[@OtomostheCrazy] (Ixox) [color=007236]"I was trying to give the girl I was modeled after permanent brain damage, then she did some bullshit and I got here. You all seem like fuckboys, might I add... wanna help me make everyone suffer?"[/color] Ixox's eye still gleamed with green while she spoke, the Krieg that was restraining Xoxi appeared beside Ixox and manifested a very solid form. It picked up the spirit goddess while she spoke. [color=007236]"Also, if you don't mind, I'm going to keep this guy around for safe measures."[/color] (Tlevran) Tlevran watched as the battle between the goddess and the clone unfolded, and then he heard music. [color=8882be]"...Marie left me to die against my own clone... maybe I should... I guess I can for a while."[/color] Tlevran's cleaver materialized and was hurled through the air towards the spirit goddess. It missed, but it was a close miss at that. Tlevran proceeded to run over to Claire's stood beside her, waiting for music to play at loud volume. He meanwhile used his blood-telepathy to speak very quickly to Claire. [i][color=8882be]"So I may have caused this, but I realized I need to fix it so I can kill everything. I'm gonna help you for a while."[/color][/i] Tlevran's fate is now resting within a neutral-evil plane. (Xoxi) The demigoddess slowly woke from a slumber, and saw a Yuki above her. Disguise didn't matter, Xoxi saw one eye, and that eye told her who it was. [color=662d91]"I'm... I'm guessing... my eye is fucked...right Yuki?"[/color] Xoxi's eye-socket was leaking large amounts of blood prior to the healing, but now it was just stained brown from the dried blood on Xoxi's face. Nothing could really fix the eye until some really powerful magic from a true god appeared. Not merged, but something like Hermes or even Xoxi's mother. To be fair, it'd be a horrible time if Selene was to get involved, but still she could heal Xoxi's eye. Xoxi put her hand in Yuki's, meanwhile. Comfort reasons.