[color=#b71c1c][b]All roles available! 10 person limit.[/b][/color] [i]At Burnswick Private Academy, there is an excess of hormones. Students are separated by gender in dorms and gym, expected never to go over to the opposite sex's area. But recently there has been a problem with the management of these rules, boys sneaking over to the other side of campus and such. In Year 3, Class B, tension can be cut with a blade. Five students have gone under the influence of their adolescent tendencies[/i]. [b]There is a need of:[/b] -One love triangle, whether two boys or two girls -One shy role -One 'I totally don't care about anything, but I actually do' character -One adorable oblivious character -One super forward/persistent character to like Melanie Both hetero and homosexual relationships are accepted.