[center] [h2][b][u]House Valarien, Captial Lalrial and City of the Phoenix[/u][/b][/h2] [img]http://wallpapers.wallhaven.cc/wallpapers/full/wallhaven-30561.jpg[/img] [i]Odvin, 7th of Gerna | 1200 AU[/i] [hr] [/center] The wide streets of Lalrial were as busy as always; flocks of people rushing this way or that on one errand or another. The carriage of pearl white rocked down the cobbled streets in the wake of its four horses that carried it forward. The banner of the gold phoenix on a black drop revealed the house that owned it. Prince Ralltene Valarien looked out the cabs window at the passing buildings and people. In a moment of rare self-indulgence, he imagined what it would feel like to in fact rule everything he saw as the old text said. Seated across from him was his scribe and aid, who as it happened, was entrusted with managing much of the finances and carrying out his desires in regards to the East Empire Company. The man was a Veletian by the name of Alceste Léger with a talent for organization and keeping timetables. His dark eyes were currently glued on the most recent message from his holders in Tellaria. The East Empire Company, a moniker he had devised in its early years that had stuck, was the largest wealthiest merchant guild in the Empire. It had begun as a small network of business in the Republic of Violette before it had in a few short years exploded in size. Now owning a guild chapter house in every major city in the east. With more than a few holdings in the south and west as well. "It seems our rivals the Redwalls are at it again," his aid began. "They're buying up land in Acitha hoping to corner the market on Acithan Steel." Ralltene smirked. Of course, they were. No doubt they hoped this election was eating up too much of his time and focus and saw this chance to take advantage. "Not surprising, though predictable. My man Kende Ozor is still on our contacts?" It was less a question and more a confirmation. "Have him loan out the rest of the lands south of the Vrol River. Not ALL the land mind you. If they want to own any mines let it be the ones next to the Nordheimer border. They shall make a nice buffer." Alceste nodded, "Very good milord. Now onto the estates in Dreiben regarding the breeding stables we own I'd like to go ove-" The carriage came to a sudden stop and Ralltene could not hold back his smile realizing he had arrived at his destination. His hand went to the carriage doors latch. "I trust you with completing any other business we have yet touched." Alceste frowned slightly, "Yes, of course, sir, but if I could get your opini-" Ralltene silenced him with a raised hand. "I have the utmost trust you will be able to finish it to expected standard as usual Alceste. Now if you'll please excuse me I have a meeting with a valued business partner." At that, he exited the carriage door and found himself standing before a Coaching house of no little reputation. Though the commoners drink enough collectively to make most taverns profitable, wealthy merchants and nobles of the empire typically preferred to stay at a reputable coaching house if the option existed; and Lalrial had more than its fair share of high-class drinking dens. Owners of such establishments prided themselves on being able to service both ends of the financial spectrum, in a place where prince and pauper could sometimes meet. This visit, however, he was less interested in sampling the establishments fine wine. He walked through the large oak door and entered the cozy inner atmosphere that hid within. He wasted little time in making his way upstairs and slid a key acquired earlier that day into the door lock of the third room down the hall. He opened the door and carefully closed it behind himself. “Ah there you are.” A lilting, musical voice sounded from behind Ralltene's back as he shut the door and locked it once again. “I was growing dreadfully concerned and thought you might not have managed to escape from [i]her[/i] today.” Clearly whoever the 'her' was the speaker did not think well of her. But the next words were much sweeter again, almost as if the speaker was singing them in a truly delightful way that pulled at the body and the mind. “But you made it and that is what matters my love.” Turning about Ralltene gave a chuckle, "Love I will always find time for you." And he found something very appealing waiting for him as he turned. A silver skinned beauty with hair and eyes of brilliant vibrant gold. Even for a vaelie pureblood, she was gorgeous, her face was smoothly rounded with full lips and striking features, her long golden hair that gleamed even in the faint light was let loose to fall down around her face in a radiant halo. Though if one were a student of the vaelie they would know she was actually less endowed than many of her kind. She lounged on the large bed, lying on her side with a silver hand propping up her head as she looked at him. Though his eyes might have been drawn more to the rest of her body. Where she normally wore Lalrial's latest customs at this moment she wore something she knew he liked. Strips of cloth were wound around her body in an intricate pattern of purple and gold. It contrasted wonderfully with the silver skin that showed through the holes between the strips and left almost as much revealed as it hid. “So you always remind me, and promise.” Ori'Silien's voice took on a teasing lilt for a second. “And you have always kept your promises to me.” Her smile was radiant and her movements were delightful as she stretched and then sat up, her clothing shifting enticingly as she moved. Ralltene closed the distance between them in four easy strides. "Of course, I do, I am a merchant of his word after all." A hand went to her face as he tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. Gold eyes meeting his own pools of silver that seemed to shine in the reflecting light from the nearby window. He kissed her full lips, enjoying the taste of her mouth; as sweet as he remembered it. He regretfully parted as he added, "I dare say you look more beautiful each time we meet. Though that might just be we see too little of each other for my liking." She seemed engrossed in the kiss as well and when Ralltene had pulled away her tongue licked at her lips as if she was savoring to the taste of him. The silver of her skin took on a different and exotic hue as he praised her, a faint flush rising up and staining her cheeks with a tinge of dark purple as she blushed. “Would that we did not have to spend so much time apart. I miss the old days, before all of this.” Her lilting bore tones of sadness and regret mingled with fond memories of the past. Taking his place beside her he took Ori'Silien’s hands in his own. His darker skin a sharp contrast to hers. "Days I to share fond memories of. Days we will have again once I am Emperor. Fate has kept us apart for too long my love. House Gracieux's name and influence have already born fruit, soon you will bear the title of Empress as you deserve once Victoria Gracieux's has played her role. Yet I speak ahead of myself." He paused for a moment before adding, "but toward that end I meet with Vialiph Nis'Silvani next in my efforts. Any insight you might offer would be a boon. He is among the few Electors I know precious little of." Before she said anything though Ori’Silien leaned over and pressed her lips to his hungrily in a kiss that lasted for a long moment before finally she pulled back to take a deep breath with a broad smile that made her seem to positively glow. “I cannot wait for that day to come when we won’t need to hide anymore.” Her voice was joyous. Then she paused and seemed to be deep in thought for another long moment. “We, as in my people, not me specifically, have always believed that the Kawachi are heretical and your father long favored them. The surest way to gain his support is to be clear that you will favor the Argentum over the [i]heretics[/i].” Her tone said that she wasn’t convinced they were heretics but also that it did not much matter. “Lae’Vesi told me enough to know that has not changed,” she said with a smile as her hands worked free of her love’s and gently reached up to caress his face. “I just had to be a fellow vaelie and she opened up immediately.” A rich musical laugh slipped out as she finished speaking. Ralltene simpered, looking pleased with himself. “As always you give sound advice. With the support of House Tlaerie we have all but the North Houses assured. My sister has few possible supporters and once we can convince but a few more houses my success is all but certain." While Ori’Silien was still smiling her expression looked a bit vacant for a moment, a classic sign that her thoughts were elsewhere. “My love, I would not be so quick to say that. There are supporters of Alliana making rounds, at least one named James Conrad who has spoken to many of the high lords and their representatives.” Her brow furrowed as well. “Are you certain of the support? Which have you spoken to in person and which did [i]she[/i] set up?” The words carried concern clearly as gentle fingers continued to caress his face. "James Conrad? The magistrate of the Cragmore?" Ralltene eyes narrowed in thought as he looked off to one side, "what would he have to gain from supporting Alliana?" He frowned, "I had heard rumors of a Prime Magistrate making rounds. In any case, it is true there can be no guarantee of every supporter staying loyal. But my sister has no true backing to fall back on. Regardless of what you may think of Victoria, one can, at least, trust her drive for power will be our advantage. As for this James... I would not worry overly much. But I will look into it. The Cragmore's vote is one that can be easily bought. Though their current representative is not as much a fool as his father. " “It is still worrisome. A sudden swell in support for your sister could grow under our noses. We should be alert for any foul stink.” The vaelie winked as she spoke and smiled, a sign that even if she wasn’t completely convinced she would trust what he said. “You’ve always been the better planner, but be careful, we only get this one chance, if anything were to happen to you, or if we have to keep living like this, scraping and scrounging for a little time together, I don’t know what I would do.” She leaned over against him, her warm flesh barely kept from him by the thin strands of cloth she was wrapped in. In truth, Ralltene was more worried about Jakinius's current support, but Allianna could still surprise. He held Ori’Silien close to him as he brushed a hand through her hair. "You needn't dwell on such things. I have never let you down before and I don't plan on making it a habit now. " He did not say anything for a time. Simply enjoying this rare moment of peace with his beloved Ori’Silien. Too much rode on this for him to fail. “I know you won’t.” The vaelie woman whispered softly. “Now let’s enjoy the time we have. We can’t waste it all on politics.” She sat up again, pulling just a bit away from Ralltene before gently taking his face in her hands and looking him square in the eyes. Silver eyes met golden pools and her eyes almost seemed to pulse as she smiled. “Will you take me, my Emperor?” Ori’Silien’s voice was sweet and lilting but carrying a weight of lust and desire heavier than anything she had said yet. And now her eyes were captivating, tugging at his mind in that way she would when it came time for this. Ralltene smiled back at her, "far be it from me to deny a woman her needs." His hands went to her waist and he turned so that he could gently lay her down open the soft silks of the mattress. His mouth found hers as he began to shed his clothes before eventually relieving Ori'Silien of her own garments. [center] [hr] [h2][b][u]Act III:Of Narkak And Beast: Skirmish at Lorwood[/u][/b][/h2] [h3]Southern Border of The Lorwood[/h3] [img]http://runelords.herokuapp.com/assets/thion_ambush-e31a7be1bfcbd253f5c55c5a6dd3f0f4.jpg[/img] [i]Ixyan, 8th of Gerna | 1200 AU[/i] [hr] [/center] The pathway through the Tellarian woods-- known locally as the Lorwood-- south of Mephori was a rather dark if somewhat forbidding woodland. The light barely filtering through the tree line so that only the road gave a clear path to follow. Of course, Jakinius felt rather at ease, however, given his company. Flanking him on horseback was his long time friend and mentor Metinnus and beside him was another old comrade from Nordevar, a Northmen that towered over even Jakinius. Olafgvar Kjaldsson of House Blackthorn was one of the fiercest warriors he knew. Jakinius had been surprised when he had learned that the old fighter had decided to accompany him to the capital. The Valarien prince had imagined the northerner would have preferred to stay in the north killing Nordheim. The Northmen rode on an old horse that seemed to dislike the sheer size of its passenger. Yet the beast seemed to bear him without much complaint. Aside from his trusted long-time friends there was, of course, the lovely and deadly Princess Lynette [i]The Lioness[/i] who rode alongside him to his right. Yet more unexpected company he did not regret in the least. The rest of his retinue were a few long time members that belonged to his company. One of which was a squire and kuman in training that hailed from a southern house. "Tis a most queer forest this, " that same young man mentioned. "The shadows always seem to be moving and...watching....just like my grandmother in her withering years." Olafgvar gave a hearty laugh at this, "You southerners are a jumpy bunch! And this from someone who has served in the north? You obviously never seen the Webwood me'boy, now that's a forest to give ye nightmares!" "Leave him be Olaf, he's not served long in the garrison after all," Jakinius said though a smile crept upon his lips. Metinnus himself looked passive, his eyes ever on the treeline to either side of the road. "North or south, be a fool he who discounts the dangers of the wilds." At that, he looked to Lynette. "Milady, I never got to ask, but would this be your first time in the south?" “I’ve gone with my father to the Imperial capital once before” Lynette answered as she eyed their surroundings. “Yet that was when I was but a child.” She paused before continuing “I’ve never been a big fan of the woods.” "The biggest fear we should have to deal with is getting lost," the Valarein prince assured." The riders of Dreiben and the Vael's of Tellaria keep these lands safe enough. Still Metinnus has the right of it, one should never let their guard down when traveling the wilds of the Empire." Alailf Imberre the squire frowned, "what manner of creatures do they have to keep the woods safe from exactly?" Metinnus hummed as he thought for a moment, "kobolds mostly, they're known to keep their nests in these types of regions. " Alailf shivered and suddenly seemed nervous as his head seemed to fly to one shadow to the next. Olafgvar only laughed all the more. After shaking his head he fished out a waterskin from his saddle bag and drank deeply. Following a relieved sigh, he asked, "so my fearless future emperor. Where do we plan to hunker down next once we leave these woods?" Jakinius's head looked skyward slightly, the clouds overhead seemed dark and heavy, allowing only the rare glimpse of the sun. "I hope to reach the Ostenhohe Foothills before nightfall. Failing that we can make camp north of the osternord river, then head southwest from there after we cross the streams. Thankfully Dreiben country is mostly open fields and plains, so we need not travel through any more forest." “I’ll take open plains over this” Lynette made a sweeping motion with her arm, “any day.” The Valkyrie simply chuckled, earning her a glare from the Acithan princess. “It’s not that bad” The Valkyrie commented as she reached for her water skin. “At least we have some shade to travel in now. You’ll be wishing we had that shade later. Trust me.” She took a long sip of water before adding “I, for one, have never fared well in the heat.” “How hot is it liable to get,” Lynette asked. “Too hot” the Valkyrie refrained from explaining further, instead shifting her focus on the woods around them. Alailf suddenly gave a yelp as he reined in his horse, "did anyone see that?" Olafgvar laughed again, "The boy really is jumping at shadows!" Jakinius then raised his left hand calling for a halt as his eyes began to scan the woods around them. Something felt off. Save for the cool wind that caught the edges of his cloak there was little sound or movement, for even the bird calls and chirping insects had seemed to quiet down as if falling silent in preparation for something. Then came the distinct sound of a branch or twig breaking underfoot. Another sound to his left caught his attention and turned to see that Alailf had suddenly sprouted a wooden shaft from his throat. The young boys eyes grew large in pain and alarm as he gurgled blood, falling limp on his horse. Bewildered Jakinius recovered as he pulled tight on his horse's reins as he shouted, "AMBUSH!!" [center] [hider=Narkak] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/64c8f8d1ae47c326a94490aa14c132f0/tumblr_inline_mh8mtwAx8F1qz4rgp.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-grvrb0zLrU]Theme[/url] [/hider] [/center] Just at that moment, the forest suddenly came alive as arrows, javelins, and even axes flew from seemingly every direction. Spears caught the flanks of horses, even as arrows cut and pierced the noble steeds of the party. The horses neighed in protest as many fell or reared back as both rider and mount collapsed hard resulting in more than a few men getting trapped beneath their own palfreys. Jakinius's own mount took a javelin in the throat causing the beast to stumble recklessly. He kicked one foot out of a stirrup and swung that leg over his horses head before jumping free with practiced ease. Men shouted in pain or surprise as loosed missiles found their mark on man or animal. Jakinius's only had time to draw his bastard sword as he recovered from his landing. His shield sadly strapped to his now dying horse. Metinnus had already drawn his sword as he made ready to jump from his own horse. One might think the advantage of being in the saddle would be ideal, but given the situation staying on horseback would be foolish. In such a narrow road and on horses not bred for fighting the horses offered no real advantage. It only made you a target. "Rally you fools! Protect the prince and princess!" Long years of experience took over as Metinnus shouted over the din of ensuing battle. He landed with a grimace as he left his saddle, just managing to deflect a thrown javelin aimed for him with a swing of his sword. The group of men quickly regained their wits as the more seasoned of them had already dismounted- using their shields to defend themselves and their charges. One man whose horse had only suffered a few wounds attempted a break for it. He got twenty paces before several arrows found his back and he collapsed lifeless in his saddle-- his horse never slowing in its mad gallop. His corpse at least able to flee the ensuing bloodshed. As the group of men tightened into a circle; then came the first wave of attackers. These were no common bandits or brigands. No, they were far worse. Covered in dark matted fur, adorned in mismatched pieces of armor and wielding weapons of dubious quality best-- resembling men crossed with wolves as it were-- they sprung from the woods like a sudden storm of bloodthirsty hatred. One man not close enough to his comrades was suddenly pounced upon by a particularly large specimen. It bore down upon him and took his head in its massive claws before it began to bash the man's head against the ground. There was sudden chaos as the vilespawn tore into the soldiers. Jakinius's knew instantly what manner of creatures had found them. "Narkaks!" yelled one of the imperial soldiers even as he fended off the wild swings of one of the creatures. At the start of the ambush Lynette’s horse had reared back, causing the princess to ingloriously fall to the ground. The impact knocked the wind from her lungs and she found herself gasping for air as the Narkaks came charging out of the woods. “Up and at ‘em!” The Valkyrie said as she helped Lynette to her feet. The two women drew their Acithan steel blades and towards the Narkaks even as imperial soldiers began to fall. The Valkyrie held her hand out towards a pair of Narkaks and cried “Fall asunder!” The Narkaks’ swords shattered, allowing Lynette to step in and make quick work of both of them. The princess deftly moved her sword to parry an incoming blade as another Narkak stepped forward. She and the Narkak exchanged a few blows before she managed to slip her blade past its guard. Tainted blood splattered Lynette’s armor, as her Acithan steel blade made contact with the Narkak’s neck. The pathetic creature fell to the ground, drowning in its own blood as its hands futilely reached at the wound. And then the Valkyrie was standing in front of Lynette, her shield shuddering as first one, then two and three arrows struck it. “Jakinius!” Lynette yelled. “Do you see their commander?” "Not yet!" Came, the response. The Valarien prince battered the spear point of one Narkak to one side before stepping into his parry and bashing the pommel of his sword into the creature's snout. The hoots and howls of the Narkaks around them blended with the screams of the dying and the clamor of fighting. But Jakinius filtered it out as he fell into the flow of battle. Taking advantage of the Narkark's moment of disoriented backpedaling from the force of the blow, Jakinius sword swung in a tight clean arch back down cutting into the beast's head, causing the monsters eye to burst as that part of his face caved in. Another armed with a crude axe drove forward in a mad dash, Jakinius leaned back away from its axe swing. The chest plate of his segmented armor receiving a nasty cut, the grinding sound of metal on metal creating a spark of light. Jakinius leapt forward before it could recover and thrust his sword into the creature's throat. He then tore it free with a strong and sharp pull to the side. This ripped the creature’s throat wide open, giving way to a guttural cry as tainted blood pumped free from an opened artery. He raised his left arm at the last moment to shield himself from the spray. The acidic like liquid causing steam to waft up from where it met his vambrace. "Don't allow their blood on you!" Jakinius reminded his comrades. He spared a momentary glance over the rest of the battle. It did not look to good. In one corner Olafgvar was standing beside two other imperials, at his feet were the broken remains of several Narkak already. His warhammer moved with uncanny speed and grace, bashing heads with each swing or smashing aside shields or weapons. Meanwhile, Metinnus had managed to keep his shield, he and a group of other soldiers were making a circle of defense that so far was holding. Using several of the dead horses as natural obstacles to force the Narkak to come a few at a time. Still the tide of vilespawn seemed endless as they now blocked off both ends of the road. Leaving the forest as the only and rather dubious means of escape. Fire burned in Jakinius's blood as the adrenaline fueled his movements. Four more Narkak came snarling out of the tree line to his left. He backed up to Lynette but did not take his eyes of the beasts. "We need to fight our way to Metinnus and the others!" His strong voice just barely audible over the chaos. “I” Lynette grunted as she thrust the tip of her sword into a Narkak’s chest, “agree!” She kicked the dying creature away. She had but a moment to take in her surroundings before two more Narkek were upon her. She moved her sword with an almost impossible speed as she fended the two creatures off. They were pushing her back; she could sense Jakinius’ presence mere inches behind her. “Fall asunder!” The Valkyrie yelled again as the weapons of the Narkak surrounding Lynette and Jakinius shattered into fragments. “We should go” She yelled at the prince and princess. “Now!” She spun around, smashing a Narkak in the face with a shield as she began to move towards Metinnus and the relative safety he represented. With her foes’ weapons destroyed, Lynette quickly finished off the Narkak immediately threatening her and moved to follow. Despite constant pressure from the Narkak, the group was able to make it almost halfway to Metinnus before something inevitably went wrong. The Valkyrie cried out as an arrow struck her in the thigh. “Go! Just go!” She cried as she fell to one knee. “Not without you!” Lynette yelled as she dropped to one knee and moved to help her friend up. “We can make it!” The shuffling in the forest became increasingly more dense, the sounds of the Narkak’s behind the group growing in volume as barks turned into perverse yelps and howls. The desperation of the human group had become apparent to the group of vilespawn; the loss of their fellow kin did not seem to affect them in the slightest. Jakinius cursed as a fierce Narkak flanked by two more of his brethren charged toward them. He placed himself between them and the princess and her valkyrie guard. "Go! get to the shield wall! I'll hold them off!" He gave them no chance to reply as he sprinted forward. His heart hammered in his chest as he barreled toward the first Narkak. He weaved through the first one with a quick chop that dismembered an arm. He ducked a spear thrust, grabbing it with his left hand and pulling to one side as he turned his body. His sword came down and severed the shaft in one cut. The third Narkak stabbed at his midsection with a rusted sword. He pivoted to one side, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow. The sword scraped across his armor waist. he turned and used the now severed spear shaft as a pseudo dagger. Stabbing that beast in the eye with his companions former spearhead. He fell back as more came, his body falling into the trance of battle. His mind and sword becoming one. The metaphor his Tellarian sword masters had taught him years ago when one had become in tuned to the sword song. His blade wove a pattern of steel his Narkak adversaries could not match. His movements on the battlefield a thing of beauty in and of itself. He flew from one vilespawn to the next. Opening the stomach of one creature after a quick riposte. The steaming entrails falling to the ground with a wet splattering sound. Beheading another after a deft turn and spin of his sword. Another javelin whizzed by his head. Barely missing him by a few inches. An arrow managed to clang off his left shoulder. The arrowheads razor ends almost cutting entirely through the chainmail sleeve. Still even for all his skill, he could not hope to hold back the tide. A club struck the left side of his torso after he was too slow to block the blow. A sword cut into his forearm as he was forced back. An arrow finally found its mark as it thudded into his upper back. Pain shot through his body as he barely remained standing. The Narkak around him hollered with glee sensing their approaching victory. Behind him, he could hear that Metinnus was pushing his men to come to their princes aid. Now, however, there were too many vilespawn between them. Too many to cut through to reach him in time. Spears came from this way and that, stabbing or prodding. A thrust brought him to one knee as it found the back of his right leg. He sensed his time was fast approaching, yet he hoped Lynette and her comrade had made it to the relative safety of Metinnus and his men. [center].........[/center] Unlike the great stories of past glories, there was no eerie silence that played host to a rising cacophony of the charge. The sounds of battle did not cease, and the thunder of the charge was only apparent once it came upon the growing massacre of man and monster alike, signaled by a unified yell of "Swift and Sure!". To charge in a forest was a matter of careful planning, but there had been no time for that. The Bannerguard simply had to trust in fate, or better yet, the instinct inherent in their equine partners and their fellow elite. The first lance met the mass of the Narkak war party from behind, followed by its fellows, a dozen daggers plunged into the back of a writhing mass. The few shafts of sunlight illuminated the scene, the glint of the armored cavalry and cavalrymen offering a scattering of illumination to the bloodshed and the art of the break of a formation. The horses never stopped, a master of their own destination, but the riders dismounted nonetheless, lances discarded and swords were drawn. Fighting atop horseback in the scrum was untenable. From the treeline a further glimmer, the remaining half dozen Bannerguard charging in to join their kin, swords at the ready, another wave breaking upon the ugly shore. There were no words as the ambushed party's would-be saviors danced the deadly art of war, putting themselves between the murderous intent of the Narkak and their would be prey. The morale of the Narkak could not simply be broken, but their pressing mass had been thinned, if not significantly bloodied. The Bannerguard of Dreiben were not immune to the bite of the Narkak, but the command of their entrance into the battle had given them an advantage and relieved pressure from the embattled Imperials. Jakinius’ valiant stand had indeed bought Lynette and the Valkyrie enough time to limp over to Metinnus and the rest of the Imperials. The soldiers formed a defensive ring around the two women as they neared, the Valkyrie fell to the ground gasping and clutching her thigh. She looked up at Lynette as she said: “Pull it out.” Lynette nodded as she grabbed the arrow, hesitating for just a second before pulling the arrow out. The Valkyrie cried out in pain, gasping as the arrow was pulled from her body. She didn’t waste any time, focusing her energy on summoning the magic that would stop the bleeding with a prayer. With her friend safe, for now, at least, Lynette jumped to her fate and dashed towards Jakinius. The arrival of the Dreiben bannermen had almost certainly saved those who were still alive. She just hoped that Jakinius was among those. A lump formed in her throat as she caught sight of Jakinius. “Jakinius!” She cried as she reached him. “Can you move? We need to get you back to Metinnus!” The sudden crash of horsemen was as much a surprise as it was a boon. The Narkak had momentarily scattered from the force of the bannerguards charge. Looking over to Lynette Jakinius nodded once as he grimaced, placing his weight on his good leg. Accepting the princesses help he pulled himself to his feet. A Narkak charged toward them then, snarling as drool flew from its agape jaw. It's head suddenly vanished a moment later in an explosion of black ichor and bloody grey matter. "Get to the line!" Yelled the hulking Northman Olafgvar, shouting at them before he turned and let loose another swing that broke the neck of yet another Narkak. His warhammer black with the blood of vilespawn. It was slow going but soon the pair reached the remaining imperials Metinnus had managed to gather. "Hold men! Hold formation!" Shouted the battalion captain. "By Kammeth breath, those are House Amrothan's banners!" Jakinius looked back over the heads of his men and knew it to be true. Those were undoubtedly Dreiben bannermen. The Narkak had fallen into confusion, as they fought in pairs or alone against twice as many dismounted riders. The singing slash and rebounding clang of metal against metal was the sound to which the Bannerguard danced, dodging or deflecting blows and returning their own bite in kind. Numbers had shifted squarely against the Vilespawn that were the Narkak, and the Dreibene elite were working that advantage to isolate and eliminate. The Narkak would not break while the head of this particular pack still drew breath, if at all, and their leader still remained concealed amongst the central group. Ulrich had busied himself with the flank, ensuring that the battle swung to more favorable terrain, letting his blade find purchase in the few Narkak that had been scattered away from the ever more frenzied main pack. His work mostly done, he weaved his way towards the Imperials, whomever they were, once more gracing an erstwhile Narkak the justice of an early grave with a measured swing of his weapon, now bloodied black. “This won’t end until their leader lays dead, if not them all. My men and I will keep them as scattered as we can if any of your able men are up to the task of ending that particular beast, you’ve hopefully had the time to discern which of the creatures that may be.” Ulrich said, turning his attention briefly to the Imperial group before returning his gaze to the ongoing battle. “We can save the introductions until this grisly deal is done.” Metinnus gave a grim grin, "Aye that we can." He turned to his men. "Alright, I need at least three skilled swords with me! The rest of ya cover the injured here!" At that moment, Olafgvar came rushing toward them, covered here and there in black blood. Steam wafted from those spots that touched skin, leaving nasty burns in their place. If the Northmen cared he did not show it. "Count me apart of any vilespawn king hunting, my bet is he's hidin in the trees like the coward he is." Metinnus gave a curt nod, "Olaf you clear the way for us, the rest of ya coming with me!" Three imperial soldiers in segmented plated mail and the iconic galea helms filed in behind Metinnus and Olaf. The why was easier going than expected. Between Olafgvar's hammer, and the distraction granted by the bannerguard the small party pierced the heart of the vilespawn warband. There they found three Narkak wielding weapons of notably better condition than their fellows. The center Narkak was especially big, possessing a helm of steel likely looted from a battle long since passed. Two wicked curved swords were grasped in its clawed hands. He snarled at them with eyes that possessed uncanny intelligence. “Filth! You [i]die![/i]” "Funny, my thoughts exactly." Olafgvar grinned wickedly. The war leader and Olafgvar launched themselves at one another then. Even as the other two Narkak followed suit. The first flanking its chief parried a sword thrust from an imperial soldier, before leaping to one side to avoid Metinnus's own sword thrust. The bastards were fast. It came back again with an angry howling cry, launching a series of swings that Metinnus barely was able to fend off with his shield. The thing was fast, fast even for a Narkak. It sensed the swing from the imperial soldier attempting to flank it— the creature choosing then to jump through a gap between two trees. Metinnus cursed and turned back to see another of his men still fighting the other Narkak. Olafgvar was holding his own but was already sporting a few more cuts than before. Metinnus took a step toward the duel in the hopes of helping when he heard a yelp of pain to his right. He looked back and his eyes widened when he saw that his fellow imperial was now on the ground coughing blood. The other Narkak had not run but merely dodged around the trees to come up behind his former attacker. With an inarticulate cry of rage, Metinnus charged toward the beast swinging low. As he had predicted the creature hopped back. Metinnus continued to attack, however, never letting up for a moment. Finally, he swung down at and angle for its head, the Narkak would’ve effortlessly dodged the attack had not for a miscalculation— a miscalculation that would cost it greatly. A sudden cry of pain exited the creature’s canine jaw when it instead impaled itself on a low branching tree limb that had been behind it; the one Metinnus had been cunningly goading it toward. Before it could recover from its folly Metinnus stabbed forward right into the creature's chest, the creatures eyes widening in surprise as the blade pierced the Narkak’s flesh— the force pushing it further back, trapped and unable to avoid the blade. "Dodge that, fucker." He spat at the thing as he pulled his sword free. Turning about thinking to aid Olaf he bared witness to the large Northmen with his warhammer raised high above his head as he bellowed a great victory cheer. At his feet, the broken remains of the war chief of the Narkak warband attempted to struggle with the last of its life, choking on its own blood as it did so. “H-Human.” It was dying, surely and slowly… but it wasn’t [i]done[/i]. "This not the end, you see. N-Narkak… many… Narkak together. H-Humans will [i]diiiiiiiiiie.[/i] Hu—" There was one last cough of blood; splattering on a nearby bush, melting the leaves as the Narkak went limp and finally died. As it died the other Narkak wthin the warband scattered as their footsteps thundered away from the scene— as where as there had been battle there was now… silence. However, the silence was cut by one last yet distant yelp. It spoke out… as if barking an order. [h3][i]FWOOSH![/i][/h3] The smell and sensation that became apparent was obvious to them. The Narkaks had— [h3][i]“FIRE!”[/i][/h3] —set the forest ablaze. Ulrich let out a sharp whistle, the Bannerguard breaking from their current actions and coming together in their own groups, offering aid where it was needed and some of them seeing if any of the horses that had fallen could be saved sooner rather than later. He motioned his orders, rather than speaking them - particularly as the horses of the Bannerguard came back into view. They would have to leave, soon, and the Bannerguard had the lion’s share of usable chargers. He trusted his men to see they were used appropriately. As Metinnus took a moment to catch his breath he felt the post battle fatigue hit him. He did not fall to his arse though as badly as he wanted to. First he had to check on Jakinius and the princess. By Kammeth’s fire had this been a bloody day. And Kammeth’s fire was right. The smell of smoke caught his attention first. Knowing there was little time to waste he shouted orders for his men to regroup. He’d make sure to return for the dead, but he had a duty to safeguard those still breathing. Ironically fire was considered a holy means of helping the dead pass on. "Get the wounded on horseback if there's not enough, the able-bodied can walk, or run dammit!" Metinnus shouted as his men scrabbled. As they began to leave, Ulrich drew closer to the main body of the Imperials, he still had no real idea who was in charge of them. “Ulrich Amrothan, Gebeiter of the Bannerguard, looks like we’re your escort out of a new firestorm.” Was all he said, in a manner that was simple and matter of fact, turning his attention back to ensuring they all didn’t burn to death on the way out. Gods damn the Narkak.