[@Shiny Keldeo] Here's the form! :0 Just tell me if something's wrong and I'll go ahead and fix it. [hr][hr] [right][h1]LUX GOSLING[/h1]Novice Pokemon Trainer[/right][hr] [b]Gender:[/b] Male ( gender neutral or male pronouns ) [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Hometown:[/b] Celadon City ( recently moved to New Amber Town. currently travelling. ) [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a rather willowy 5'4", Lux is a bit tall for his age -- something he absolutely hates, since it causes people to mistake him for being older than he really is. His skin's pretty much permanently sunburned looking, which clashes rather horribly with his turquoise eyes and the obviously bleached blonde mess that is his hair. It's.... clearly been lobbed off with a pair of scissors, he's not even trying. Otherwise though, physically, he's not very interesting looking. Lux's attire is usually very practical and will change depending on location, but he does seem to have a thing for dress shirts. (Yes, he ruins them on a regular basis, and yes, he's willing to spend money buying new ones.) He carries a knapsack with him, with a Pokeball keychain attached to one of the zippers. [b]Starter/Partner:[/b] [hider=Rory the Porygon][h3]Rory[/h3] [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/57/Spr_2c_137.png[/img] Lux received Rory as a birthday gift from one of his cousins in Kanto, who, conveniently enough, had connections to Team Rocket (and by extension, the Game Corner). Despite it having the inability to develop feelings / do anything outside of its programming, he's pretty attached to the thing. It's usually used for practical jokes and pranks, but is also used to steal data and info as he sees fit.[/hider] [b]Other Pokemon:[/b] [hider=Yanma][h3]Skip ♂[/h3] [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/61/Spr_2c_193.png[/img] The newest addition to Lux's team, and his first actual catch. He's recently realized he's quite useful for breaking windows and the like, so he's a bit more of a field Pokemon than a battling one. (Unfortunately, though, he's not quite strong enough yet to fly while carrying a human.)[/hider] [hider=Rattata][h3]Luc ♂[/h3] [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/04/Spr_2c_019.png[/img] Although Lux originally just got him as an inside joke, he's grown on him and is now a battling member of the team. He's also put his sharp teeth to good use, calling on him whenever something needs to be gnawed through.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Lux is pretty much what people would consider to be an overly mischievous child with all the wrong goals and an intense obsession with the idea of getting into Team Rocket. Despite him constant poking fun at people (especially friends), he's generally very open to meeting new trainers and forming friendships (??). (They're more like partners in crime, really.) The only exception to this is younger children (9 and under) -- he considers them below him. His demeanor usually leans towards being on the jolly side, seeing how he sees everything as a joke. It's pretty hard to get on his nerves, so if you somehow do set him off, you know you've messed up big time. Unfortunately, he also comes with quite a bit of arrogance -- just don't get him ranting on anything, or he'll never shut up. [b]Goal:[/b] Lux's (recently acquired) goal is to, with his Porygon, steal something useful enough to finally convince his cousins he's competent enough to join Team Rocket. It's pretty doubtful he'll actually get that off the ground, though, since he barely knows what he's doing. Otherwise, he's just there to prank people and have a good time. [b]Legendary Guardian:[/b] Manaphy [center][img]http://i.giphy.com/jrP2rf0Rk0ZVu.gif[/img][/center]