[hider=Yuuki Da Luca] Name: Da Luca, Evelina “Eva” “Yuuki” [でルカ エヴェリン] [イブ] [優希] Age: 18 [hider=Normal Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CEwbBc0.jpg [/img][/hider] Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?: Yes, if someone wants to guardian her that is cool. If not then that is also cool. [hider=Avatar Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O1vWLyb.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] Dueling Avatar Name: Prussian Palatine, [hider=Dueling Avatar Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yQROPbq.jpg [/img][/hider] Rank: 4 Legion?: Yes, Caelestia Umbra. However, if I need to full elsewhere that is also fine. [hider=Other] Knows several languages, including Japanese, English, Italian, and French, though this skill is often unneeded due to the ability to translate from word-to-speech from the neurolinkers. [hider=Biography] Evelina was born to a diplomat from Europe, whom of which married a Japanese woman who emigrated to Europe. Thus, she was constantly moving around during the times when her father was overseas. Eva had experienced many of things within her travels. From America to India, she enjoyed the people she met, as well as the places she had seen. Though she missed her friends from these different nations, to experience the culture of another nation was thrilling to Eva. Not many other children could state they have been around the world as she had, trying the local cuisine and experiencing a culture far from her own. During a visit to a country not known much for its stability, Eva had been captured by a militant group whom ransomed her to the embassy for money. Though the embassy gave the money, the incident scarred Eva, and she began to fear her travels rather than relish in the given opportunity Sick of the lifestyle of constant movement and the like, Eva chose to stay with one of her mother’s family in Japan as her father and mother travel abroad in search of other lands. Adopting the more localized name of “Yuuki”, Eva hoped to live a more calm life in Japan, her mother’s homeland. They send postcards every so often about their travels. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Yuuki tends to be friendly to others, if at times a bit too trusting. Though she had not grown up in Japan like many of her classmates, she tends to try and assimilate herself to the various customs and the like within Japan, despite Japan being a relatively western Asian nation. Yuuki tends to misinterpret what others say because of this, at times to an idiotic degree. When enraged, she tends to speak in foreign languages; an aspect her father seems to share as well. Yuuki is skilled in sports and the like, enjoying high scores within such fields in the PE program, as well as waking up early for runs before school. Due to this, she also happens to be extremely punctual, often never being late to meetings or school and the like. It tends to be hard getting on her bad side unless you do something directly harm Yuuki or a friend of Yuuki, or start fights, but he is willing to forgive nearly every damn wronging people have done, so long as it's rational to complete such a feat. She usually keeps from harming people, but is not above doing what she believes is “right”. It should go without saying that he would do anything to protect those she considers “precious friends”, but would not look away from another's suffering. Though in her days of youth, she loved to travel, currently she cannot stand leaving the metropolis, let alone the country. Though she has adopted the more localized name “Yuuki”, those she is close to she allows to refer to herself as “Eva, a nickname given to her by her father when she was younger. [/hider] [hider=Enhanced Armaments] : [hider=Balmung, Slayer of Dragons] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VDCIa8A.png[/img] [/hider] A greatsword wielded by Palatine. Though massive, the user of the weapon is able to utilize the blade with ease, as if it was a normal sword. However, the weight unbalance does give birth to a more “savage” form of attack over that of a short sword. The blade is decorated with various runes inscribed upon the scabbard, the hilt, and the blade. Although alone the weapon is effective in defeating opponents through sheer strength, when activated it is able to gain an elemental effect, ie Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water, represented by the runes inscribed on the blade, which light up the color of the “elements” in question. Though only one rune can be active at once, the runes both buff the weapon and the user of the weapon at the cost of SPECIAL on each phase switch. Each phase switch as an initial effect and a long acting effect that carries through. Upon utilizing the earth mode, the sword increases in strength, giving means to even “crushing boulders” and other such feats. Increases overall damage of the weapon by 50%. Initially, The user also gains a shield based on 20% of their total health. When embedded with fire, the weapon deals a fire-based damage over time ability, refreshing the duration as one hits the opponent more. Initially, the first attack deals double damage to an opponent. It also gives the user an aura which damages opponents with fire damage as they stand close to the user. Wind increases the speed of the weapon, allowing for increased maneuverability, as well as infusing the user with greater speed. Initially, the ability can be used to give an instantaneous burst of speed that decays over a period of time. The user can also call upon a gale of wind within the confines of a swing, pushing over opponents and dealing a small amount of damage. Water gives heightened awareness to the surroundings one is within, giving a general understanding of one's surroundings. Entering a state of serenity, one is able to understand better the “flow of the world”, such as giving increased ability to predict and move out of the way of attacks. Initially, one is given a “screenshot” of sorts of the immediate surrounding area, allowing her to understand the location of opponents. However, it only affects a small area around her. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]