[center][img]http://56.media.tumblr.com/70462553dafc4b82800531770a4ad08d/tumblr_nicd5la20w1tih5m0o1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] [center] Overlooking the vast city, I am but a mere shadow. A dream. The nightmare, the saint. Blending into the crowds, Imitating what is the norm, Yet always being different, Spontaneous. I may offer a smile, Or perhaps a steel blade. Depending on what you’ve done, Or going off by your name. You, just as I am, Are a target in this world. Where as I am being hunted, As are you, by me. Should I be your reaper, Or your savior? Will I fall to your steel words, Or you to mine? One thing is for certain, We all play this game. So lets make our move, For time waits for no man. Time waits for no man. [u][i][b]Assassin’s Creed; The Game[/b][/i][/u] -LucretciaDeMora [/center]