[center][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/vmuniu.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][h1]Vornehm National Press[/h1] [b]More Troops[/b] There had soon been an issue for more men to be trained for the Imperial Army, these men are going to be supplied with the Gewehr-20 rifles that are expected to be finished by the end of the season should no problems arise. While trying to stay within treaty regulations, one wonder why the military would go and recruit 20,000 men when equipment is beginning to come into a bit more of a demand for the military as it is. It is very questionable, however, there is no doubt the governement will endure and keep us afloor as more good are being manufactured for the homefront. Fear not people of Vornehm for the Empire does hold you as its highst priority and the military is surely being increased to keep us, the people, safe. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-178-1538-05A,_Griechenland,_Appell_von_Hilfstruppen_der_Wehrmacht.jpg[/img] (Vornehm Officers inspecting new recruits) With all that being said and done, the aircraft that had been emptied for so long are now being filled in by new pilots. It is something that had need to been done, but now that leaves pilots with no aircraft to pilot. No doubt this has disappointed some of the new pilots who were hoping to be able fly with the others. However, it is being argued that spare pilots are always appreciated and will get the same amount of training as the normal pilots are getting. There have even been plans to swap pilots in and out of aircraft, allowing all the pilots to be able to operate all the current aircraft. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b2/0f/92/b20f92fbfb2f8b99f37e310f78c9229e.jpg[/img] (Vornehm pilots taking a group picture) [/center]