[hider=Isam Hajjar] [center][img]http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss64/FiestaSiesta/lost_naveen_andrews_sayid_jarrah_dvdbash_2002_zps4014c31e.jpg[/img] [b]:.Born As.:[/b] Isam Hajjar [b]:.Age.:[/b] Forty [b]:.The Doctor Said.:[/b] Male [b]:.I Swing Towards.:[/b] Women [b]:.A Glorious Gift.:[/b] -He's a born leader: brave, loyal, good at making tough decisions. -He's a formidable fighter, having proved his proficiency in battle several times. -A tinkerer. He's good at making and fixing various objects. [b]:.The Proud.:[/b] Usually the guy people come to when they need dirty work done. He's not exactly proud of that. [b]:.People Say.:[/b] When Isam began his journey to the Paradise Land, he was a good man. He had pure intentions: getting these people, strangers as they may be, to the safe haven and hopefully living a peaceful life there. But the journey proved harder than he could have imagined. At out the all the people of his group, Isam was the one that became the understood leader. He had to call the shots, and they weren't all pretty. The long, hard road to the safe haven was paved with blood, sweat, and tears. Isam did things he wasn't proud of, thing that he would likely never forget. Once he reached the haven, he was spent. Isam was done being a leader, done being everyone's personal bodyguard, and done being a killer. All he wanted was time to unwind and get his head on straight. He suffered anxiety and paranoia, and the nightmares kept him up most nights. And despite his efforts to escape the violence, he was still the one people came to when they needed someone gone. When someone came to the haven with foul intent, or when someone got infected with the mysterious living dead illness. It seemed that Isam could never escape what he was: a killer. To most people, Isam is a quiet and respectful man. He's calm, reserved, and mostly seen as the serious type. Can occasionally be seen practicing dry humor. [i]Now, five years later, Isam has done something he thought he'd never do again: become a leader. His people seem to love him. The new, much more successful migration has given him a bit more confidence in himself. Perhaps there's something more to him after all.[/i] [b]:.What You See.:[/b] Isam is 5'6" and muscular. His hair is black, curly, [i]now flecked with grey,[/i] and shoulder length. It is often unbrushed and unruly, sometimes worn back in a ponytail. He often sported facial hair. His skin is a medium brown, and his eye are dark brown. Isam's body bare extensive scarring, most of it from his years of travel. His fashion choices are hardly that; Isam is a utilitarian by nature. He wears army pants, earth tone t-shirts and tank tops, and combat boots almost every day of his life. [img]http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss64/FiestaSiesta/isam2_zps5a60dac4.jpg[/img] [b]:.The Past Was.:[/b] Isam was born in Afghanistan. His country was a rough place to live. Cities were in shambles, kids were getting legs blown off by old land mines, the land was arid and infertile, people were struggling in poverty...To be honest, not much changed. He grew up with very little family, most of them having died of illness or starvation. Isam learned from a young age what death and loss was, and after a while, he grew comfortable with it. People died all the time; it was just a thing that happened. When he was 22, he heard about a group of people getting a ship ready to travel to the supposed Paradise Land. He honestly didn't have very high expectations, but it couldn't be any worse then where he was, right? While on the ship, it as discovered that he was the only guy in the group who could speak English, having learned it from his neighbors, who were of American descent. Isam was nominated the leader, seeing as most of the people on the Paradise land where likely English speakers. That's when things went downhill for the poor man. The ship took four months to reach America. During that time, several of the passengers went mad with cabin fever. As the food supply began to dwindle, people started going at each other's throats, accusing each other of stealing and hoarding food. Isam had to keep his cool to sort the mess out. When one man finally lost his mind and started threatening the other passenger's lives, Isam was the one who had to kill him. People slowly died off of starvation and disease, and Isam was the one who dumped the bodies into the sea, to keep the other passengers from cannibalizing them. By the time the ship landed, it wreaked of death. Isam couldn't get off the damn thing fast enough. They had started out with 97 people, and now they only had 63. They landed in eastern Canada, their ship having moved a few hundred miles off course. The people weren't prepared for the cold, and many froze to death. By the time they crossed the boarders into the United States, they were down to 41. The caravan was attacked by thieves several times, and each time, Isam led his best fighters against them. Many of their attackers weren't all men; women and children were among them. Isam was the one who had to decide if they should keep the wives and children of the men they had murdered, and risk them seeking revenge, or to leave them to die. Usually, the choice wasn't one that left his conscience clean. Over the two years that it took them to travel to the Paradise lands on foot, the group was attacked by undead, raiders, and traitors. When one of them got infected, Isam usually had to kill them. When they took a raider captive, Isam was usually the one to pry information out of him. When their supplies ran low, Isam made the call to raid [i]other[/i] survivor's camps, just to keep his own people alive. By the time they finally reached the safe haven there were only 20 of them left. Isam was left with scars on his body and mind, and it may be years before they heal. [i]During their years of living within the Paradise Lands, his group has had something of a population boom. The new generation has begun to reach their teen years, and the sector that they lived in was becoming crowded. The Arab community decided that it was time to branch out, and did so by migrating once more to a compound that they would fix up and claim as their own. This happened five years ago, with Isam being nominated the leader. The community, New Arabia, exports livestock and crops to the Paradise Lands, usually in return for building materials. [/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Sasha Belov] [h1]:.Born As.:[/h1] Alexander "Sasha" Belov [h3]:.What You See.:[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DpoeGUv.gif[/img] [i]"A quote or phrase or motto your character would say"[/i] [sub]Sasha is a very large, muscular man. He stands at 6'7", has pale skin and dirty blonde hair that is kept in a neat [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/0/07/Martin_Keamy_Lost.JPG]buzz cut[/url]. His eyes are a gray-ish blue and a little bit cold. Sasha has several tattoos, one being the simplified bird seen in [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080305133544/lostpedia/images/d/db/Lost-20080304004033705.jpg]this picture.[/url] His tall stature and heavy build definitely give off an intimidating vibe, and not by accident. Sasha used his size to survive for many years, threatening to throw his weight around should a situation become violent. The place he came from was a dangerous world, and a wrong move could easily have him (and almost did) killed.[/sub] [img]http://dc476.4shared.com/img/QM1VEgXS/s7/141756c39e8/Grunge_Divider_3.png[/img] [h3]:.Also Known As.:[/h3] Born as Alexander Belov, named after his father, Sasha was quick to adopt a nick name. He wanted nothing to do with his father. The name "Sasha" is the Russian, unisex short-name for Alexander (or Alexandra for females); the American equivalent would be "Sander" (Or female "Sandra"). However, Sasha couldn't give a rat's ass about Americanizing his name. [h3]:.Appear To Be.:[/h3] Thirty-five [h3]:.The Doctor Said.:[/h3] Male [h3]:.I Swing Towards.:[/h3] Females [img]http://dc476.4shared.com/img/QM1VEgXS/s7/141756c39e8/Grunge_Divider_3.png[/img] [h3]:.People Say.:[/h3] Sasha has been described in many words, most not repeatable. Given his upbringing, his hard outer shell is something that's quite understandable. He doesn't like strangers, and is usually crude, loud, mean, and tough when he first meets them. He seems to want to give off the vibe of being the biggest asshole on the planet. He's not above picking fights to prove his point, and seems to get a kick out of how many people he can piss off. Whoever sticks around long enough to break past that tough, slimy, obnoxious outer shell gets to meet a man who seems a bit overwhelmed with his life. Having never been given a proper childhood or role-models, Sasha just seems to blunder through his existence. He doesn't want to be told what to do, but he also doesn't seem to have any direction. He's lost, lonely, scared, and too stubborn to admit to any of it. Due to the lack of kindness in his life, those who he sees as a friend are cherished. The way he sees it, they would have to be a saint to even [i]try[/i] to be nice to him. He values those people, few though they are, more than he values his own life. Perhaps the giant man just need a something he can call a family, and for someone to tell him, every once in a while, that things will be okay. [h3]:.What I Like To Do.:[/h3] He enjoys whittling [h3]:.Profession.:[/h3] Soldier/Guard for the Paradise Land [h3]:.The Past Was.:[/h3] Sasha's father was one of the major leadership figures in the NNN (New Neo-Nazi movement). He was never unfortunate enough to know his mother, who was probably some cheap floozy. The movement began in Russia, rising to power among the survivors there. It was easy to blame the problems of the world on those they saw as 'imperfect'(aka, people who weren't white, heterosexual males). After gaining a frightening amount of momentum there, the movement began spreading across the globe, infecting country after country with bigotry. The troops would plow through survivor villages, raiding supplies, separating out those who were willing to follow them, and killing the rest. The children were brainwashed and the women were heavily abused. The men who refused to join the troops were lined up, shot, and piled into mass graves. This was the life that Sasha had to look forward to. As a child, his father ensured that he was brainwashed with propaganda just like every other child among them. For a while, he even believed it. Sasha didn't begin to question the things he was told until he joined the troops. Having always been big for his size, Sasha was deemed old enough to wield a weapon at thirteen. He was sent out with the rest of the men to raid a small village of Asian survivors. Because they didn't fit the NNN's picture of the perfect human being, they were all deemed unfit to live. Sasha watched in horror as the troops plowed through the homes of these people, killing infants, elderly, men, women. When he was ordered to join the action, he refused. The punishment for his non-action was light, given that he was the child of one of the leaders. This went on for years, with the generals looking the other way as Sasha continued to defy orders. He was eventually placed in a unit that only guarded the traveling caravans, away from the horror of the raids. This job eventually lead him to America, where the NNN planned to do what they did best: destroy and conquer. Upon hearing about the Paradise Lands, they quickly began to make their way south to seize it. The journey took a couple years in total, meanwhile Sasha was carefully avoiding getting his hands dirty. Finally, they set up camp a few miles from the city and planned to take action against it. Two children were trained to go forth with operation "Trojan Horse", a scheme that would hopefully get them inside access to the city. The two kids were sent out to walls, seemingly innocent, and were sure enough let inside. Sasha managed to hear about this plan, and flashbacks to the raids flew in front of his eyes. He knew he couldn't let it happen again; too many people had died because he couldn't ball up and fight back. So he did what he thought was best and stole a map to this 'Paradise Land', planning on going to warn them. However, he didn't get away unnoticed. A couple of the other guards saw him and confronted him. Sasha had already voiced his displeasure towards the attitude of the NNN, earning himself a title of 'disloyal'. This would have been a death sentence to anyone else, but given who his father was, he was once against let slide. However, his intent to foil their attack was the final straw. Sasha fled from the camp, heading across the Red Waste on foot. Unfortunately for him, the guards caught up to him quickly on horseback. He was shot several times in the back with a weapon made from a modified nail gun, and then beaten until they thought he was dead. Sasha was left for dead in the desert, where he was found by a scout party of Paradise Landers. After being treated for his wounds, Sasha was still able to warn the city of the attack, but that wasn't enough to keep it from happening. A bloody war ensued, with the Paradise Landers victorious. What was left of the NNN troops slunk away to regroup, and Sasha stayed within the city. He's had a bit of trouble fitting in there, still unable to let go of the past. [img]http://dc476.4shared.com/img/QM1VEgXS/s7/141756c39e8/Grunge_Divider_3.png[/img] [h3]:.The Proud.:[/h3] Warrior [h3]:.A Glorious Gift.:[/h3] Just a normal human. [h3]:.What I Have On Me.:[/h3] He doesn't personally own any weapons. He usually borrows from the armory when needed. [img]http://dc476.4shared.com/img/QM1VEgXS/s7/141756c39e8/Grunge_Divider_3.png[/img] [h3]:.Who I Know.:[/h3] (Your relations to the other characters. ) [list] [*] Item A [*] Item B [*] Item C [/list] [h3]:.Blood.:[/h3] [list] [*] Alexander Belov Senior. Still alive and kicking, somewhere. [/list] [img]http://dc476.4shared.com/img/QM1VEgXS/s7/141756c39e8/Grunge_Divider_3.png[/img] [h3]:.Behind The Scenes.:[/h3] (Other random facts can go here. Perhaps your characters theme song. Anything else you want to add that you want us to know about your character. Whatever.) [/hider]