She should have expected the question about her arm. Nao's brown eyes glanced down at the appendage, which limply hung from a shoulder as if ... as if a vine loosely held to the branches of a tree. The pain had dulled to simply a constant throb, but any sudden movement could easy inflame the aching, a feeling not too dissimilar from being struck lancing through the muscles. She had been careless, protecting herself with only one arm; adjusting to the injury would be quite difficult. However, in comparison to the wound she had witnessed upon this other teenager's thigh, her discomfort with her arm was not yet as severe. "[color=a36209]Moving it hurts, but I am fine, thank you,[/color]" she replied. It was unexpected of him to focus on her injuries rather his own, however. While Nao admittedly appreciated being the recipient of such concern, she was far more worried for the blood oozing from the teenaged boy's (was he teenaged? She was not entirely sure, as appearances could be rather deceptive at times) leg. Dealing with that should, beyond anything else, be the main priority. Her own arm was fine - injured, but essentially capable of (hopefully) recovering without any intervention. The open wound however, was not, and she needed to do something about it. She thrust her right arm out at the boy, her red tie held within her proffered hand. She wished for him to take it, to utilise it as a makeshift bandage to stem the flow of blood, at least until a better alternative could be properly obtained. "[color=a36209]If our presence together is any indicator, then it would be logical to assume that there could be others present who are capable of moving during this ..." For a moment, Nao hesitated, seeking to find the proper terminology to describe the strange period of frozen time. "... time crisis? Distortion? Extra hour?[/color]" She shakes her head. It does not matter what term she uses, nor if it has accidentally become a video game reference. The meaning, the intent behind her words, should hopefully be clear. "[color=a36209]However, I recommend you bandage yourself first,[/color]" she added, gesturing with the tie in her hand again.