[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/athaliaacademy/images/c/c9/Image_does_not_belong_to_Nevix.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/220?cb=20160215195216[/img] [color=lime]"I'm just here to have fun. If I help people along the way, even better!"[/color][/center] Name:Edric M. Karst. Age: 19 Species:Nephilim (believes himself to be human), Vessel Gender: Male Powers: Mend: Edric has the ability to heal any wound, the trade-off being that during the process which takes varying amounts of time) he or his paitient must feel twice the original pain of the wound. Partial Possesion: Edric allows Azamor to take partial control of his body, granting him access to greater head and turning his arm into a more powerful demonic arm. Trained Combatant: Edric is well-trained with his sword and reasonably skilled with his pistol. Weaknessess: Naive: Edric is an optimist of the highest order. He tends to think that things can never go wrong, and is completley devastated when they do. Trusting to a Fault: Edric is overly trusting, to the point where he is often willing to place his life in the hands of someone he just met. Vessel: Edric is constantly fighting with Azamor for control of his body. Should he experience significant pain or be knocked unconscious, Azamor may take control of his body. It is possible, albeit difficult, for him to regain control after such an event. Life-link: Should Edric's pendant be destroyed, it is likely that he would die due to his life-link with Azamor. Personality:Edric is, as stated previously, an optimist. He sees the best in people, and can overlook the glaring flaws in anything. He tends to trust easily, and as a result grows frustrated when people don't trust him in return. These traits, in addition to his great sense of humor, have made him great at making friends. He's also fiercely loyal to said friends, even if he's only just met them. Bio:Edric Mitchel Karst was born in a small village in Eastern Elaniel to an angelic mother, Lily Brightendaleand a human father, Jason Karst in 2004. When Edric was four years old, a lesser demon named Azamor started attacking his village. When conventional tactics failed to kill the demon, Edric's mother proposed a plan. She theorized that the demon could be sealed in a small, innocuous object, like a pendant. An ambush was set up, and a traveler who conviently happened to have a sealing ability managed to trap Azamor within the pendant. The spell was poorly done, however, and the pendant needed a constant stream of angelic energy to keep Azamor in it. Edric was chosen as the candidate, and he was life-linked to the pendant, and by extension, to Azamor. Shortly after the life-link, Lily disappeared. Due to the life-link, should Edric die, Azamor will also die. This has forced the two into an uneasy alliance, and Edric occasionally lets Azamor share control of his body in order to have access to more power. A few months before the events of Athalia Academy: Season Four-Back On Track, Edric heard a rumor that Athalia Academy was being rebuilt in Oasari. He spent those few months training his abilities, as well as picking up a bit of skill with a sword and a gun. He left for Oasari, hoping the academy would help him become skilled enough to travel the land and search for his mother. Study: Intro to fashion, Literature? Band/Art/Sport/Job: N/A Trivia: Edric loves caffine.