[b]Name:[/b]Reiji Takahashi [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Arcana:[/b]Temperance [b]Equipment:[/b] [hider=Backpack] [img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/4c57bb02864523db5663cf13a56d0668/tumblr_n7ziy9lXde1s7g9bho1_500.png[/img] -Loose Leaf Paper -Graph Paper -Thesaurus -English Dictionary -3 Ringed Binder w/ dividers (2) -Sketchpad -Geometry set -Pencils (Mechanical & #2) -Pens (Blue & Red) -Scientific Calculator -Usb (Flash Drive) [/hider] [hider= Necklace] [img]http://galibardy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/samurai-warrior-pendant-6.jpg[/img] [/hider] -Bracelet set (Right wrist) -Sport watch (Left Wrist) -Bokken Katana(Wooden Katana)(Primary Weapon) -Katana (Will only be used if he is absolutely forced to in battle. Otherwise he fights with his Bokken) [b]Skills:[/b]Lying/Deception, Strategizing, Swordfighting/Kendo, Brawling, Drawing, Painting, Playing piano, Cooking/Baking [hider= Appearance] [img]http://yuki0906.exteen.com/images/Fluke.jpg[/img] Skin: Sunkissed Body Type: Slim/ Athletic Height: 5'11" (180.34cm) Hair Color: Black Hairstyle: medium/long unkempt Eye Color: Light Green [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b]Reiji is a young man torn between two worlds. On the inside he is bright and quite talented. There isn't much that he wouldn't do for the people that he cares for. He's very ambitious and a firm believer of the old saying "You can do anything you set your mind to". This usually leads to some risk-taking. He's also courteous and optimistic. Though these are all things that (for now) only his immediate family now about him. On the outside, Reiji wears the mask of a macho-man, a mischief, a rebel without a cause and he's surrounded himself with like-minded individuals. Does this mean that sometimes he has to do things that he rather wouldn't? Absolutely and you wouldn't tell he was faking it either. From bullying to skipping school and fighting out in the streets, he's done it all. He's that kid that you give your lunch money too. He's the reason you don't go down that certain alley or take that short cut home. Does he enjoy doing these things? Absolutely not, but it must be done for his brothers protection and well-being. [b]Bio:[/b] Reiji was birthed as the older of twins; by ten minutes. At the time, their family was struggling to keep their business running. Any money they had was used to fuel their fathers alcoholism as he tried to drink the problems away. Of course, some people knew about the daily struggles within the family and didn't know how to keep their mouths shut. Eventually word would leak from adults to eavesdropping children. These children would then bully the twins. Their family name was insulted and they were once the kids getting beat up for their lunch money. This was until Reiji grew tired of getting pushed around. Not to mention his brother was weaker in will and strength. He never could stand up for himself. Reiji used this as fuel for the fire and made himself strong enough for the both of them. The same kids that beat on them, he beat back until they would eventually fear him. Everybody would know not to mess with him and if a single hair was touched on his brother... lord be with that child. Throughout the years, things eventually took a turn for the best for their family. Their business flourished and things within the family were better than ever. Regardless, Reiji felt as though he still needed to be the person he was on the outside, to keep he's reputation. It was that "Don't let the enemy see you be weak" kind of deal. His family begged him to stop, knowing that he was capable of so much more, but he didn't listen. So many fights and mischievous deeds later, he was eventually expelled from his school. It was no simple task, but Reiji has now been transeferred to Uchima Senior High. He's a fresh face and lives by himself in an apartment, paid for by his family. [b][u]Persona[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b]Wu Kong [hider= Appearance][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/8aa4/f/2011/190/a/8/monkey_king_by_jasson78-d3ljsek.jpg[/img] -Tips of hair would appear as flames[/hider] [b]Traits:[/b] -Reflects: -Absorbs: -Void: Gun, Light -Resist: Strike, fire -Weak: Ice, Electricity [b]Abilities:[/b] Agi Lunge Berserk Taunt