Shiro yawned and stretched rolling out of his bed onto the floor. Except there was no bed and his carpeted floor was now cold stone. Shrio's eyes popped open and he looked around him curiously. What was going on? Shiro reached for the phone in front of him searching for a clue, it defiantly wasn't his phone but who knew what was on it? It had a weird message that said he was trapped in some sort of tower. His head twitched at the sound of gunshots again. Was there some sort of gang war going on? Shrio grabbed the satchel and the metal pole on the ground and looked around. Having absolutely no idea what to do he began walking in a random direction. After a few turns he saw a guy with a sword striding somewhere purposefully. [b]"Hey buddy!"[/b] He shouted waving his free hand in the air. [b]"You got any idea what's going on around here?"[/b] It was worth a shot, unless he was a bad guy and tried to kill him. But that was really unlikely, right? [sub][sub][sub][sub][@Arckedflight029][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]