[img]http://www.comicraft.com/logos/quicksilver/quicksilver.gif[/img] Glancing over and listening to Cyclops continue to be a boy scout as per fucking usual. Quicksilver folded his arms and gave his field leader a shrug that made it clear how he could not really care about Herbert’s feelings. “You know I could of done much worse...” Quicksilver noted feeling a bit better in his throat. “Can’t even say thank you for showing restraint...” He added in a mutter looking away from the field leader. Just then though things got weird as suddenly a Spider-Man was clinching a Firestar in a choke hold. Surprised a bit now that his suspicion about a clone running around was not only confirmed but double confirmed. Quicksilver quickly started realizing something was fishy about these clones and saw a possible test forming in his head. Grabbing Bobby by the arm gently and pulling him over Quicksilver leaned to his ear. “Freeze both of the Firestars...” Quicksilver told him very quietly. Bobby went wide eyed at such a notion. “WHAT?!” He muttered back. “Look if we’re dealing with clones like we have in the past with that Mystique chick. Then if they can replicate their looks they can’t replicate their powers. So I’ll check with the Spider-Men, and you check with the Firestars alright?” Bobby paused considering the notion before giving Quicksilver a nod. Separating and waiting a bit Quicksilver quickly went to the guards looking for something to throw and finding in one of all thing throwing knives. Pausing at the bizarre ideas the guy had for security and proper equipment for said security. Quicksilver motioned for Bobby to go, who true to the plan quickly shot ice at both of the Firestars while Quicksilver loaded up a pair of shots on both of the Spider-Men. “HEY SPIDEY CATCH!” He called out launching an underhanded thrown knife at both of their legs. Quicksilver had heard once that Spidey supposedly had some power where he could sense incoming danger. Hopefully that was true, otherwise the lecture Cyclops is going to be giving him when they get back is going to be [i]WAY[/i] worse.