[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-14706267_zps64516cfe.png[/img][img]http://s22.postimg.org/jtr04y1ht/War_Pulse_Word_Art.png[/img][/center] [center][b][color=b22222]Aubrey Adkins[/color][/b] | [b][color=0072bc]Trenton Hurst[/color][/b][/center] It took roughly three hours for War-Pulse to fly back to Lost Haven from the middle of Ohio. He had made the flight a tad bit slower than usual considering he had to carry Aubrey with him and prefered not to blow out her eardrums by breaking the sound barrier. He had flown at a lower altitude as well, not wanting her to freeze or be oxygen deprived in the higher altitudes of his flight path as he rocketed straight towards the Sherman Center tower. It was not hard to spot once he came into visual range, as the historic building was one of the only few buildings that was still fully standing after the recent string of incidents on the city. [color=0072bc]“See? Smooth sailing, told you it wouldn't be so bad.”[/color] The mercenary said, descending down into the very top of the tower. [color=0072bc]“I told you that you were overreacting to flying. I didn’t even get handsy, and that’s an accomplishment from my perspective.”[/color] Now that she and Trent had landed on the Sherman Center in Lost Haven, Aubrey tried to regain her breath, kneeling to the ground, which made her look like she was set to do knee push-ups. After she took several deep breaths, Aubrey finally decided that she was not going to see what she had for dinner again. Now that she knew she was not going to be sick, Aubrey, still on the ground, turned her head over her shoulder to look back at War-Pulse. [color=b22222]“We,”[/color] she began, although she soon found that she was still short of breath, [color=b22222]“are never...”[/color]. There was a short pause, shorter than the last time, when Aubrey tried to slow down her breathing. [color=b22222]“doing that again.”[/color] [color=0072bc]“Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that. I was flying straight like...ninety percent of the time. Sure, there was that run-in with the flock of geese, but how was I supposed to account for bird migrational patterns?”[/color] The mercenary protested, [color=0072bc] “Besides, how many other superhumans have you flown with? It’s not like we’re an airline, I can’t just magically provide you with an in-flight movie and some crappy bagged peanuts.”[/color] Looking down at the ground, she paused yet again as she slowed down her breathing. Then she redirected her attention back to Trent. [color=b22222]“I have flown with Icon before. This was nothing like that. [b]This[/b] was like ten times worse!”[/color] [color=0072bc]“Oh, sure, compare me to the boy scout, that’s fair.”[/color] The silver and black-clad braggart shot back. [color=0072bc]“Sorry I can’t fly as good as Mr. Perfect. I’ll try to improve next time we have to make an interstate trip.”[/color] Now that she had gotten her complaining out of the way, Aubrey stood up from the ground. Her legs still felt as if they were made out of Jell-o because of the flight between Columbus and Lost Haven, although Aubrey could tell that this feeling was starting to fade away. Before they left Columbus, the young metahuman decided against wearing her superhero threads, not only because of the ‘cease and desist’ that was indirectly handed to her by Marvel, but also because it would look a little suspicious if a bunch of metahumans in their spandex uniforms would march right into Sherman Center. Instead, she had picked out a pair of jeans and a pick, although not neon pink, polo-shirt. Even though War-Pulse flew at a lower altitude, Aubrey still brought along a winter jacket. Of course, the mercenary clearly did not share in that particular mindset, due to the fact he had already changed into his battle suit before they had ever left Ohio. His identity was not a secret, and his actions spoke for themselves, if anything he was becoming quite the household name in Lost Haven, albeit for very negative reasons. It did not make sense to him to go flying through the skies and not don his signature attire. After all, what good was hiding when your face was getting plastered on the internet? He was even less subtle when he banged on the rooftop entrance, a thick metal barricade that rang with steel at every abrupt knock. [color=0072bc]“Oh Luuuuuccyyyyy, I’m hooooommmmmeeee!”[/color] The mercenary jokingly sang, staring up into the camera mounted at the top of the door. [color=0072bc]“Can you let me in for the superfriends meeting, now? I brought party favors!”[/color] Almost immediately, the steel doors slide open and revealed an elevator. Inside the elevator stood one of Christopher Arthur’s assistants, Minerva. She had been waiting at the lobby for the return of any of the heroes who had not already assembled at the Sherman Center. However, when Chris’ people realized that War-Pulse was going to make a landing on the roof, Minerva had to leave Chris’ butler, George in the lobby to greet any of the other heroes. Fortunately, the elevator could allow her to get up to the roof without killing herself by walking up who knows how many flights of stairs were in the Sherman Center. “I presume that you are War-Pulse.” The woman’s attention was focused on a tablet that she held in her hands, even though she was supposed to be greeting the two individuals. Furthermore, the tone of voice revealed that she was not quite amused by War-Pulse’ antics. “I can [i]almost[/i] see why that Lyger character has some issues with your character.” [color=0072bc]“Glad to see ol’ tinhead is putting his best foot forward with sending his most cordial lackey to greet me.”[/color] The mercenary sneered, casually strolling past her to get to the elevator, his eyes locked on Minerva the whole way in. [color=0072bc]“Really feel like I’m part of the team with that kind of welcome, seriously.”[/color] “Well, sometimes you have to work with people that get on your nerves. That’s called life.” Minerva countered Trent’s sarcasm. “At least you have given us evidence of your reliability by safely getting Aubrey here. I rather have an annoying colleague who is reliable then one who isn’t.” [color=0072bc]“Oof, pretty and sassy…deadly combination right there. No wonder Iron Knight put you on his payroll.”[/color] “Considering Mr. Arthur’s, um, lifestyle choices, especially with women, I wouldn’t be too surprised if someone’s superfluous qualities are considered by his ‘talent acquisition” department.” When Aubrey entered into the elevator after War-Pulse did, she realized that this Minerva seemed very familiar to her. However, Aubrey could not quite tell what it was. Did she know her from somewhere? She could not be a certain Greek goddess, could she? That would be way too obvious, wouldn’t it? She decided that if this Minerva was Athena, Athena would have appeared to be more ‘hands-on’ with bring her to Lost Haven. But something about Minerva still bothered her. [color=b22222]“Of course you, who work for that man who kidnapped me and a few others in the past, have the moral high ground when talking about someone’s character.” [/color] [color=0072bc]“Ooooo she’s got you there, missy.”[/color] Minerva bit her lip, restraining herself from making a comment about how making a response worthy of a child would not make any argument better. Instead, she held her composure and addressed what Aubrey had said. “Only if life was that black and white. I am [i]completely[/i] sure that S.T.R.I.K.E. had [b]nothing[/b] to do with what happened. Why would S.T.R.I.K.E. ever bully Mr. Arthur into ‘kidnapping’ a bunch of college students who have recently been granted superhuman powers? I mean, when you’re in bed with a super-secret spy organization, nothing wrong can come out of it, right?” [color=0072bc]“Oh-hoh, serve returned.”[/color] [color=b22222]“Last time I checked, kidnapping is still a crime.”[/color] “And vigilantism isn’t? Or at least the harm that can come from a misguided vigilante.” [color=0072bc]“Alright, alright, I can’t believe [i]I’m[/i] saying this, but now is not the time for a catfight.”[/color] The mercenary said calmly, now leaning against the elevator wall with his arms crossed. [color=0072bc]“Either drop it or settle it later, but we got other shit to worry about, mainly the meta-human baby boomers, or did we all forget about that to share about our dirty little secrets?”[/color] “Don’t worry. We’ll settle this later.” Minerva cracked a smile on her face. Then she pressed the button that would send the elevator to the floor where Christopher Arthur and the others were meeting. However, before the elevator could even descend a single floor, the elevator carriage abruptly came to a stop, almost throwing the three individuals to the floor. Warning lights began to fill the enclosed space a red glow. When Minerva checked her tablet, she gave a glare at the other two passengers. “Okay, who was the smart one who brought an explosive onto this elevator? Because whoever did it is a mindless fool.” [color=0072bc]“What the hell are you talking about, lady?”[/color] War-Pulse was the first to exclaim, his brow raised as he gestured to his suit. [color=0072bc]“This thing is pretty form-fitting and these pockets aren’t big enough to hold any substantial explosives, where the hell would I smuggle a bomb?”[/color] “Well, the scanners in this carriage has detected massive energy readings that could devastate this building, let alone this elevator. So, someone please admit to this or give some sort of explanation!” [color=b22222]“Sure, I have my own grievances against the guy, but I would never stoop that low. Why would I try to kill myself for the sake of revenge? And do I even look smart enough to make a bomb?”[/color] [color=0072bc]“I mean...you’re a bombshell.[/color] War-Pulse began, not one to pass up a comedic opportunity. [color=b22222]“I really don’t think that being a bombshell has anything to do with actual explosives, but that’s just me. I don't know what kind of weird crap goes on in that brain of yours.”[/color] [color=0072bc]”That’s a question best answered another day with a few bottles of whiskey when the world’s not in trouble. But going back to the point, I don’t think either Aubrey or myself would...waitaminute...”[/color] The mercenary stopped himself mid-sentence, a sigh leaving his facemask as he placed his hand over his face. [color=0072bc]“Aw dammit, I hate it when this happens...your scanners are detecting me, not a bomb.”[/color] “Care to explain?” Minerva demanded. Her voiced revealed that she was agitated by the situation, that they were already having trouble before they could even get past a single floor. Rather than responding immediately, the silver-clad man lowered his hand from his face, giving the administrative assistant an embarrassed grimace as he pushed off of the elevator. With a small flexing of his hand, the air around his arm began to hum and distort with a bluish glow as kinetic power flowed through him. [color=0072bc]“I have enough kinetic energy stored in me to probably come off as at least bomb,”[/color] He explained, [color=0072bc]“It comes with being a pure energy battery, I can’t really go anywhere without setting something off nowadays. Any way you can override it?”[/color] “While I probably shouldn’t do it, we’re all kind of in a rush, so just give me a few seconds.” Minerva turned back again to her tablet and started to sporadically tap on the display screen until the red strobe lights turned off and the elevator began to return to its downward descent. [color=b22222]“Wait, why does a simple elevator have so many sensors and such?”[/color] [color=0072bc]“I’m guessing because tin-head is using this as some sort of base of operations.”[/color] Trent said, glancing up at the elevator’s ceiling, his hand running along the cool, metal walls. [color=0072bc]“There’s probably all sorts of security checks on this building, I bet there were turrets on that rooftop waiting to shoot us down if we were a hostile trying to land on that roof.”[/color] “You can never be too cautious in this world where almost any type of superhuman ability exists. Although now it is obvious that there are still some bugs to work out in the system,” Minerva gave a quick glance at War-Pulse, “But it should help identify almost any type of risk factors. Not only weapons and explosives, but also whether someone is who he or she appears to be. The naked-eye cannot see through some disguises, but hopefully the scanners can identify shapeshifters, psychics using their abilities to trick the human mind, or any other type of security risk. This system could scan for and identify any element or substance that you can think of.” [color=0072bc]“Plus I bet you can update your twitter account and profile picture with it, too.”[/color] Came another snap from the metahuman anti-hero. [color=0072bc]“Give everyone the scoop on what super-suit you’re wearing today.”[/color] [color=b22222]“I’m pretty sure you can do that out on any computer or cell phone of your choice.[/color] However, Minerva ignored the comments that both Trent and Aubrey said about the security system. Instead, she decided to give them an example. “Imagine that something that wasn’t quite human tried to slip past our notice. Let’s say it’s some sort of silicon-based lifeform, whether extraterrestrial, if that is even possible, or an android. Since in the human body, silicon is only found in trace amounts, all we would have to do is scan for unusual amounts of silicon is the target’s body.” [color=b22222]“You gotta be kidding me…”[/color] Aubrey pouted when she heard what the ‘example’ scan would entail. Whether Christopher Arthur suggested this or Minerva herself decided upon it on her own, Aubrey was convinced that this could not have been unintentional. “Anyways,” Minerva continued, again ignoring Aubrey’s side comment, “the scan will take only a few seconds, although since there are three of us in here, it might take a little longer than that. While highly improbable, it is always good to have a variety of safety measures. A silicon-based alien would be rather easy to spot because its biology would use silicon instead of carbon. The artificial intelligence, on the other hand, would have silicon inside its circuitry. There’s a reason why Silicon Valley earned its name.” [color=0072bc]”Ugh, another scan?”[/color] War-Pulse protested, rolling his eyes at the notion. [color=0072bc]”What’s next? Am I going to have to provide my birth certificate and social security card too?”[/color] “You’re just lucky that we don’t have to go through the full regiment this time. Unless you want to, of course.” Minerva gave a coy smile to the two metahumans who were in the elevator with her. She then looked down at her tablet to see what was the progress on the scan. “Well, looks like we all have the regular amount of silicon in our bodies, which mean none of us are silicon-based aliens or robots trying to pass as humans. Otherwise, we would be having a [b]very[/b] different conversation.” Almost immediately after Minerva reported the results of the scan, Aubrey immediately darted towards the elevator controls, where she continued to press the top floor button while repeating ‘nope, nope, nope’ under her breath. [color=b22222]“That’s it.”[/color] She finally declared, [color=b22222]“I am so waiting on the roof for someone like Icon to fly me home. I want to get as far away from you [i]weirdos[/i]”[/color] [color=0072bc]“Wait, what?”[/color] Trent asked, [color=0072bc]“You’re bailing now? After I flew you from Ohio?”[/color] [color=b22222]“Didn’t you see what she just did? She scanned for the element, silicon. Does that ring any bells?”[/color] [color=0072bc]”Whoa, hold on there, blondie. I know what she said, but I think you got it mixed--”[/color] [color=b22222]“Oh really? Of all the things she could have scanned for, she picked ‘silicon-based lifeforms’. She was searching for any ‘unusual masses of silicon’. How does that not ring a bell?”[/color] [color=0072bc]”That’s not what she means, Spidey! I’m not trying to piss you off here, she’s talking about--”[/color] [color=b22222]“Do you not know what substance is made up of silicon? It is just one letter off. It would obviously been picked up on that scan!”[/color] [color=0072bc]”Okay, listen. She ain’t being insulting, silicon is a legitimate thing...why they’re worried about little green men and Decepticons of all things is a little weird, I mean those I’d feel would be a little low on the priorities list considering all the other threats to security...but if that’s the case, it’s not about your built-in stress balls for once.”[/color] For a moment, Aubrey just gave a confused stare at War-Pulse. However, it did not take long for her to continue ranting. [color=b22222]“Did you just say [i]‘built-in stress balls’[/i] to my face?”[/color] She then threw up her arms in disbelief at what was happening. [color=b22222]“Why can’t everyone mind their own business? Why can't people keep their thoughts to themselves? Why can’t I go a single day without hearing someone’s unwanted opinion?”[/color] [color=0072bc]“To be fair, I give everyone unwanted opinions. I’m starting to think nobody actually [i]wants[/i] my opinion.”[/color] Since she was so frazzled by the current situation, Aubrey did not realize that the bell that indicated that they had arrived at their destination had rung and the doors to the elevator had slid open, allowing the few heroes whom Chris had already assembled at the Sherman Center to hear what she was saying. [color=b22222]“I know that it is kind of hard to believe that I went from being a two-by-four to Dolly Parton, but can’t you all just take my word for it? Jesus Christ! Just because I have big boobs doesn’t mean that they’re fake!”[/color] A big grin came across the merc’s face, trying desperately not to burst into laughter now that Aubrey had unknowingly blurted the outrage about her body. Of course, the loud-mouthed crook was quick to jump on the opportunity given to him. [color=0072bc]“That’s right everyone, her sweater-stretchers are real! You all heard it straight from the source!”[/color] He proclaimed, his arms outstretched as he played the crowd from his little soapbox. [color=0072bc]“None of you know her name yet but at least we’ve cleared the obvious first question you were going to ask!”[/color] [color=Peru]“We actually meet her before.”[/color] Zac mentioned after the superhuman mercenary made a bigger deal out of what Aubrey had blurred out than it actually was. Next to Zac stood his girlfriend, Kelly, who just made a friendly smile towards Aubrey and waved at her. She even mouthed, [color=khaki]“Hey, Aubrey”[/color] to the blonde metahuman. [color=0072bc]“Well, it still at least covers the first question of ‘what happened to you’, right? Because she certainly changed from my first meeting with her.”[/color] Zac and Kelly turned their heads towards one another, almost as if they were about ready to say something to one another. Unlike War-Pulse, the two young metahumans were not taken by surprise by the change in Aubrey’s appearance. Sure, Zac and Kelly did not expect something like that to happen, but they had already met another similar-looking ‘Aubrey’ who came from, as far as they could tell, an alternate universe. Maybe some things are just destined to repeat themselves. However, since they both independently thought that trying to explain that would be more of a hassle than it's worth, they decided not to speak up. Chris, on the other hand,just buried his face in the palm of his hand, shaking his head in disbelief at what he had just heard. [color=C0C0C0]“War-Pulse, this is not an Aristophanic comedy! Please don’t piss her off too much. If you do, she’ll pop someone in the face. And with my luck, it’ll probably be me. So, can we just chill, please!”[/color] [color=0072bc]“Ahhh, relax rich boy.”[/color] Trent waived Arthur off as he spoke, stepping into the room with his trademark swagger. [color=0072bc]”I’m as chilled as I can be, jokes are my icebreaker. You’re the one with a stick up his ass...”[/color] [color=C0C0C0]“Jokes? You think that was a joke? We’re not in some kind of bawdy comedy where it would be slapstick. What you did was borderline harassment. Right now, I don’t give a damn what had happened to her, even if she had become a splitting image of Kate Upton. Right now, we need to be worrying about those domes that are transforming people into metahumans, not some 20-year old’s anatomy.”[/color] [color=0072bc]”From what Aubrey’s told me and the dossier you provided, along with what Warden’s told me, you aren’t exactly the one to be sitting on the politically correct high horse, Knighty, STRIKE or not.”[/color] War-Pulse flashed another slimy smirk with his statement as he ambled towards Arthur in a wide semicircle, his carefree attitude unflinching at Arthur’s accusations. [color=0072bc]”But if it’ll keep you from having a hissy fit, I’ll lay off. The girl probably gets enough of it in her home life anyhow and we got a mutie scientist who is in serious need of his neck being tied in a bow.”[/color] While all of this was going on, Aubrey just stood in the doorway of the elevator with her mouth agape, just like a doe paralyzed by fear of the approaching headlights of some vehicle. Her blushing face took on a hue that could be likened to the petals of rose flower. What she blurred out would be embarrassing enough, but had War-Pulse to take it a step further and grandstand about it. Once the initial feeling of embarrassment had started to fade away, anger arose to take its place. [color=b22222]“How dare he mock me like that. I bet he is the kind of guy who would shout out a woman’s age or weight.”[/color] Aubrey thought to herself, [color=b22222]“He better watch out, because payback is a bitch.”[/color] Aubrey then stepped out from the elevator into the room where everyone else was. However, once she had left the elevator carriage, the doors slip shut behind her, closing in on Minerva, who was still standing within. The digital display above the elevator showed that the elevator was rising up towards the roof. War-Pulse’s showboating, along with her own delay from exiting the elevator, must have allowed enough time to elapse for the doors to automatically shut. [color=b22222]“Well, at least she’ll already be on the roof if anyone else comes by, right?”[/color] [color=0072bc]“Eh, I’m sure she won’t mind anyhow, bit of a ‘holier than thou’ attitude with her, carried herself like she was better than us.”[/color] War-Pulse added, turning his attention to the three beast-people in the room, his hard glare hanging for a good few seconds. The experienced intuition of the mercenary read these human-animal hybrids the same way it read Aubrey. These weren’t soldiers, they were children, their eyes shone with innocence and naivete. Iron Knight, or at least S.T.R.I.K.E., was trying to capitalize on metahumans as quickly as possible. With this superhuman arms race ever expanding, finding and recruiting college kids was a very logical choice, training them to harness their powers early for the sake of international security was a very tactical move. Whether the plan was ethical or not was another story. However, it did correlate with the information Warden had taken when he had been hired to infiltrate the nearby S.T.R.I.K.E. base, they had hinted at some kind of global metahuman defense force, but they had nothing concrete until now. [color=0072bc]”Either way, let’s get to business.”[/color] Trent said, ending his stride directly next to Arthur, his gaze never leaving Zak and his crew as he continued to speak. [color=0072bc]“For those of you who don't know, my name is Trenton Hurst, or War-Pulse, formerly one of interpol’s most wanted, and I'm here because I got Intel on some of the guys who are behind this and what kind of powers you are going up against, so if you'll be so kind, I can give you everything I know about them. Any questions?”[/color]