Mei silently nodded her head as the Esyire, Ssarak Dyreackthanose, accepted her help. It took her days to get this right, but for now she'll just show him what he needed to do for the moment. [b]"Take a seat. Close your eyes, and first make a mental image of yourself..."[/b] A few minutes passed as Mei explained the method to Ssarak as quickly as she could, and without all the philosophical ideals that came with it. Even that bored her. Looking back at the dinning hall, it was starting to become more quiet as she could hear the music from within, even from the outside. [b]"I believe it's time for the demonstration. I hope that what I've taught you is helpful. If you ever need any help, please, come and find me."[/b] Mei stood up and dusted the dirt off her legs before waving goodbye to ssarak. Than she went back into the Dinning hall, feeling a accomplished for making at least one more friend.