Genevieve glanced around the room as they chattered lightly, agreeing not only to the terms, but to the accommodations that were offered. "Actually, I was wondering if I could talk to you privately for a few minutes. Please? It won't take long." the hin spoke up, her voice was much softer than before, near a whimper, with eyes that matched those of a child, pleading for something. She pursed her lips a moment before answering. "There is no need to beg for my attention, you don't have to look at me like that, you are not a child. I can spare a moment or two, but then I really must start working on a enchantments. One never knows the dangers that creep about at night." One by one they each chimed in a response of some sort to their hostess. She relieved herself from her seat and headed towards the archway. A small golden bell rested on a shelf just beside the intricate molding of the large open arch. Ionathan posed a question to Erran, as the young knight was the only one who hadn't added much to their conversation. She glanced him over briefly, waiting for his words. He was a handsome young man, with much potential, she only hoped he didn't get himself killed out there. It wasn't long before the brute had spoke up, tearing her gaze away from the young knight. "Ah, now that is a good attitude from a host! Yes I will accept your hospitality. I also require food and drink! A man should enjoy himself before he heads off to face death!" "Very well." She reached for the bell, giving it a quick shake. The gentle ringing must have reached the young woman quite quickly, for she suddenly appeared beside Genevieve. "For any that wish to speak with me, state your business now. Otherwise my aid will escort you upstairs. I will have food and drink sent up to your rooms shortly. If you wish to 'enjoy' yourself however, there is a tavern down the road. I'm afraid that is the one thing that my household lacks. But if you truly wish to leave this house, you will not be able to re enter until the morning. Once the protection spells go up, there is no coming or going. And while the tavern does have decent food and drink, and if you have the coin, the means to 'entertain', I do not think they have much in the way of protection. I will send someone to fetch each of you at sunlight. Have a pleasant evening." She offered a small nod to the woman by her side. It was the same woman from earlier, the same simple face, void of any expression, hands folded behind her back, waiting for each of their guests to follow her upstairs. Genevieve turned to Regina and ushered herself back towards the table.