1.) You guys do not notice that we are gifted by being humans. 2.) I'm a twenty-one year old "femme fatale" and I got into the roleplaying scene when my friend from high school and I would do our own "series" of Silent Hill with OC's and new monsters. From there, I expanded on fandoms and would do fandom roleplays like Fullmetal Alchemist (I'd play canon and OC characters, I'm good at both) and I also did original roleplays. I like using realistic, artistic, or anime face claims depending on the anime itself and I'd prefer that my partners or group would also use the same type of face claim. Sometimes, I don't even use a face claim, I just describe my character's attributes well enough. 3.) I'd like to do RWBY. 4.) My crush from RWBY would have to be Lie Ren. 5.) Lie Ren, Blake Belladonna, or Pyrrha Nikos, in that order. 6.) 21. 7.) I roleplay through forums on here.