Chaos. That was what the whole thing was, unbridled chaos. Vuduin turned around from the trainer who's almost fell under his spell to see madness. Every avatar in the city and then some appeared to be battling against the surprise attack. By the time Vuduin finished realizing what was going on it was practically over. Pokemon, floats, and Avatars were scattered across the area in various states of destruction and clothedness. Vuduin's face flushed slightly at what little he could make and he shook his head, so much trouble caused by a few overzealous people. It could've been avoided so easily. Vuduin glanced at the leader of the group, laying on the ground unconscious from one of the many attacks. Silently he stalked over to the man and grabbed him by his shirt, easily lifting the man from the ground. Vuduin closed his eyes for a moment and felt for the man's mind. He was defiantly out, not even dreams right now. Of course it wouldn't be difficult to change that but Vuduin felt no need to torture the man. A brief surge of willpower and the man was shoved even deeper into unconsciousness. At this point he'd be asleep for days unless Vuduin awakened him, so Vuduin lay the man back on the ground.Unsure of what to do at this point Vuduin began wandering through the floats, searching for any survivors. He could sense several unconscious people in various states of disarray and phased through obstacles, removing them from the wreckage and placing them safely laid out on the ground. He briefly checked them using what knowledge of first aid he had but none of them seemed to be in particular danger, just cuts, scrapes, and bruises. He glanced at the assembled Avatars again, the situation was much the same- but Rebeccas's pokemon were both on the ground and Tantulus had vanished. What to do now? Vuduin slowly walked to the rest of the assembled avatars and took off his voluminous black robes and lay them over Rebecca. She probably didn't care about clothes, he had a feeling she wouldn't bother with them if she had a choice, but other people did, himself one of them. Another quick scan showed a girl he didn't know barely covered by her pokemon's tails, Alain in much the same state, covered by his wings. Somewhat embarrassed now, but still feeling it was necessary, Vuduin took off his dark gray shirt, revealing pale skin that was surprisingly muscled from years of manual labor, and tossed it to the girl he didn't know. It was big enough that it should reach to about her knees. Two covered, he couldn't do much for Alain however. [color=gray]"I'll be back with more clothes in a moment."[/color] Vuduin said quietly and quickly began moving away again. Perhaps if he found a hospital he could ask them to come, assuming they hadn't gotten a call already, and get some gowns from them.