[quote=@SouffleGirl123] Not just a full moon, every night XD [/quote] *Covers Naya in all the silver jewelry.* Now we can be besties! XD [quote=@Monochromatic] [i]"Nooooupe. Cant do that to someone, I care too much. HERE. LOVE THIS ONE INSTEAD, [sub][sup]they can actually hug you.[/sup][/sub]"[/i] [/quote] Oh my goodness, so sad! ;_; I just imagine Naya having a tough day for some reason like an experiment blew up and she wasted some kind of precious ingredient and she's so upset and Re'Mane just takes his stick and pats her head with it like, "...there, there. It'll be fine." [quote=@Ace of flames01] Now that I look at both Naya and Carson's face claims next to each other, they kinda look like they could get siblings XD [/quote] Well, that sort of makes sense, since both face claims are from my character bank. I apparently like the same type when it comes to boys and girls. ;)