon after. "How many curses does a dwarf have to give before he finds...." He saw the tavern sign and his face filled with relief. "About damn time I find a bloody tavern in tho dry forsaken sand pit." He barked and moved to the door slamming it open. He then walked in and eyed the place. He noticed the group forming and without having to look at the notice board he knew what it was there for. He smirked thanking the dwarf god for something to do. He then walked over to the bar counter. He tossed up a shiny hold piece. "Pint of ale, don't care what make as long as you keep 'em comin got it?" He asked. The bartender nodded and filled him a mug and handed it to him. He had to shove his hammer into its place behind his shield. He then grabbed the ale and took several gulps. The azure liquid pour down his face and beard. He then made a loud sigh as he forced away. "Not bad,... Figured it would taste like goat shit." He said. Not caring I he insulted the man or not. He then began his move over to the table. He climbed into a seat. He looked up and saw the elf. He narrowed his eyes and sighed. "Screw it,.... Jarvis you've been bored for several weeks. You can stomach the presence of the she elf." He then looked to the bird. "Reminds me,... Hey barkeep, if it isn't too much trouble I would like some chicken. Keep those coming too... If you can afford it." He said. He pulled out another gold coin tossing it to him. He then looked over at the owner of the bird. He knew it was a overly large falcon. "Nice bird,... Scare green out of any goblinkin we come across. Big enough to pick one up and drop it from a good height.... Not too high. Got to make the ugly little bastard suffer a bit." He added. He then looked to the human. Decent looking one, not from around here. He could tell. She didn't have mud or shit on her face.She looked high class too. Well not palace high class but someone who is higher then the low class. He then looked to the mage and raised a brow. Great, one of those missions. What a demon you summon get loose or something.... He was glad he said that in his mind. Wouldn't want the old man to strain a lobe. His veiw went back to the elf. Now that he studied her she wasn't too bad to look at. Her here she must not be a part of the typical elf groups. He shrugged and leaned back. ---------- Vivian started to notice the increase in company. A human, some thing, and a dwarf. With enough study she saw them as good prospects. Well she hoped they would. She had enough mana in the palm of her right hand to carry them from here to the frost lands and back. Then again she didn't know what was in store for them in this place that the chalice will be located. She raised her brow at the other woman as she was interested in whatever the man was. His skin was dark and there was also the mask. It was kind of interesting to be honest. The tattoos were some form of elvish though. She didn't know how to feel about that. She knew one thing.... She wasn't showing her true colors in front of any of them. The dwarf would certainly kill her. The others... She really didn't know how they would react.