[@Hellis]Oh! Pick me! I have questions! [img]https://alyssaaruane.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/schmidt.gif[/img] 1) You mention what has been accomplished with technology throughout the decades, but at what time, after the event, are we playing in? 2) Are our characters just a rag-tag group of individuals that band together to complete requests by the citizens of Ambrosia (i would imagine having something like a bulletin board where anybody can walk up and take different ranked missions [s]like bounty hunters?[/s]) or are we part of some special group/ organization/ military? 2 part II) If we are part of some kind of organization, are we all playing as part of the same team or will we be split into smaller teams? 3) Will there be a limit to how many of each archetype are played? If we are split into teams, for example, each team only gets "x" number of people with "x" number of archetypes. 4) Since Ambrosia is a safe haven, i would assume there are people from surrounding areas that hear about this place and would naturally want to go there in hopes of a better life style. As opposed to wandering outside with their faction, constantly fighting to see the light of a new day. I also imagine there are multiple safe havens. That being said, what is the cut off point where somebody would want to travel to Ambrosia? I ask because, to me, it wouldn't make any sense risking my life going to Ambrosia (which would be on the other side of the country) if i'm in new york. Surely there would be a much closer safe haven Edit: I do apologize if it's a bit much. I feel like I just wrote questions for the ASVAB