"In that case, follow me and I will give you your first lesson." Meesei said, walking over to the collection of leather bags next to the campfire. She spent a few minutes finding the necessary materials, including a steel knife, some leather strips, and of course the leather itself. "Fortunately for you, we already have some tanned leather. Fur and skins can also work for this particular purpose, but leather is more durable. I will teach you that process in time. For now, we can start with something simple, perhaps a loincloth with a few pouches to carry things. You could probably do that on your own, but I will teach you to bind it in such a way that it will fall apart, instead of being destroyed, if you turn while wearing it. From there, if you want to know how to make more, I can teach you, or we can go search for your belongings. Either way, we will not do much in the way of strenuous work today, but tomorrow we will start your first lessons on how to control your beast blood." Meesei explained. She found a clear spot in camp, sat down on the ground and laid out the tools in front of her, then waited for Fendros to join her.