Small update this morning. Here is how the Commander Section is shaping up. [hider=Commander WiP] [h3]Commanders[/h3][hr] Your Commander leads your troops in battle and affects the company recruits through Archetype traits. If a commander is killed your company Morale is immediately reduced by 2. A Commander advances just like any other generic recruit, taking feats and choosing a class track (Warrior,Ranger,Sorcerer). In addition, Commanders take on an Archetype trait. You may choose new Archetypes if you need to replace your Commander. You may promote a new Commander from your company recruits if your starting Commander dies. Archetypes: (pick one when creating your company commander, pick a new one each time your commander is killed or replaced.) [b]Roaming:[/b] +1 DEX to all Ranger Track recruits (Including hunter, scout, skirmisher) Company starts with 1 bonus hunter recruit. [b]Sellsword:[/b] +1 CON to all Warrior Recruits. (Including militia, footman, soldier) Company starts with 1 bonus militia recruit. [b]Mysticism:[/b] +1 WIS to all Sorcerer Track recruits. (Including novice, adept, initiate) Company starts with 1 bonus novice recruit. [b]Salty Dog:[/b] +1 CON/DEX/WIS to all mercenaries when taking contracts at sea (Port Cities/territories). Company starts with 1 Boat. [b]Nomad:[/b] +1 CON/DEX/WIS to all mercenaries when taking contracts in plains/desert territory. Self-reliance has taught you how to live simply. Office upkeep reduced by 5. [b]Silver Tongue:[/b] Contracts yield 10% better profits. Start with an extra 50g. [b]Enabler[/b]: Morale +10% Morale per succesful contract/mission. Company Morale starts at 5. [/hider]