Roger listened to everyone talk for awhile and then thought over it, flicking away accumulated ash at the end of his smoke. Thinking over it, the implication seemed heavily towards the "you guys will have to fight each other" sentiment, but their words could be interpreted as fighting something else. Perhaps a set of arms drones? Not all that likely, but possible. But if they were fighting each other, the offered justifications for it still didn't match up. There are ways of learning the combat abilities of everyone else without pitting them in a highly imbalanced situation like a 9 way free for all. For instance, Yeager while being fast didn't have too much of an offensive punch, certainly not one that would be able to effectively pierce shields, and one guy mentioned his guns being able to tear off the limbs of other Framewerks easily. The communicated intent didn't match up with the orders at all. Roger bit down on the cigarette filter, taking another drag. "I don't really think we should out n out refuse orders. Even [i]if[/i] we are to valuable to just throw out, I don't think going against the first set of orders we're given will set a good precedent. Not to mention that it's not good to overestimate how important you are. If if comes down to it, I am going to follow orders, even if they don't make no sense." Roger paused for a beat to take another drag of his cigarette. "In any case, I should probably introduce myself in more depth since everyone else is. Cadet Roger Rooney, 18. 'Fore I joined the PDF I was training to be a pilot in the Relos Cargo Delivery System, it's one of the most important jobs on the planet. The Yeager is a Medium-Heavyweight Framewerk of a white color. I'm fairly certain that out of all the Framewerks here, when it comes to pure speed it's the top, bar none.