[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3428382][img]http://i.imgur.com/s8lMaAs.png[/img][/url] [hr] [color=f7941d][center][i][sub]let's describe a certain [url=http://genius.com/7187764/Nwa-a-bitch-iz-a-bitch/A-bitch-can-be-your-best-friend-talking-behind-your-back-about-whos-fucking-who-and-whos-getting-fat]female[/url] a [url=http://puu.sh/nBW7p/76889d41c4.png]female[/url] with a disease of character and attitude if you will, a snob however, in the view of NWA..[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To5bUpOEHcw].[/url][/sub][/i][/center][/color] [hr] "Yuumei? Are you awake?" [color=fdc68a]"Yeah..."[/color] Two green eyes squinted as Yuumei woke up. She turned to the person to the right, one of her closest friends, Amaya. [color=fdc68a]"I was... listening."[/color] She said. She stretched and yawned, before covering her mouth. [color=fdc68a]"[sub]shit...[/sub] Oh, did I say I was listening? I meant, uh, I was listening to [i]music[/i] in my head! And it was so peaceful that i fell asleep! I just messed up my words, that's all."[/color] She finished, and heard Amaya chuckling. [color=fdc68a]"Are you [b]laughing[/b] at me?"[/color] She asked. "Oh, no, I was just [b]laughing[/b] at this stupid girl on my left, not you! I'd never such a thing!" [color=fdc68a]"One of these days..."[/color] Yuumei smiled. Hanging out with Amaya like this was fun, and she really wished that she was less busy with schoolwork do to it more often. Amaya had just noticed her and asked if she had time to stop by her house today, and it turns out that she did. She finally got to catch up with her on everything since high school. "Hey, Mei, you still have that old camera?" Amaya asked. She remembered that the camera was in her bag, and got it out. There were too many good memories there. All of them were good, she was sure of it. [color=fdc68a]"This is the one."[/color] Yuumei said, and handed it to Amaya. They spent a lot of time looking at pictures, and there were a lot of good ones. There was even one with her, her parents, Amaya, and-- In a split second, Yuumei went from laughing with Amaya to being flung across the train compartment. She didn't even see Amaya or anyone else react to her before her right shoulder collided with metal. She fell onto the floor and tried to scream, but nothing came out. She wanted help. She wanted it to all be a dream, and she was still talking to Amaya. She struggled to keep her consciousness, but suddenly, there was nothing. She woke up with the taste of iron. She felt her whole face, and saw blood on her hands. She suspected that it was from her lip, but it could have been from anywhere by now. She tried to stand, but her right shoulder was obviously not having her shit. She decided to lay down for a bit because of the pain, but she noticed something when she looked at Amaya. She wasn't moving, and she was just looking at the photo with the same face she had before Yuumei had been launched. She panicked and looked at the other people, and then she stood up with rage that made her feel like her shoulder was normal. No motion. At all. So, something happened, and it was obvious what happened. Everyone was frozen. Except for her. Great. [color=fdc68a][b]"Just FUCKING GREAT!"[/b][/color] There had to be someone else that was going through this! She couldn't be the only one, it's just impossible for it to be true! Maybe, just maybe, she was hallucinating. Maybe she didn't stand up by herself, and it was Amaya or the other people on the train helping her. Maybe she has psychosis or narcolepsy or something, because this [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gliese_436_b]just doesn't make sense[/url]! It goes against the laws of everything! Maybe her whole life was a really long dream, and she was still in middle school, friends with everyone, and nobody had betrayed her. Anything else could have happened, except for this fucking- [color=f49ac2]"Anybody? Can you hear me?"[/color] [color=8dc73f]“Hey! Hey! You’re a person, right? I mean, you’re real, no, wait, that’s not what I’m trying to say, what I’m saying is you’re not like the rest of these stiffs. That’s cool. Cool. Awesome, great, awesome. Man, am I glad to see another person. Oh, ha, are you okay? You good? I can help you out, I think. I mean, I took a few first aid classes, so I’m pretty much a bunch of debt away from officially being a doctor. Taro. Uh, that’s me. My name. It’s Taro. My name is Taro. Sorry, kinda hit my head, ha ha…[sub]yeah it hurts, but, uh, anyway...[/sub]”[/color] A person! People! This...this was amazing! So everything [b]did[/b]happen! She wasn't the only one that went through all of this! She had almost jumped around in excitement, but the pain stopped her from doing anything like- [color=f49ac2]"I'm Nira. Nira Seritoka. I... I think I'm fine, I just bit my tongue or something."[/color] Nira and Taro. Those were the two people that were actually unfrozen. This could have been another hallucination, but right now Yuumei didn't have anything to go after. So, she grabbed her bag and followed the voices into another compartment and... she saw them. Talking. Breathing. And it looked like they had injuries too, so they must have gone through that..."crash." Whatever. It doesn't matter anymore, she had to talk to them-- to figure out something to say before they were gone. [color=fdc68a][b]"HI!"[/b][/color] She said, and covered her mouth. [color=fdc68a]"Sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry, but, uh...hi."[/color] She waved to the two, and walked over to them. She sat to a seat near them, but not too close to them, so they wouldn't freak out or anything. [color=fdc68a]"My name is Yuumei. Akimoto. Yuumei Akimoto, that's my name. Did I interrupt anything? Are you real?"[/color] What the fuck kind of question was [i]that?[/i] [color=fdc68a]"No, no, I didn't mean to say that, sorry again!"[/color]