With the arrival of the fighter, it seemed that the old man was ready to explain the mission. A desert temple has unearthed itself, and they were going to be tasked to reach it first. Seemed strange to Malkai that the Mage Guild would lack "Resources" to go after something they've waited years for, but it wasn't really his place to figure that out. More than likely the mage guild simply wants the adventurers to trigger all and any traps that could kill a less perspective mage. The fact they weren't going to be paid immediately, not even partially, made it all the more suspicious. But Malkai did not fear treachery; he was ready for it. He followed the dwarf out of the tavern, making a mental check list of the spells he has prepared today. At Alyssa's comment about her dying, Malkai turned to her and spoke. [color=00a651]"I promise nothing. Don't die, and you'll do fine."[/color] Fortunately for her, Malkai did have something in the event someone aside from him died. Of course that's assuming anyone is in such a sorry state that they are at the cusp of death, and even the method he has is not perfect. Still, considering the type of adventure they'll be going on, it was better safe than sorry. Falchion flew on ahead to scout around the city while Malkai followed the others. Normally he would use this chance to purchase supplies, however he was running a bit low on money. Though he did have a few healing kits and other medical supplies from his past adventures. As for navigating through the desert, he also had a compass he obtained from a worthy opponent. A "Wayfinder", as it was called. Always able to discern north (Or the point of origin if caught in another plane) as well as being able to produce light on command. All he needed was Ioun Stones to further upgrade the wayfinder's ability, but that was something he'll look for when the opportunity presents itself. Right now he needed to focus on his quest. [color=00a651]"We'll need to prepare for the journey ahead. There's no telling how long this could take, or what we may face."[/color]