[right][img]http://puu.sh/nBlGv/2846e64ef1.png[/img][/right] [i]"To be asked to take this plunge, to forgive and forget And be the better man, to be a better man, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubvitXV_zM]to be a better man[/url]."[/i] [hr][hr] You recoil at the sound of someone else’s footsteps, tensing up as they approach. You mentally kick yourself for it almost immediately afterwards. It’s just a girl, there isn’t a reason to be tense. If anything you should be glad there’s at least another living person here, someone who appears to be legitimately concerned for your safety. But the only thing you can bring yourself to think about is how she’s seeing you huddled up in this corner, crumpled up and shaking like a complete fool. [color=DarkGray]“I’m fine,”[/color] you snap, warily eyeing the hand working her tie loose. It makes your heart race a bit faster, but you cut that crap down before it has the chance to weigh on your mind. Grabbing one of the nearby safety rails, you push yourself up. The dull pain that was there before comes back again at full force, but you don’t give a hiss. You’ve looked like an idiot for long enough. Stumbling for a step or two, you manage to catch your balance again. As you steady yourself, you look her over, noticing that her other arm is pretty limp looking. There isn’t any bleeding so far as you can see, so it’s hard to tell if anything is wrong. Should you ask? How would you even begin to do something like that? [color=DarkGray]“Sorry. Are you okay? I mean…”[/color] You stare at her arm, as if she would be able to tell what you were talking about just by that. You have no idea how to express yourself around other people and you know it shows. [u][indent][indent]> Cover it up.[/indent][/indent] [/u] [color=DarkGray]“We should see if there’s anyone else here,”[/color] you tell her, wiping the blood on your hands on the front of your favorite pair of jeans. The grey ones that make you look taller than you actually are. But they’re shot now. Just one less thing to wake up for. [color=DarkGray]“I think there might be someone in the next car over? The connecting bridge keeps rocking.”[/color] You know because you keep checking the exits to see if anything opens. That’s right, she did come from one of the connecting cars, didn’t she? Your heart begins to slow. Even if you don’t know this person, you’re with someone. You aren’t trapped in this car. It’s okay. You’re okay. [hr][hr] [i][right]So love me mother, and love me father, and love my sister as well.[/right] [/i]