[hider=Ren Nevermore] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cna1fbr.jpg?1[/img] [I] "Cradle the babes of the world and watch it wither with the sparks."[/I] [b]Height:[/b] 176cm. [b]Weight:[/b] 57kg. [b]Name:[/b] Ren Nevermore [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Personality:[/b] An eccentric at heart, Ren Nevermore is a pail of awkward smiles and unrelatable jokes. He sees most things from the same angle as others but tosses it around in his head like a buffoon, looking for the options that others can't. Unlike his mother, his tries at this usually fails miserably. Where she's been called an unorthodox genius, he been called a idiotic optimist. He has his father rationality when it comes to combat though, which can be seen as a flip switching. Its a drastic change in his personality that leans towards the serious... brutal almost. At times he can be caught in deep thought, most others, napping like a kitten. Its a bad habit that he got from his years of juggling middle school, training, and hospital stays. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Ren is the offspring between a eccentric and rationalist. His mother who was always seen as a little coo-coo has instilled a open-mindedness in him that lets him be himself around his others. While his father logistics has done well in critical situations. All his life, his parents had one thing in common and that was for him to do something unforgettable with his abilities. As powerful as they were, his parents knew he would be accepted into the premier Yuuei Academy. If only they could get recognized. So they spent their earnings and flew him off to Japan with one goal in mind. To have him take the spot light. Which he did after several planned failures. It wasn't until a distraught individual had dropped himself off a bridge, along with his small child, had Ren gotten his chance at fame. Being close by, the cameras caught his heroic save and when asked for a few words, all he said, in rather crude Japanese was, "It was nothing really. Saving people is what I want to do, that's why I think it'd be great if Yuuei would give me a shot into their school." Those words went viral, granting him his slim chance. The rest was history for all Ren had done was prepare and train to enter that academy. [b]Quirk:[/b] Activator. Ren's quirk is rather cut and dry. The manipulation of embers. Bright and heated sparks that is seemingly produced from within. It is a combination of his mother's meek coal-production ability and his father's mild torch. Upon his birth, it was discovered that he could create these embers on a scale and intensity that could rival a house fire. As well as manipulate outside sources. [b]Other:[/b] His older brother was a victim of bullying. After being hospitalized one day, he committed suicide. The pain changed his parents and Ren, leading them down the path of Heroics. Ren was once convicted of unlawful use of his Quirk. It was revealed that he was defending himself, though the truth is much darker and elaborate. The necklace he wears was his maternal grandfather's, who passed it down to his mother, who passed it down to his eldest brother. Now it is his. [/center][/hider]