"You lot worry about sandstorms,... which if one does indeed come I will know. I am a dwarf after all and we can naturally sense things that have to do with the earth. Disease is a good fear but not from this temple. No I doubt it's last occupants would use such a thing. Disease is not a cleric's weapon... well not good ones anyways. If anything before we enter I will throw in a detect spell or two just to be safe. What I am worried about is the object itself. Any idiot could figure out that if the Guild wants it there is something magic about it. I won't expect too many traps,.. curses on the other hand. Now that is my field. I expect a good amount of those in there. As for vampires.... well they all deserve an ash filled grave. My hammer will see to that. Blessed by the clergy. The pig has all my other things. Holy water, symbols, a few bedrolls... I might have to buy a couple more. Wish there was a spell where I can summon that too but nope." He said. As he moved towards the exit he saw his battle boar. It was fairly armored and had a few bags which held essentials such pots and pans. It also carried on it's back a barrel and two bedrolls. He sighed and looked over seeing a merchant. "Grab me five or six more bedrolls,... I only got two." He said. He then moved over to Vivian and yanked the coin pouch from her hands and then back to the merchant handing him a couple gold coins. He began to feel it was a little lighter and sighed. Vivian saw the three camels and then looked to the two and then to the boar. It was very huge. Not like most pigs. She wasn't sure if she was going to share with the dwarf or with one of the other girls. She looked to Alyssa. " I will ride with you then,... sorry for earlier, but just to clarify things. I am not just a sorcerer. Everyone looks at me like magic is the only thing I can do. I have been trained very well how to use this staff combat wise. My teachers made damn sure of that." She said. She then looked to the dwarf and then back to the group. "Also... there might be things in this temple that physical weapons can't destroy. Just something to add. Sorcerers aren't completely useless like most people think." She added. There were much sinister things in the world. Some that only magic or holy weapons could hurt. These people will thank her when she banishes a evil spirit. When all their weapons fail,... hers will triumph. The dwarf did bring up some good points though. Curses were..... well she cast a few herself in her time so she sort of knows what to expect.