Alyssa didn't like the sound of temples revealing themselves. Temples should [i]do[/i] things, they should Vivian and Jarvis seemed on board though. Normally this would be too hinky for her to sign on, you didn't stay alive if you took every job that came your way, but Vivian was pretty, Catarina wasn't too bad looking either so eye candy was aplenty, and she was starting to think she might actually like Mr. Giant Malkai. Would be a shame if they all died in some damn tomb because the locksmith bitched out. It takes courage to disarm traps, something most adventurers took for granted was the fact that one wrong move and any given hazard could blow up in your face. Scouting wasn't much easier, many in her profession had died alone in one dusty crypt or another because they forgot to mute their scent, forgot that undead don't breathe, or stepped on a damn stick. There were risks to being the first one down the scary hallway, under cover of darkness or not. Mustering the courage and bravado only someone in her profession could understand she spoke. [color=ed1c24]"Against my better judgement I'm in. Just make sure you bury me after you loot my stuff ok? Or at least a prayer or something."[/color]