[quote=@Fallenreaper] I thought it was the other way around though I wasn't very good with history. [/quote] When I said the Greek Gods assimulated their identities, I meant that the Greek Gods became the Roman ones. Jupiter now has Zeus' backstory, Minerva has Athena's, Juno has Hera's, etc. So, you are right that the Roman Gods did absorb the backgrounds and identities of the Greek Gods. [quote=@VATROU] [@Dedonus] I see. Is it because the Roman Gods weren't worshipped any longer? And would you be alright in me using Fortuna as my side character's Patron? [/quote] So, when you say Fortuna, are you mean using Tyche but referring to her as Fortuna? If it is this, then I will allow that. However, if you want to use the "original" Roman Fortuna as a separate entity, then my answer would be no.