[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KjQh0O1.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Kalpia-1921-January[/h1] [b]President Karlht Mariath Response[/b] [i] "Emperor of Chaegon , we go to Siragusa to stablish order and peace , Siragusa wishes for peace while you seek for war , Siragusa will become a Kalpian Colony until Chaegon proves itself worthy of ruling over the Siragusans again and I believe that a good first step would be liberating Tarania to let it be a free independent nation under the protection of both Chaegon and Pozzouli , we will treat the people of Siragusa better than you have done over this years and we will respect their rights as citizens of Kalpia , we will defend them as our own and we will be grateful to them if they receive us with open arms , this are my objectives and my reasons , I don't expect you to respect me for my actions but to respect the people of Siragusa for what they are , Humans"[/i]-President Karlht Mariath [/center]