Name: Rena Tatsuya Age: 16 Gender: Female Arcana: Devil Equipment: handbag, Hidden taser, Katana Blade Skills: Kendo, Judo, Getting inside someone head, [s]gambling[/s]Betting, [s]Manipulation[/s]Negotiation, [s]Criminal thinking[/s]Street smarts. Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Rena is both friendly, well matter, and brave, yet at the same time devious and mischievous. Though she good to those close to her she can be a real troublemaker at times. being the daughter of a yakuza clan leader, she is not above blackmailing and violence yet tries to limit how much she does it in order to control her morally. She also has a sadistic side hidden away that few people ever get to see. Biography: Rena is the daughter of a wealthy and high-ranking Yakuza clan that mainly operates around the Chūbu region. know During the early stages of her, Rena had trouble making friend due to both her dark impulses and family's hesitate, however in time she was able to control those impulses in order to blend in with the rest of the students. Persona: Name: Bast Appearance: [img][/img] -Reflects: -Absorbs: -Void: -Resist: Darkness. -Weak: Electricity(Couldn't think of anything clever as a weakness) Abilities: Cleaver,Mudo