[center][h1]Chaegon Empire[/h1][/center] [b]The Kalpian Expedition[/b] News soon reached the Emperor of the Kalpian Expedition to Siragusa. While there was of course, reasonable indignation of the Kalpians' explanation, he was relieved that Siragusa was receiving help. He began to compose a letter to President Karlht Mariath. [i]Esteemed President Karlht Mariath, While we may have had our differences, I thank you with true sincerity for helping my people. As you no doubt know, the Pozzouli have complete naval dominance which prevents Chaegon from sending help on our own. You have my utmost gratitude and respect for this expedition. As long as you allow us to take over garrisoning our colony once we can send supplies, then this could be the start of a beautiful future for our two nations. While you have denounced my annexation of Tarania, I would remind you that most Taranians wish to join Chaegon. As such, it is Chaegon that fights for democracy in the current war, not Pozzouli. It was the monarch of Tarania and his supporters who wished to stay free. Pozzouli fights not for freedom and democracy but for trade interests and selfish motivation. In the wake of the Terrible War, I merely wished to ensure Tarania's well-being in case another global conflict should break out and other nations see them as easy prey. Tarania and Chaegon have always been one in all but name. As such, Chaegon has the best interests of the Taranian people at heart. Let us not be rivals working against one another but allies and friends working together for a brighter future for the world. -Sincerely, Emperor Giannelli[/i]