[h3][center][color=f24e4e]Ryan,[/color] [color=yellow]Regus, a[/color]n[color=c1ead6]d Serephina[/color] [color=ed145b]The Headquarters[/color][/center][/h3] [hider=Quick collaboration] The clothes that Regus had given to Ryan fit him pretty well, surprisingly enough. He slipped them on quickly, barely able to hear over the sound of rain impacting the roof. A couple minutes later they arrived, the van stopping. [color=gray]"Serephina we've arrived. If you want to change in the van, we'll leave and you can do so. Otherwise Ryan and Regus will carry you in, to avoid you falling because of that blue paint."[/color] Seth said in a matter of fact tone, before unmuting himself for the driver, and saying, [color=gray]"We're gonna wait about five minutes."[/color] As Seth talked Ryan stepped out of the van and looked around. The base was right behind an abandoned convenience store, a road going around it's parking lot, and opening up behind it. It had concrete walls, the outside not very revealing on any level about what was inside on any floor. On the second and third floor 2x4's covered the windows, and on the inside of the third floor specifically thermal padding covered each window. Around the building was a hard packed dirt surface that would turn to mud with the oncoming torrent of water, but it was stable for now. A high chain link fence lined the perimeter, at a distance of about sixty feet from the headquarters itself. Trees and thick bushes that were just growing back their foliage lined the area just outside the chain link fence, offering quite a bit of privacy from prying eyes. Just past the trees and chain link fence on the west side of the compound was the parking lot of the convenience store, and at the south-west corner was the road that led into the compound. This was the only entrance a vehicle could take, and blocked the line of sight of anyone entering the compound, while allowing anyone inside to see the vehicle quite easy. Someone who was particularly observant would notice Tinkertech cameras placed at key points around the perimeter, though their minuscule rectangular shape were very hard to notice. They measured just larger then a pencil, and were camouflaged depending on their placement. A small bit of programming caused them to recognize objects that weren't normally on the premises and track it until it went out of sight. A small bit of wind whipped at Ryan, and caused him to shiver a bit, before glancing back at Regus and Serephina. "This is my house. It's warmer then it looks, trust me." He said, gesturing to the concrete building. "We should get out of the rain sooner rather then later," He added after a bit of thought, glancing at the ground cautiously. Regus examined the area curiously. So this was to be their base of operations? Well it was rather imposing for sure and it was unlikely for a random passerby to stumble onto it. It was kind of . . . Drab though, more like a prison than anything else. Regus stepped out of the van, lugging the bag full of money that had thankfully returned to its original hue, a little surprised at the chilling gust that quickly raised goosebumps on his arms. [color=yellow]"I agree, lets go. Serephina?"[/color] Regus asked, turning to face the girl. Personally he didn't really want to carry her in because the blue paint that covered her would undoubtedly slop onto his clothes as well, but he wouldn't protest it. Seth climbed out of the van and reached up to talk to activate his earpiece, and talk to Nightfall. [color=gray][b]"Once you reach the address go to the top floor of the building. Once you are present, or forty minutes have passed, the meeting will begin. I won't be present."[/b][/color] His voice cracked part way through, but he seemed to be ignoring it. [color=c1ead6][i] "I think I'll take a couple minutes to change. This paint is really getting to me. I'll meet you guys inside." [/i][/color] As Regus and Ryan walked away, she closed the doors to the van and dumped her backpack out on the floor making sure that there was no dripped paint her clothes would fall in. In her bag she found a pair of black sweatpants, a grey t-shirt with a rather large hole in the rib cage and dozens of pairs of socks. She always carried enough socks with her to sink a battleship and right now, she was damn grateful for it. As she took off her dripping pants, she realized the skin on her legs was very swollen from her fall. She was disappointed at her knife. She thought for sure it would do the job but it was just lame like that she guessed. That was her only weapon and now she had nothing; maybe she would ask Ryan for a weapon of his she could use until she found, stole, or made something else. She got the rest of her paint soaked clothes off and her dry clothes on and hopped out of the van and made her way in the direction Regus and Ryan had gone. She called for Odette as she walked and heard her small squeak as she padded up behind her. Seth leaned against the van as Serephina changed, and after she left he again entered the van. [color=gray][b]"This signal is no longer secure. Godspeed"[/b][/color] He said both to the driver and Nightfall. After he finished speaking, the driver turned the van around and left the premises. The sound of their steps was loud on the concrete, as Ryan and Regus walked towards the first staircase. [b][color=335ef9]"It's stable. It hasn't collapsed yet, even when the movers carried the couch up it."[/color][/b] He said when he noticed Regus eyeing them, and even was polite enough to climb the stairs first. He led the way through the dank building, though it grew warmer as they progressed further. Ryan glanced around the second floor, and was still disappointed. There was nothing on this floor, excluding the crumbling concrete that was found on the second and first floor exclusively. The first floor was pretty torn up, no full walls anywhere, and supports that were very weathered. The second floor's supports were less weathered, but it still had no full walls. The general layout before this weathering took place would be very hard to imagine, as it was very torn up. Ryan approached the stairs to the third floor with a bit of caution, but climbed them all the same. He lifted the trap door till it swung itself open, it's wooden frame creaking loudly. He took a couple steps into the base and gestured to Regus once inside. [b][color=335ef9]"it's a pretty sweet setup, I'd say. What do you think?"[/color][/b] Regus tossed the bag to the ground and looked around. The first two floors had been as dismal as the outside of the building but the third one was alright. A little better than his apartment, though that wasn't saying much. Speaking of which Regus would have to cancel his rent at some point, he could wait a couple of days though. TV, couch, looked like some bedrooms in the back. It was pretty cool actually. [color=yellow]"Yeah its nice."[/color] Regus tossed the bag of money to the ground and took a quick walk around the room. Nice. He sat on the couch and leaned back looking at Ryan, [color=yellow]"So what now? We just chill until Boss man gives us something?"[/color] Serephina hustled through the headquarters and bounded up the stairs gracefully after Regus and Ryan. Glancing behind her to make sure Odette had followed, she stood behind Regus and looked into the door. She eyed the couch longingly. She was in desperate need of a nap and she hoped she would be able to take one soon. If not, she would surely fall on her face. [color=c1ead6][i] "You're lucky to have this kind of set up. I wish I could have something like this. Running around and sleeping under bridges all the time can be a pain in the ass after a while. You start to get sick of it." [/i][/color] She snapped her fingers and made a high pitched kissing sound with her mouth to command Odette to jump into her amrs. She stood petting Odette and waited for someone's response. [b][color=335ef9]"Yup. We wait for the boss man now."[/color][/b] Ryan said while walking over to the fridge and pulling out a soft drink. Serephina entered again, and her words made him smile. [b][color=335ef9]"Trust me, I know the feeling. That was a silly thing for you to say though."[/color][/b] He paused a bit to let his words sink in. [b][color=335ef9]"This is your guy's home too now, if you want to stay."[/color][/b] Ryan smiled and held his arms out in a welcoming gesture. [b][color=335ef9]"Don't say no just yet though. I know the idea of millions of dollars, and a home are quite a bad deal,"[/color][/b] He giggled a bit at his sarcasm, and sat down on the couch. [b][color=335ef9]"Now who wants to lose at Devil Survivor Nine?"[/color][/b] The screen showed a character select screen, and resembled your average fighting game. The characters, however, were famous superheroes. Characters such as Alexandria, Legend, even Hero were present. Oddly Regus grinned; who knew Ryan who such a cool guy. [color=yellow]"Home sweet home then. Since you're volunteering for the loser position I guess I'll have to take you up on that."[/color] Regus said confidentially as he snatched a controller from the table and booted up the TV. Regus hadn't played since high school, but he'd played the Devil Survivor's games since he was ten before that, so he had a bit of experience. In fact eight was the most recent one he'd played before life happened, but he was confident that his skills would carry over. [/hider] [hider=TL;DR] Regus and Ryan walk into the building with the money and start playing video games. Serephina changes and follows them in. Seth leaves the premises after alerting Nightfall of the plan. [/hider]