[Center][color=pink][b][u]Nira Seritoka[/u][/b][/color][/center] Leaning slightly against the window, Nira yawnwd slightly as the rythmatic motion of the train gradually eased her further and further towards sleep. It wasn't like her at all to feel so sleepy so early - she would need to get something to eat when she got home, to get something sweet to help keep her energy up. Yes of course, that was the problem. Lack of sugar. It had been a long day and she needed energy. There was nothing usual about that. Maybe she was coming down with an illness of some kind as well - it [i]had[/i] seemed oddly cold recently. She needed rest and warmth if that was the case - she couldn't risk getting unwell with nobody to care for her. As her eyelids fell, she sighed slightly to herself. Admittedly, there wasn't much to see or do on the train. Perhaps if she just rested for a moment then she would be home faster [i]and[/i] feel better for it? Excellent! She would have a few hours to spend on her own - she would be able to relax, get some food and perhaps spend a little time finishing up her work... she didn't have any real plans for that evening but that wasnt necessarily be a bad thing, considering how sleepy she was feeling. Perhaps an early night would do her some good? Very slowly as her consciousness faded into the verge of sleep, she felt herself pulled forward by some invisible force. As if her very heart was being drawn onwards in slow motion... [hr] The feeling was no longer surreal, as the feeling suddenly spiked - throwing her forwards with a nauseating jolt. The blackness swirled inside her head as she struggled to regain consciousness. [color=lightcoral][i]... what?[/i][/color] Several moments passed as her head swam - time seemingly struggling to find its way back to a regular pace. She blinked as her vision sharpened and the world around her came back into view. Had they crashed? That would be awful! No, no they couldn't have crashed - everything was too neat. Too organised. She tried to stand but her body wasn't yet prepared to take orders from her mind - still presumably thinking she was asleep. Nothing new - it would pass in a moment, she told herself. The taste on her lips was familliar... was she bleeding? Her heart punded in her chest - was she hurt? She couldn't handle that - not alone! [color=lightcoral][i]What happened here? What happened to me?[/i][/color] She needed to move. To find help. [color=pink]"Hello?"[/color] She called out tentatively. Perhaps somebody else could help explain what was happening. The shock of the situation blocking out the fact that the people around her were frozen in time. Besides, the sounds suggested that somebody was moving nearby, and there were muffled voices coming from an adjaced carriage. And that other sound... it wasn't a voice. Wasn't anything that she could identify. What it was however, was unnerving - there was something about it that worried her even more than the situation at hand. [color=pink]"Anybody? Can you hear me?"[/color] She called out again - a little louder this time. Once again she tried to stand, this time finding her body stiff and sore, but functional. Rising to her feet, she gazed around. Something was wrong, and there was nobody around who could help. Her breath caught in her throat and her chest tightened - eyes dilating as panic began to course through her mind. She couldn't handle this: couldn't deal with this. What was she supposed to do? How? What if she did something wrong? The fear was beginning to get the better of her. She would have been fine if somebody had been there to take charge, but on her own... this was all too much to handle. She wasn't injured - not badly at least - but the pressure wiped any trace of self-reliance from her mind. Choking back a breath as the panic closed in, she closed her eyes. This couldn't be happing. It was a dream - a nightmare. She was sleeping on the train and if she just ignored it she would wake up at any moment, she knew it.