Only Alyssa took Catarina's hand to shake, but she didn't mind. Not all cultures recognized handshaking as a greeting. She was also impressed at Alyssa's display of magic, even if it was only a spark of flame. It was more than what Caratina could do, and magic always fascinated her. It's too bad she never could find the time to stay in place long enough to learn cantrips. Alyssa also confirmed that she was a rogue type, capable of spotting and disarming traps. That was also good; back when she fought as a mercenary traps often killed her allies more than actually warriors did. Even things as simple as a hidden shallow hole was enough to stop a charge and send everyone to their deaths. It was embarrassing. The others didn't really pay Catarina much mind, though they at least introduced themselves. Vivian was a sorcerer and Jarvis was from the Stonehammer clan. Certainly sounded like a name for dwarven people. They seemed to be in a rush to leave, but Catarina wasn't so hasty. [color=fff79a]"Hold on! We can't just leave! I mean, we haven't even gathered supplies for traveling, or tools to get past traps and obstacles, not to mention that I'm going to need some joint oils for my armor-"[/color] But Jarvis gave Catarina a curt dismissal. That temple in the sand had just recently uncovered itself, so there was no telling how much longer they had before the sands covered it up again. Which is understandable, but Catarina disliked heading straight into danger without being properly geared. It wouldn't do them any good if they end up dying because they have forgotten to get something as simple as rope. At least Catarina had some of her own gear with her. Ropes, Bedrolls, torches, trail rations, grappling hooks, and other things. Standard adventuring gear. But navigating through a desert temple may require more specialized things, and they don't even know what they're getting themselves into. [color=fff79a]"Hold on, what else do you know about this temple aside that it holds the Chalice of Silence? What does that even do? Was this temple once a tomb for royalty or maybe it's cursed by a demon? We need to know more if you expect us to actually succeed."[/color]