[img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/althistory/images/b/bd/Flag_of_the_Netherlands_Russian_America_Expansion.svg/revision/latest?cb=20101226205219[/img] [b][u]New Rodnia, senter of the Krodnadian empire,[/u][/b] "I'm so dead, I'm so dead, I'm so dead!" A young cadet muttered to himself as he ran through the palice halls, trying to stand up straight, keep his uniform clean, avoid running into any senior officers, and not spill the drink he was carrying. Suddenly, he turns right, faces the imposingly large command room doors, and take one precious second to take a deap breath before entering. Inside, the supreme leader Rek Krout sat in a lavish velvet chair, studying a globe, quietly humming a long forgotten tune. "Sir!" The cadet exclaimed "You've been sent a telegram by the northern forces sir!" Slowly, Rek gets up and begins strolling to the ever so slightly shaking cadet, before reaching down and grabbing the telegram in one hand and the drink in the other and taking a sip. Then, he half heartedly asked "you know that alcohol is meant to be drank cold rite?" "Yes sir." Suddenly Rek lunges at the cadet's throat with an ornate knife, stopping centimeters from his throat and asked "than why is mine fucking warm?" He asked, ever calm, even bored, despite the nature of the situation. "I'm sorry sir, but on the way to bring you you're ding the telegram came in and I thought you would wannt it. I'm sorry sir! I'm sorry!" The cadet whimpered. Rek backed off and set the drink on the now ghostly pail cadets tray before walking back to his chair "Fine. Go get me another one. And make shure it's cold." "Yes sir! The cadet said as he backed out of the room as quickly as he could, silently thanking the havens he still had the same number of appendages as he walked in with. Meanwhile Rek read the telegram. "Supreme leader Rek Krout, there has been a new development on the northern front. One of our astronomers was looking at the stars and said that if we were to build a large scale port in the Akutsu-Krodnian gulf, we could easily sail from our costs to the new world. I would highly recommend that you allow me to send a scouting force to find out if there claims were true. In other news, we've maneged to reach a 60% success rating on takeoff and landing in the new heavier than air craft. We should have that up to reasonable levels in about three months. -comander Darfor. [b][u]outpost victory, Akutsu-Krodnadian gulf[/u][/b] "Commander Darfor, we've gotten the go-ahead for that scouting mission!" "Good. Begin loading up the ship for the mission. It's time for a little boat ride."