Lorelai was settling into another comfortable evening in the castle. Castle Bloodrose she called it, she wasn't sure if it was actually named that or not. Sousiel was tucked into her lap purring as usual, she had a good read lined up for the evening, and tea within arms reach. Something was bugging her though. She was had a growing concern that she might be becoming complacent. She and Medusa had spoken when she entered the coven years ago, they'd both agreed that with her flamboyant display of power in the destruction of Hector Digard and his wife that it would be best if she went to ground for awhile. Not to say she spent her days languishing in luxury by any means, Medusa put her to work. She took no small amount of pride in the work she'd done managing spirit networks, binding demonic guardians, and otherwise helping to see to the safety of her sisters. That wasn't enough though, hunters still stalked her dear sisters, and she was powerless to protect them from her room in the castle. She dumped Sousiel from her lap unceremoniously, which earned a yowl of surprise from the sleeping demon. Standing she resolved to talk to Medusa about what more she could do. Perhaps she would have some way for Lorelai to disguise the demonic taint coursing through her being, maybe some suggestions on where her sisters might be most vulnerable. Either way, she couldn't spend too much longer languishing away in the castle hoping time would undo her enemies.