[h3][b]Bubble’s Official 1x1 Interest Check[/b][/h3] Hello everyone. First off, I am [s]obviously[/s] very interested in 1x1s - in fact, I prefer to participate in 1x1s because I feel it’s easier to communicate with one’s role-playing partner. You’ll see that I’m probably involved in a couple of group role-plays, but they usually involve five people or less. In other words, for me: the less, the better. I can play male or female characters with a wide range of personalities and appearances. The normal ages I like to role-play are from 17-30 involving romance, and 8-16 not involving romance. While I’m a little rusty when it comes to writing sexual scenes with a partner, I don’t exclude it from my interests. I can normally post once per day at the very minimum. On some circumstances, I may be limited to one post per week, but I will never abandon a RP without first telling my partner. [hr] That being said, I like mixing ideas and trying out things that haven’t been thought much about. Some ideas that I [i]will[/i] role-play (also things that I don’t mind including in a role-play) are: Genres [list] [*]Fantasy [*]Post-apocalyptic [*]Modern* [*]Slice-of-life* [*]Drama* [*]Romance* [*]High-school [*]Sci-fi [/list] Inclusions [list] [*]Murder [*]Incest [*]Interracial [*]Homosexuality* [*]Angst* [*]Self-harm* [*]Suicide* [*]Eating-disorders* [*]Mental-illness* [list] [*]Schizophrenia* [*]Depression* [*]Bipolar [*]Tourette’s* [*]Autism [/list] [*]Unhappy-endings [*]Happy-endings [*]Sex [*]Drugs* [*]Supernatural* [list] [*]Demons* [*]Vampires* [*]Werewolves [*]Angels* [*]Gods [*]Spirits [*]Mythical-creatures [/list] [*]Animals (playing as animals) [/list] [hr] Genres I will [b]not[/b] role-play: [list] [*]Historical [*]Tabletop [*]Nation [*]Arena [*]Anime [*]Fandom [list] [*]Excluding the furry fandom. [*]Also now [i][b]exclusively[/b][/i] excluding the Warrior Cats fandom. [/list] [*]Apocalyptic [*]War [/list] Finally, things I will [b]not[/b] include in a role-play (directly; this excludes occasional mentions): [list] [*]Rape [*]Torture [*]Bestiality [*]Pedophilia [*]Necrophilia [/list] [quote]Asterisk (*) signifies things I'm most interested in at the moment.[/quote] [hr] For now, that finishes my interest check. Feel free to PM me with [b]any[/b] ideas, including those not listed in this post!