Kendrick spurred his mount stiffly, but not cruelly, into a gallop, eager to be on his way. He wasn't exactly defenseless out in the wilds with his contingent of servants and men at arms, but he certainly felt more comfortable with the palace walls surrounding him and a standing army between him and any threats. A few of his hired guards matched pace with the prince, glancing over to meet his gaze before jerking their head towards the unknown man behind them. The prince nodded, brow furrowed in something akin to annoyance, what was he paying these men for if not to protect him? The pair of guards broke off from the main group and turned around, guiding their own barded chargers to intercept the stranger. They kept their weapons stayed, but one hand rested on the hilts of their swords as they approached, "Halt! State your name!" they called, eyes warily looking over their pursuer.