Versions of Iravis: [b]Original:[/b] Brown Eyed Clever, Enjoys games of intellect over drink Talkative [b]Irasacha:[/b] Blue-Haired, Phoenix form also blue Ruby Eyes Caring in her own way, but demands disclipline [u]Mortal[/u] [i]An olive shade of skin ran across her body, and her figure was thin all around. The blue of a raging fire colored her mane, a long braid running over her left shoulder. Despite being out camping, she was also surprisingly clean, a thin white dress had no stain upon it, and her skin carried no dirt. The lack of wet hair suggested this was not from a recent bath, however. [/i] [u]Phoenix[/u] [i]A towering winged beast, blue feathers extending from it's body, shades turning brighter and brighter as the feathers approached the edges of it's wingspan. Ruby eyes like the soul of a fire starred out at the world, taking it in. A bard could spend a thousand years describing the creature, and would still fail at describing her divine appearence.[/i] [hider=Her Story]Isaracha sat down on the ground silently, wondering what she would say. After about five minutes the blue haired woman started talking. "It's an awkward experience, waking up on a mountain one day, with no memory of anything occuring before. Humans usually have families, people to take care of and look after them. I never had anyone to do that for me. I don't know how I made it, but I sort of wandered around, travelling the world." A slight smile crossed her face as she thought about the memories. "After five years, someone decided I was important, and called me a goddess. They brought me to a temple dedicated to Ra, God of the Desert sun, and explained to me that I was his earthly messenger while he shines in the sky. I was taught to perform rituals, although I felt like I already knew them instinctually. I was powerful, above those damn mortals, and I knew it. Sometimes other dieties would come by, say hello." The blue haired woman tossed up a glance at the dragon. She couldn't know, but she guessed that the teenager had some relation to this story. The woman started talking again. Telling some story about herself. The dragon frowned further. She was better than those humans, certainly. That was just nature. She was meant to be a predator, meant to crush those stupid humans beneath her feet. To kill them, if they so much as looked at her funny. She didn’t know who Ra was, nor did she care. The only gods she cared about resided in Valhalla. She didn’t care much for the so called other gods that resided in the southern lands. What was the point of this story anyways? She wasn’t just going to magically start talking to the woman. She did, however, acknowledge her presence to show that she was, in fact, listening, by giving a small grunt of dismissal. "Eventually some emperor saw a comet, and decided that the entire empire should convert to some upstart faith. Christian bastard. Gradually followers, people who had owed their allegience to me started to dissapear. Soon, soldiers began to show up to the temple, trying to persecute my followers. So I smited them. I burned them to the ground. And then I killed the converts too, thinking them faithless cowards. Imperial mages arrived eventually though, so I fled after the temple's preist kicked me out for my own good." "For fifty years I saught vengeance. I flew to Rome, burned it a bit, and ran. Gaul, Brittania, Greece, and other places were laid waste before me. I was pissed. I raided people, stole their possessions, and killed them. Towns were set ablaze easily in my wrath. It would have taken a significant portion of the Imperial Legion to kill a phoenix, and they had too many problems from other mortals pressing on their borders to handle me." Sorcha was growing impatient. She couldn’t stand this womans voice any longer. “If you have a point, make it, or leave me alone.” She growled. “Preferably the latter.” The goddess ignored Sorcha's comment, continuing. "Some bastard managed to get me with an arrow. I was in Gaul at the time, but I flew North, pulled the arrow out of my neck, and tried to heal it the same way I healed you. Before I could manage it though, I passed out from blood loss." "I was prepared for my next incarnation, so when I woke up in the room of some Sorcerer named Myrddin I was a little more than shocked ..." [/hider] [b]Crusader:[/b] [b]Aztec:[/b] White Haired, Phoenix form primarily white [b]Roux:[/b]