I'm familiar with ToV so I'd be able to sign up. I have a couple of female twins in mind that I once made for an original Tales-based story. Before I sign up though, I'm a little confused about something. Is this supposed to be an alternate universe to the actual game, or is it set 20 years after the events of ToV? If it's 20 years after the game, I have some issues with the storyline. In the ending, [hider=Tales of Vesperia spoilers!]all blastia are rendered useless when all of the cores are used to destroy the Adephagos, so people can't use bodhi blastia for fighting anymore. Furthermore, Rita discovered the concept of mana and helped Estelle convert four of the Entelexia into the elemental Spirits. From my point of view, it'd make more sense if this story was about the world's population coping with a new threat without blastia.[/hider] Assuming this story is a sequel to ToV, can you explain this inconsistency?