[hider= Charon Polaris] [center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/23w0f1f.jpg[/IMG] [b]Height:[/b] 150cm. [b]Weight:[/b] 40.3kg. [b]Name:[/b] Charon Polaris. [b]Age:[/b] 16.[/center] [b]Personality:[/b] She’s very reserved and doesn’t enjoy the company of many people. She often doubts herself and lack confidence in her actions. She is very easily stressed, and usually needs a small, gentle push into things, rather than to just dive right in. But don't actually touch her, she'll most likely cry. Despite all this, she does have a sense of justice for those who are in need of help, having experienced weakness herself. Although, upon her transformation, Charon changes and becomes easily hot tempered, aggressive, and even violent. It doesn't take long for her to calm down, usually with the help of calm words. But unless you want some broken bones, best not get on the bad side of her. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Charon was born a sickly child, seeming always to be on the fine line between life and death. Upon what seemed to be her final days, little baby Charon miraculously became better. Albeit, rather different, as in having transformed into a fuzzy little bear cub. Fortunately, her Quirk had pulled through and saved her life. Lucky for Charon, she took after her shape shifting mother and not her father who had no Quirk what so ever. Because of her survival, her parents had named her for her fierce determination to live. Upon growing up, Charon had lived a rather sheltered life, her parents worrying for her health. Because of this, she's not too good around large crowds or generally communicating with others. By enrolling in Yuuei Academy, Charon wants to prove to others, including her parents as well herself, that she can be more than a cowardly girl, or even a bloodthirsty animal. That she can become a hero. [b]Quirk:[/b] [center][hider][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/bfb9/i/2012/024/5/4/ulvenwald_bear_by_jasonengle-d4ngn42.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [u]Transform[/u] - When distressed (startled, angry, or most negative emotions) Charon will involuntarily turn into a large bear like beast. Upon this change, she doubles in size, being a good 3 meters. The only thing really unusual is her ability to speak. Aside from that, in this form, she possesses all the qualities of a bear including: [list] [*] claws - really depends on how sharp her nails are, but with enough force, she can cut someone up rather bad. [*] teeth - has a bite up to 400psi. [*] strength - able to lift a small car, so up to 200kg. [/list] Not to mention she having a rather intimidating demeanor, which is a complete 180 from her usual shy self. Essentially when given the option of fight or flight, her body decides fight. [b]Other:[/b] She has a great joy for music, be it singing (although not in front of anyone) or just listening to it. This was usually how her parents calmed her down during her "episodes". She also has a a large appetite for someone her size. [/hider]