[center][b]The Plot/Premise[/b] The year is 2033 in the country of Japerica (note, Japerica is not Japan combined with America, it is just Japan with a interesting name, a running gag of mine from a very old RP) and technology has advanced greatly to the point where in the year 2025 Virtual Reality technology had been introduced. Naturally the first thing done with this technology was the creation of Virtual Reality Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Games (Or VRMMORPGs). While the first few had been decent, although one called Blood Blade was especially infamous as being the game behind the creation of the VR Protection Law which prevented realistic blood/gore from being present in games, a game called The New Gate seemed to change how VR Games worked entirely. It was a breathtaking world that had much more realistic sensations and seemed to be able to somewhat more utilize the VR Technology. This Game came out in the year 2027. This Game was supposed to be the game that made VR Gaming shoot way up in popularity. Unfortunately that was not the case. Somehow or another, a terrorist group simply known as 'Potential' somehow managed to hack the companies servers and take it over, infecting the helmets of every player with a special virus. This virus, upon command, would supposedly cause a player's helmet to malfunction and effectively leave the player brain dead. So 10,000 Players of the game The New Gate had all been captured, held hostage by this terrorist group since they could activate the virus at any moment. The New Gate had now become a death game, or so the players in the game assumed. If they beat the game, then they would be released. If no one won, then they would all perish. Of course, the Players in the Game thought that if they died in the Game they died for real. In reality, it was later discovered that Players would only die if either their bodies couldn't handle being in comas for so long, (so dying essentially left them completely unconscious, not dead), but if no one won the game then all of the players would be doomed to die or be left in permanent comas. Fortunately after three years, the New Gate Crisis was resolved. Only about a hundred or so players actually died, not the several thousand that people assumed died in game. A player named 'Jin' had been the one who killed the final boss, allowing every player to log out and the helmets to be removed from every player, meaning those who were locked in comas could be treated properly and would eventually recover, except for of course that group of unfortunate souls that wasn't able to recover. This group's goals were never disclosed or discovered. Most of them vanished, and the ones that were caught killed themselves. Over the next two years, all of the Synchro Gears had been recalled and replaced with the Real Game Gear (RGG), which was vastly superior to the Synchro Gear, overall cheaper to make, and couldn't be hacked or utilized in the same way that Potential utilized them. The government oversaw this production after all. They didn't want another incident like last time after all. In the year 2032 a new game came out. It is called Soul Bound, and was quickly given high praise for its rather interesting mechanics, vivid world, and interesting game play. It focused equal parts combat, exploration, puzzle solving, and other such things, having a very interesting Reincarnation System that allowed you to really customize your character in every way. A year later and thanks to Soul Bound Online (SBO) the VRMMORPG genre has really taken off. Many more games of the more single/multi-player variety have been made and the RGG has been used for more than just gaming as well, having many different applications. SBO is still quite popular, and thus copies of it have been both rather expensive and hard to secure. So how will you traverse this world where everything is bound to the Soul. This game world is expansive and full of mystery, suspense, danger, and death; with many corners and caverns that are begging to be explored and discovered. How will you play? So as seen above, this RP will be about exploring the world of a VRMMORPG called Soul Bound Online, but it will be about more than that. Naturally there will be stuff to do in the real world and things will begin to start changing as the RP progresses. Of course, I do not plan to railroad you all, so you can choose your own way of going about things whether you go against the main story, go along with it, or go your own path. Now for the Game System. I prefer to make RPGs like this to have some kind of Game System. It not only fits the idea of the RPG better, but also is because I hate losing. Let me explain. I do not desire losing or making my characters lose. Now I don't mind doing so, but in this type of game when you just have your character go through the actions, always setting up and determining in advance what will happen I find that a bit boring. Its why I prefer to more or less leave the determining factor in a situation up to a few things. The first is your planning. Did you build your character appropriately? By having your character's abilities all fleshed out and measured in a numerical, systematic format you know how to properly approach any situation with your character. Also the dice rolling (All of which I will do, so you do not need to worry about it), adds another element of suspense, chance, and allows for the story to go in many different directions not determined by us. Depending upon how much you succeed or fail by could make for many different scenarios and gives that element of surprise to the story, one which I really like from these sort of RPGs. Do not worry about having to number crunch, I will keep track of player stats, dice rolling, etc. You guys just focus on playing out and being your awesome characters. ---- Anyway, here is the system.[/center] [i][b]Gameplay[/b][/i] Here is the basics of how the system works. You do not need to know about the number crunching aspects, as I take care of those so you guys can focus more on writing your characters, but I am putting them here anyway so you can know just how they work and get a better idea for how to build your characters perhaps from this information. Plus you will need to know the basics of combat. [hider=Challenges] Challenges, or ‘Actions’, are going to be how situations are resolved. From attacking a foe to creating an item, a Challenge essentially tests your character’s specific abilities to see if they can succeed. This is one of the main points of the ‘game system’ based RP (or a TTRPG if you will), which is to make character building and your character’s abilities actually see if they are up to a task, rather than automatically setting them up for success or failure. All Checks have a Difficulty Level (DL) that must be beat. The lower this number, the more difficult the challenge is. So something that has a DL of 50 is a good bit more difficult than something that has a DL of 75. Now you do not have to worry about rolling a thing, but a % dice (or a d100 if you will, which for me is just 2 d10s) will be rolled. For this, you want a low result, the lower the better. Once the dice has been rolled, then any penalties that exist will be added to the number. Then your Score for that challenge (which will be either just one of your Stats if you do not have a specific Score for this action or whatever specific Score you have that applies) will be subtracted from the result, as will any subsequent bonuses you possess for the situation at hand. If it is lower than or equal to the DL, then you succeed. There is one exception to tying, which is when attacking someone (see Combat). Some various Arts or other actions may call for a Success Rating. A Success Rating is how much you score below the DL. For instance, if the DL was 75 and you rolled a 50, then the Success Rating is a 25. Arts, Attacking, and some other Actions (like crafting) keep the Success Rating (SR) in mind, but not everything does. So it is always a good sign when you get a very low result on the roll. [hider=Criticals & Fumbles] Criticals represent the epitome of successes. These are successes where you succeed way above and beyond the expected result. Criticals rely on a combination of skill and luck for any scenario, but mostly luck. To get a Critical, you need to get a 0 on the dice. Now this may seem impossible, but it is. For every 10 points you have in Luck, however; this Critical Range is raised by one. So at 10 Luck it would be a 0 – 1 to get a Critical. If you get a Critical within your ‘Luck’ based range (we shall call it Lucky Critical) then whatever you are using (Stat or Score) actually goes up by 1 and you gain a lot of SP in a Sense (see Senses for more details). The only way Criticals can boost your Scores, Stats, and Senses is through this method. Now certain Senses, Skills, Arts, Traits, or Items boost the Critical Chance for certain Actions. For instance: The ‘Critical Strike Sense’ boosts the Critical Chance for all Attacks. This means that if you had a +1 Critical Chance for an Attack, then to perform a Critical with that Attack you would have to get a 0 – 2 on the dice. Getting a 0 – 1 gives you that ‘Lucky’ Critical, but getting a 2 (which we will call that a ‘Boosted Critical’) would give you the same result as that ‘Lucky’ Critical, without the major boost to your Senses, Stats, or Scores. They will still automatically raise the level of any Art or Skill used at the time and give you half the SP (rounded down) you would normally get from a regular Critical though. Fumbles operate on the other side of the spectrum. They represent failures that end with much worse results than a normal failure, a failure beyond the failure so to speak. Fumbles are automatic failures, so even if you would normally succeed somehow on an action, you would still fail. To get a Fumble you just need to roll 95 – 99 on the dice. So you always have a 5% Chance to Fumble, although very rarely you may find something that lowers this chance. Just note that chance is always existent, but extremely rare. [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [i][b]Combat[/b][/i] While there are various other ways to resolve a tense situation, many a times you will find yourself fighting foes. This section will display the specifics of combat. [hider=Turn Order and Actions] Turn Order will merely be whoever decides to post first to keep things simpler. The enemy will usually go after the players do unless the enemy has the upper hand through an ambush or something along those lines. Some specific or more powerful enemies will also go before the players do. The number of Actions you can do per Turn is one. An Action would include things like using an Item, performing a Regular Attack, using a Skill/Art, picking something up off the ground, standing up, moving longer distances, drawing a Weapon safely (to prevent Chance Attacks) or some other sort of time consuming task. For every 20 Quick you possess, you can perform another Action. So at 20 Quick, you can do 2 Actions per Turn. At 40 Quick you can do 3 Actions per Turn and so on. So while Heavy Armor can protect you a lot, since it does reduce your Quick with Armor Penalty it may also prevent you from being able to perform more Actions in a Turn. Then there are ‘Free’ Actions. These are things that can be done rather quickly, such as dropping something, speaking a few words, getting onto the ground, moving short distances, drawing a Weapon quickly (which leaves you open when right next to an enemy), and etc. These can be done at any time during your Turn, and essentially can be used to flesh out a post. Just don’t go too overboard and try to do five hundred things at once. [/hider] [hider=Attacking and Accuracy] When Attacking, you have two options. Perform a Regular Attack or use an Art/Skill that is like an Attack. When you Attack, it is an Accuracy Challenge. Accuracy is usually determined by your Finesse + any and all Accuracy bonuses you possess for that particular Weapon or from whatever Art/Skill you are using. This will be kept track of by yours truly, but you can view them on the CS’s you all give me that will allow me to keep your statuses updated. The DL for this Challenge is 50 – the appropriate Defense of the Target(s). If you tie with the DL, the Attack is considered barely dodged/blocked and no Damage is sustained unless stated otherwise. If you score beneath the DL you hit the target and then Damage is determined, this being a Partial Hit which can possibly wound a foe. If your SR is 25, then you deal a Full Hit. A Full Hit deals your Weapon/Art/Skill’s Max Damage automatically, plus depending upon the Attack has a decent chance to Wound the opponent (see Damage). If your SR is 50, then you deal a Devastating Strike, which is just one step below a Critical Strike as it deals 50% more Damage and automatically inflicts a Wound, but unlike a Critical Strike it doesn’t ignore Resilience or Resistance. Naturally there are some abilities that can lower the SR needed to get Full or Devastating Strike. Also one more thing to note is that when trying to use a Weapon, whether Attacking or Parrying, that you do not have Proficiency in you receive a – 25 Penalty in doing so and you also cannot use any Arts or Skills with said Weapon. [hider=Full Attack] Also while you can perform one Attack per Action you can do in a Turn, there are ways to pull off multiple Attacks. This is known as a Full Attack. If you choose to do a Full Attack, you expend all of your Actions in that Turn and perform a number of Attacks equal to your Attack Speed, which is equal to 1/20th of your Quick + your Weapon's Attack Speed. Light Weapons usually have more Attack Speed, Medium Weapons have average, and Heavy Weapons have lower Attack Speed. Note that a Full Attack takes up your entire Turn unless stated otherwise and your Attack Speed can never be lower than 1, as some extremely heavy Weapons and some Skills/Arts can subtract from your existing Attack Speed. Note that when performing a Full Attack, for each Attack after the first sustains a -20 Penalty to Accuracy. Of course, for every Attack after the first, if you moved forward into Attacking, you are considered to be in Point Blank Range as well, which cancels out a bit of that penalty. Naturally it is possible to acquire ways to lower this penalty if you prefer to utilize alot of Full Attacks, but otherwise it is -20 for every Attack after the second since you are just spontaneously swinging your Weapon around, focusing on speed rather than Accuracy.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Distance] The Distance you are Attacking from does matter. While there will be no map, I will usually describe the general distance you are away from a foe and whether or not your attack could reach in the short time of your Turn for Melee or how accurate your Attack would be for a ranged Attack. Distance does effect Accuracy, and here is how to describe how Accuracy is effected based on your Distance to the opponent. Point Blank: Melee (+25 Accuracy), Throwing (+0 Accuracy), Ranged (-25 Accuracy, Open for C.A.) Close: Melee (+0 Accuracy), Throwing (+25 Accuracy), Ranged (+0 Accuracy) Middle: Melee (-25 Accuracy), Throwing (+0 Accuracy), Ranged (+25 Accuracy) Long: Melee (-50 Accuracy), Throwing (-25 Accuracy), Ranged (+0 Accuracy) Far: Melee (Cannot Hit), Throwing (-50 Accuracy), Ranged (-25 Accuracy) Naturally, there are some abilities that make these Distance Modifiers change in your favor (whether defending or attacking). And do note that having good Cover can also grant your enemies penalties to their Accuracy as well, so if there is cover (whether natural or the corpse of an enemy) it is always a good idea to take it. Also when in Point Blank Range with someone, Moving is an Action if you want to get away without incurring a Chance Attack, but otherwise it is a Free Action but still open to a Chance Attack. There are also Reach Weapons, which allow a person to attack as if from Point Blank Range while actually being in Close Range (like Long Spears or Halberds). These are always something you want to take into consideration when fighting. [/hider] [hider=Defense] Naturally you must know how to defend yourself from an attack. There are three forms of Defense, Parrying, Dodging, and Blocking. All three of them are effectively vital. Dodging lets you completely dodge an Attack. Your Dodge Defense is equal to your Quick, plus any bonuses you may have. The upside to this is that you completely avoid the attack in its entirety, but the downside is that heavier armors reduce Quick so they make it harder to dodge, and Partial Hits are more likely to Wound you since you weren’t trying to reflect the blow at all, even partially. Plus it doesn’t leave much room for Counters and Dodging is hard in narrow spaces. Parrying is where you utilize your weapon, or fists, to block an Attack. The upside to this is that Partial Hits are less likely to Wound you and you can more easily utilize Counter based abilities. Unfortunately you cannot Parry a Ranged Attack, having -50 to Defense to do so and if you try to Parry a Melee Weapon while Unarmed you have -25 to your Defense. Also there are some attacks, like ones to Shatter your Weapon or Disarm you, which you wouldn’t want to Parry. Your Parry Defense is determined by the Weapon you are wielding (plus Bonuses). Blocking is the same as Parrying, except you use your Shield. Your Block Defense is determined by the Shield that you are wielding (plus Bonuses). This is a much more effective form of Defense as it carries no penalties towards Ranged Attacks, but some Attacks again would want to target your shield and are bad if they just touch you. Shields also give Armor Penalty and prevent you from utilizing one of your hands for weapons or other actions that would need two hands. [/hider] [hider=Damage and Wounds] Finally the more daunting aspect of Combat to consider. Taking Damage. When you get hit by an Attack, you take Damage to your Endurance and possibly suffer a Wound depending upon your Resilience and the Success Rating of the Attack. All Damage is done to your Endurance, reducing its Current (not Max) value. If the damage dealt was Physical Damage, then first any applicable Damage Resistances you have are applied then your Resilience + Armor Rating reduces the remaining Damage, possibly even negating it if the score is high enough. The same rule applies for Mystical Damage, except your Resistance Score is used, but if your Armor is not Mystic Armor then only half of its Armor Rating is applied. Naturally your Endurance represents your ability to persist and endure, telling the overall welfare of your body. Wounds reduce your Max Endurance and are hard to recover from. When a Wound is possible, then a Resilience/Resistance (based on the Damage type) Challenge is made. The DL is equal to the 75 – the Success Rating of the Attack. Fail, and you will incur one Wound. A Devastating/Critical Strike automatically deals a Wound, and the Challenge is made to prevent a second Wound. There are some other abilities that can either automatically inflict Wounds or make Wounds much easier to inflict. There are even some abilities that let you deal additional wounds. For each Wound you incur, you suffer a -10% Penalty to your Max Endurance. This effectively reduces all Scores that rely on Endurance and reduces the amount of damage you can overall take. Passing Out from having your Endurance reach 0 will also incur a Wound automatically and make you Helpless. So naturally the more wounded you are, the easier it is for you to be defeated and then killed in battle since Passing Out allows for others to come up to you and try to finish you off (which counts as an Action, finishing off a downed opponent, that leaves you open for a Chance Attack). There is a max amount of Wounds you can take. Naturally 10 (or whatever amount would reduce your Endurance to 0) is the maximum limit, but your regular limit below that is equal to 20% of your Might. After taking more Wounds then this, then every subsequent Wound taken will cause all of your Stats to be reduced by 1 (excluding Soul). So naturally, if Wounded, you want to get patched up as quickly as possible, especially if your Might is low. [/hider] [hider=Chance Attacks] Chance Attacks (C.A.) are Regular Attacks that you can perform only once outside of your Turn that are done when your opponent has left themselves open near you. Naturally you can opt to me whether or not you would want to take a Chance Attack when given the opportunity and I will go ahead and add it to the post for the enemies when I do so (essentially, this saves time, and unless you tell me not to just make Chance Attacks with your Characters in my posts, I will assume its ok). There are many things that can leave you open when done in Point Blank Range of an opponent’s Weapon, such as trying to aim and use a Ranged Weapon, trying to move away from an opponent from Point Blank Range, using mystical Arts, drawing a Weapon, etc. Luckily Chance Attacks are very spontaneous. You only get one Attack (even if your Attack Speed gives you more Regular Attacks on your Turn) and you cannot use any Art or Skill for this Attack unless stated otherwise. They also suffer a -25 to Accuracy, meaning the Point Blank Range modifier they would get is cancelled out. Note, Chance Attacks can only be done with Melee Weapons, not with Ranged or Throwing unless you have something that allows you to do so. [/hider] [hider=How Combat will Work in the RP] So for this RP, Combat will be post by post like everything else. You write out a post about your Action(s) for that specific Turn. Anything that is significant like Attacking, moving long distances (if an opponent is very far away) or other such things constitutes one Action while other smaller things are Free Actions. So write out what you are doing (could be attacking an enemy, using a Skill, etc) to the best of your ability. Naturally I am not expecting every Combat post to be super long, but always give it your best shot, and I always like quality over quantity. Then I will respond right after whoever so far has posted for their Turn (in the event I am not able to respond after every single individual Turn, I will try to, but Life isn’t perfect). Once either everyone has posted for their Turns OR Two Days have passed, I will move on to the enemies’ Turn(s). Now this can make Combats take a long time. I do not plan on there being too much Combat. Combat that either involves enemies that are way weaker than you, is not plot relevant, or would just be for grinding purposes will be auto-resolved (unless a never-before seen Boss enemy appears). Usually Combat within a Dungeon won’t be auto-resolved UNLESS there is going to be a lot of enemies within that dungeon. In that case, the weaker or less prevalent enemies will be auto-resolved. USUALLY Death won’t occur from auto-resolved Combat, even if its grinding, but if Combat that would be auto resolved would have a decent chance of killing you, instead I will be expending whatever resources you have at your disposal to run away or come out alive on top, even if it means utilizing powerful healing Items or the like. Again, this usually shouldn’t happen, but it just might. Even auto-resolved Combat in a Dungeon won’t have Death occur, but that doesn’t mean Wounds or usage of resources to prevent damage won’t occur. [/hider] [hr] [hider=The Uses of SOUL] Soul, the measure of the strength of your… well… soul. Its main use is the energy that powers all of your Skills and your more mystical Arts. However, SOUL has one more very important use. Its second primary use falls into the namesake of the game, SOUL-Bound. Everything in this game is bound to the Soul, and as such Soul is used to make this happen. You can spend your Soul (which means permanently reduce it) to perform a variety of things in Game (which will be explained when encountered). Setting teleportation points, making very powerful items, etc are some of the more basic, more specific in game uses. But its primary uses as a mystical ‘currency’ lie within the Reincarnation mechanic within the game. Death is not the end within this world. Rather when you die, your Character is reincarnated. The only thing(s) that normally travel with you are your Skills, your Soul Stat, and 10% of your earned EXP is given to your new Character after Character Creation. You can use SOUL, however; to Soul Bind Items, Traits, more EXP, percentages of your Stat and Score values, and other such things to your Character so that they travel to your next Character once you reincarnate. The amount of SOUL you need to spend varies, but spending Soul will allow you to do these things, needing to go to a Soul Temple in order to do so. You can find a Soul Temple in most towns, so you don’t need to worry about being hard pressed to find one. You can also reincarnate willingly at a Soul Temple, which is how you set up Soul Binding things to your next Character. So naturally dying can be rather bad, since you can’t set up your reincarnation as nicely upon death as you can at a Soul Temple. You cannot willingly reincarnate at a Soul Temple until you have earned 100 EXP in your current life, although most people would recommend having earned 200 EXP before reincarnating. While spending Soul on these things does mean you lose it permanently, there are ways to increase your Soul again without the need for utilizing increases from Senses, Skills, or Traits and you can always get Soul Shards which can substitute for your own Soul in some of these scenarios, but these are a bit rare/hard to acquire. While you can spend Soul in the game, which permanently reduces it, there are ways to acquire substitute Soul to spend (which would be Soul Gems) and Soul can also be spent to acquire EXP at a Soul Temple to utilize during your Reincarnation process, like if there are any Senses/Arts you want to convert into Skills during Reincarnation. Naturally when you die you cannot spend Soul in this way. You just reincarnate as is, losing everything that isn't Soul Bound (Items, Traits, Arts, Stats, etc). So its always a good idea, if you plan on doing something difficult once you are a good bit stronger, to go to a Soul Temple and prepare yourself for reincarnation just in case. Note that there is a risk to Soul Binding though. There are actually ways to steal things that are Soul Bound to characters, so Skills, Traits, and even EXP and Soul can all be taken. Granted these means are very rare (well... except for Skill Inheritance (see Skills for more details, but even then that method doesn't always work too precisely when used on other players). Still, its better to have just one thing get stolen then to lose a bunch of things upon death because you didn't prepare. [/hider] [hider=Death and Revival] Naturally, when you die, your Character is usually dead, but not always for good unless you’d rather die for good. You can either reincarnate (as seen above), perish permanently (if you desire a brand new Character), or Revive. You die when an attack would take you -150% below your overall Endurance (excluding reductions from Wounds) or you suffer enough Wounds to bring your Endurance or Might down to 0 (100% Endurance loss). Naturally, when you die, your body will usually vanish and you will either have the option to reincarnate, revive, or perish permanently. Once per week in game, you have the option of a free Revive. While you have below 50% earned EXP, this has no penalty and merely and teleports you back to any chosen Soul Point you have set up (see a Soul Temple in game for more details), once you have reached above 50 earned EXP is when things begin to change. Your once a week Revival now has a serious penalty. You lose 20% Soul, -10% EXP, -10% Endurance, and -1 to all other Stats and Scores. This is a seriously heavy penalty, but it lets you keep living and, in five minutes, you respawn back in town. Now there are Revival Items (weakest being Shards, strongest being Gems) that allow you to sacrifice them instead of using your weekly revival. The stronger and more refined these Revival Items are, the more of these penalties they prevent, the strongest being the Refined Revival Crystal, an overwhelmingly rare Item that revives a character immediately with no penalties whatsoever. These are extremely rare though, so if you find one you could either sell it for a very nice sum of cash or keep it in the event you perish. [/hider] [hider=In Game Tasks] These are specific In Game Tasks that take quite a while. These include Item Creation, Item Repairing, Ritual Magic, Writing, Research, etc. All of these Tasks are done manually, meaning you have to spend a good bit of time on them. Naturally, the greater your Success Rating the less time you will have to spend on the task(s) at hand. For instance, when creating or repairing Items you need to spend time manually on making/repairing said Item. Its usually just an hour or so, but some tasks may require several hours, if not a half a day’s time total, but these are much harder or more rare tasks so it is not all that common that tasks will take more than an hour. There are some Skills, however; that make these tasks go instantly, giving you a small window that lets you (as long as you have the materials/tools/space) perform said Task instantly. While this can save a lot of time, usually Items made manually, or other tasks done manually, have better results than those done instantly, but those done instantly save a lot of time and may even let you perform the task multiple times at once rather than having to do it each manually. So deciding how to use your time wisely is always a must. Some tasks it may be more worth it to just do instantly while others it may be worth it to do manually. Of course, doing something manually usually grants more towards a Level in a Sense, Skill, or Art as well, but doing that sort of Grinding is best for In Game Extra Time (see In Game Extra Time for more details). [/hider] [hider=In Game Extra Time] Now this is for more the RP itself. On days when there is no plot relevance or anything that requires fleshing out will be ‘Extra Time’ or ‘Free Time’. During this time is when grinding or other time consuming tasks will take place. Naturally these will all be played out as just a short description of them and whether or not you succeeded. These free days will have three phases. Morning, Day, and Night. Morning and Night allow you two Actions while Day allows you three. So in the OOC, you will tell me what you want to do for each phase. Do take into consideration whether or not your character goes to school, has work, etc. Those may take away from how much time you have in the morning, day, and/or night. Here are some examples of things you can do during these times. [hider=Grinding] Grinding essentially involves going about finding enemies to fight in order to gain EXP, level your Arts, Skills, and Senses; and even possibly go out grinding for Items you know you can get from enemies. This is essentially where auto-resolving combat comes in. You can tell me what Skills/Arts you would like to focus on leveling when fighting. When auto-resolving, three rolls are made of the enemies’ Attack/Defense and your Attack/Defense (it depends on who is the aggressor, usually when grinding the player is the aggressor, but in other auto-resolve scenarios the enemy may be the aggressor). The better you do in the battle, the more EXP and SP (Sense Points) you will gain and the more your Arts and Skills will level. Note though when grinding, there is always a chance that you may encounter something else, but this is a somewhat rare occurrence, so it doesn’t matter too much. Just note that if it is a Boss or something like that you encounter while grinding, depending upon the event, may be played out and you could die during it, but again events like these are a rare occurrence and them being prevalent events to play out will be even more rare. [/hider] [hider=Training] Instead of fighting though, you could just focus on more safely grinding your Arts, Skills, and Senses. This allows you to more focus your grinding on specific aspects, experiment with things (like experimenting with your Arts), and grind for longer periods of time. Of course, fighting can definitely give you more, but there is nothing wrong with grinding in safety to allow for longer stretches. If you focused more time on grinding, you could even grind monsters, then grind abilities and alternate. You could also train your Stats. Through studying, working out, etc. You can use various methods to train your Stats as well, in order to boost your base abilities. Training your various abilities can also give you EXP, albeit at a slower rate than fighting, but nonetheless training is a nice, safe way to grow stronger. Training and Grinding both take up one Action of a Phase. Naturally the more time you spend upon them, the more your abilities will grow, so do remember this. [/hider] [hider=Exploration] This could be just shopping, wandering about an area, going to visit a certain character, etc. Depending on what you do, this could take very little time, an action, or the entire phase of a day. You could go exploring the wilds to try and discover something or just go exploring to find and gather materials (like herbs). It just varies and depends on what you would like to do. If you do find a Dungeon, you can attempt to complete it, but if it seems too dangerous for your character (as in the enemies are too tough) I will have them run away. Of course, this will be auto-resolved unless either A: you don’t want it to be or B: the dungeon wouldn’t be too difficult for your character. I will tell you, based on your abilities and the results of your Challenges, what you find in there, whether or not you were able to complete it, how much EXP and levels in Senses/Skill/Arts you have gained, and what sort of resources you expended in the Dungeon (such as Potions or other such things). So naturally, if you find a Dungeon while exploring, you may want to just make a note of it, spend some time preparing, then go tackle it. Note that completing a Dungeon will take an entire Phase of a Day, or possibly even a bit more than a Phase based on when you discover it and how long the Dungeon is. Of course, you can always combine exploration and grinding. For instance, walking through a forest whilst gathering materials, you could also make it part of your day to hunt anything that crosses your path. Just note that this will take a little focus away from your gathering, but it’s a great way to do both. So there are some neat ways to use your time like this. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Epic Points] Epic Points do not actually EXIST in game per say (your characters cannot see them or use them or anything like that). They are things for the player, for all of you. You all start with three of them and can spend them in certain situations as they represent situations of incredible luck and 'epic' ability. Once you spend them they don't come back normally. You get 1 for every 10 points of Luck that you possess. You can also spend both a Talent and a Stat Point at a Level Up in order to get one as well. Doing awesome RPing or doing other epic things can score you EPs as well. You can spend 1 EP to get -25 to a Challenge's result, reroll a Challenge, get a better drop (or drops) from an enemy, or have something else special happen. Also if you do enter Bleeding Out Status, you can spend 1 EP to stop Bleeding Out and instantly stabilize. You can also spend 2 EP to prevent instantaneous death of your character. Naturally if you see a result in my post that you would rather not happen, just tell me if you would like to spend EP or not. Do note that once you spend EP, you must accept whatever result comes from it. Essentially these are to somewhat give you a chance to avoid something incredibly awful from happening to you because of the system itself. Just a little small cushion to aid you. [/hider] [hr] [i][b]Senses[/b][/i] Your Senses represent your general abilities, knacks, and attributes. These are things that, for lack of a better word, you have a ‘sense’ for. Your Senses are the basic determinants for all of your abilities and are the bread of your character (with Skills being the butter). Your Senses essentially determine the basics of what you can do such as your ability to wield weapons or utilize Magic. Some can even be bolsters for your already known natural abilities. As your Senses grow stronger, you will be able to perform more actions with them and your overall character will grow stronger. Some Senses can also give you increased Stats, which is another way other than EXP to increase your Stats. [hider=Acquiring Senses] Senses are acquired through the usage of EXP. Each Sense has a varying cost, but once you acquire it you can begin to level it and grow stronger in that sense right away. At Character Creation you can acquire Senses just with EXP, acquiring as many as you’d like with your Character Creation EXP as long as you meet any requirements the Sense has. In Game, however; you need a Sense Book to acquire a brand new Sense. For most basic Senses these can be bought in towns and cities where books are sold. More unique ones can be acquired from Quests or treasure chests. Sense Tomes can also give you the Sense, these being a bit rarer though as they usually give a bonus or have a reduction in the amount of EXP you need to spend. When you Evolve or Convert a Sense (see Leveling Senses) you can reacquire the Sense you just evolved/converted for one less EXP (to a minimum cost of 3 EXP) for each time you have had to reacquire it. This can allow you to gain those bonuses once again and either continue to just Rank Up that specific Sense or evolve/convert it into a different direction. [/hider] [hider=Leveling Senses] To Level a Sense, you merely need to utilize it. For lower Ranked Senses you need to either utilize or attempt to utilize it. For higher ranks you can only Level them through utilizing them successfully. Every time you utilize a Sense you gain a Sense Point (SP) for that Sense. Gain enough of them and your Sense will Level up. The amount you need per Level of that Sense depends upon its Rank. A Critical Success gives you 10 SP while a Fumble gives you 5 SP for the Sense(s) you used at the time. You can also use EXP to gain SP in a Sense. The amount of SP you gain per point of spent EXP also depends upon the Rank of the Sense. Higher Ranked senses usually cost more EXP to learn. The max Level of any Sense is Level 10. It is at this level that they can be Converted, Advanced, or Ranked Up. Whenever a Sense reaches Level 10, you also get a point of EXP for this. [/hider] [hider=Sense Ranks] Here are the Ranks of the Senses and the amount of EXP and SP they need. Rank 10: 10 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 6 SP Rank 9: 12 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 6 SP Rank 8: 12 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 5 SP Rank 7: 15 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 5 SP Rank 6: Minimum Sense EXP Cost is now 5 EXP instead of 3. Criticals only give 5 SP and Fumbles give 1. Max Level for Senses is now Level 15. 15 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 5 SP Rank 5: 16 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 4 SP, Failed Uses no longer grant SP. Rank 4: 18 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 4 SP Rank 3: 21 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 4 SP. Fumbles no longer give any SP. Rank 2: 24 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 3 SP, Max Level for Senses is now 20. Rank 1: 30 SP/Level, 1 EXP: 3 SP, Minimum Cost for Senses is now 7 EXP instead of 5. [/hider] [hider=Evolving Senses] Here is what happens with Senses once their Max Level is reached. [hider=Intro, Ranking Up, and Special Exception] Once a Sense reaches its max level there are three things you can do with it to evolve it. The first is the most simple, which is to do what is known as a Rank Up. This merely resets the Sense’s level to 1 and raises its Rank by 1. This allows you to get the same bonuses you received before, with a few exceptions. Ranking Up a Sense does not cost any EXP. This is useful as Ranking Up a Sense can allow you to achieve bigger or more bonuses towards the abilities that Sense encompasses. Furthermore when Advancing or Converting a Sense that has been Ranked Up a better Sense or Skill can be obtained than what you would have gotten if you had just Advanced or Converted it from square one. [hider=Special Exception] These exceptions mentioned above being any ‘one-time bonuses’. This would be things like getting proficiency in a weapon or being able to use a certain other kind of ability. If you ever get a bonus like this from other Senses, the newest redundant bonus will be changed into a different, small bonus that goes towards that ability. For instance, if you have two Senses that would give you Shortsword Proficiency, one of those would be just changed into a small bonus towards Shortswords (like +1 Damage or Accuracy with Shortswords). This is good to take into consideration if you want to specialize in a certain ability. For instance, getting the Melee Weaponry, Sword Proficiency, and Shortsword Proficiencies would all give the Shortsword Proficiency ability and thus give bonuses towards Shortswords. This is a good way to get more bonuses. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Sense Advancement] Advancing the Sense is the second thing that can be done to a Level 50 Sense. This raises the Sense’s Rank appropriately and lets you branch off into a more advanced Sense. For instance, with Bow Proficiency you could choose specialization with a specific type of Bow or perhaps a way to fight with a Bow (like Hunting, Sniping, Close Range, etc). Advancing essentially means going down a branching path. With Advancement, you can also get a Combined Sense. If you have two Senses that are at Level 50, you may get the option to create a more unique Sense that is a combination of these two Senses. So for instance, the Sylph’s Bow Sense, a Sense for using Wind in conjunction with arrows to make for some very unique mystical shots, would be acquired from combining any Bow Sense and the Silver Ether Sense. So combining two Senses can be extremely useful for acquiring some unique Abilities. It does cost EXP to Advance a Sense. The amount is equal to 1/3rd of the Sense’s (or Senses if combining Senses) EXP Cost. So Senses that cost 6 EXP would cost 2 to Advance and so on. Note that while a Sense may have its Rank increased, the EXP Cost of the Sense for Advancement will always stay the same, so you do not need to worry about that if you plan to Rank Up a Sense and then Advance it. [/hider] [hider=Sense Conversion] Converting a Sense is the final thing you can do with a Level 50 Sense. This takes the Sense and turns it into a Skill that you can then utilize as a Passive Skill, deciding whether or not to Equip it. While this does make the Sense a bit weaker, as some of the bonuses you received are decreased, this can be done to acquire some very interesting Skills through Skill Linking (see Skills for more details). Furthermore, Skills are the one thing your Character keeps upon death. So yes while a Converted Skill will be a bit weaker than the Sense that it originated from it is a good way to be able to reincarnate with some rather interesting abilities (see the Soul Section for details). Furthermore, when Converting a Sense while some of its bonuses are weakened, any abilities gained from that Sense will remain the same. Meaning if you turned the Sword Proficiency Sense into a Skill, any Sense or other Ability that gave you proficiency with a type of Sword would grant you a bonus instead. Furthermore, while the bonuses gained from Skills are typically smaller in scope, you can experiment with these special Skills and take them into unique directions through Skill Links. If you end up not liking the Skill, you can also always get a Skill Crystal and then sell it to someone. The cost for converting a Sense into a Skill is equal to a 4th of its EXP Cost rounded down. For Senses that are Rank 5 and above the amount needed is a 3rd of the Sense’s EXP Cost. [/hider][/hider] [hr] [hider=Skills] Skills are very special abilities that represent the essence of your being and abilities. Skills are one of the things that are ‘Soul Bound’ to your character, meaning you can keep them upon death or reincarnation if you so desire to take them to your next character. While Senses are your bread, Skills are the butter that goes on that bread and are also bread by themselves. [hider=Acquiring Skills] Acquiring a Skill is pretty simple. You merely need to meet its requirements (Stat or Sense wise) and then spend the appropriate amount of EXP. Of course, there are several ways to acquire Skills. One of them (Sense Conversion) has already been mentioned. Here are the other few methods. The first, and easiest, method is through Skill Books. These can either be bought from places that sell books, acquired from Quests, or found as rare rewards from treasure chests or other such things. All you need is to meet the Skill’s requirement as listed by the Book and then learn it by spending the appropriate amount of EXP. It is quite simple. Some unique Skill Books can give you some neat bonuses, so always watch out for those. The second is through Skill Links. While this will be explained more in the Skill Linking section (See Equipping Skills) you can acquire some very interesting Skills this way. The third is through Inheritance. This method is a bit random. Some special enemies, when defeated, will grant you a special Skill. Other times special Items known as Skill Crystals can sometimes capture a Skill of a defeated enemy. Note though while this can ‘get’ you the Skill, you still need to meet its requirements and then spend EXP. Note though that Skills gained through this method are sometimes a bit cheaper to purchase. The fourth method is through Art Mastery. This will be explained in the Arts section though. [/hider] [hider=Equipping Skills] Skills are more than just special techniques or things you can do. Nor are they just natural abilities you have. They are literal parts of your Soul, and as such must be channeled actively and properly in order to be used to their fullest extent. Skills all have two affects. An Active Affect and a Passive Affect. Their Passive Affect is always active, and is usually just some form of small bonus. So even if you aren’t using a Skill, you can still have it just to gain some nice bonuses. Overall, it’s pretty useful. The Active Affect is what activates when its Equipped. If it’s an Active Skill, this simply means that it can be used. For instance, like if it’s a magic Spell of some kind then its Active Affect would be what the Spell does. If it’s a Passive Skill, this means that the main brunt of its passive bonuses and affects become active. There is a limit to how many Skills you can equip though. This is determined by a Skill’s Rank and your Register score. Whenever you equip a Skill, it uses an amount of Register equal to 11 – the Skill’s Rank. So a Rank 10 would only use 1 Register, whilst a Rank 1 Skill uses 10 Register. So a higher Register either allows you to equip more average Skills or equip more powerful Skills. [hider=Skill Links] While Senses are your bread and Skills are your butter and extra bread, Skill Links are the delicious assortment of jams and jellies you can put atop that bread to truly make your character special. Skill Links involves taking two somewhat similar Skills and linking them together to give you a Linked Skill. [hider=Downsides] Before we get into it, let me state the two downsides of Linked Skills. The first is that creating a Link uses Register. The amount used is (# of Skills Linked(x10) + 1) – the Total Rank of the Skills you are Linking, plus an additional base amount equal to # of Skills Linked - 1. So if you were to Link two Rank 10 Skills together, the Link only uses 2 Register. So for three Skills (one Rank 9 and two Rank 10) this would use three Register. Now Linking a Skill to a Linked Skill counts not as Linking three Skills together (if you used two to make that Skill), but instead it is considered a new Rank so more Register is used. The second downside is that you cannot use the Skills that comprise the Links. While their Passive Affects will be combined and the strength of their Active Affects decently combined and increased, you will not be able to use the two previous Skills. You do not need to worry about leveling these inactive Skills, as they will still be leveled by using the Linked Skill (albeit at a very slightly slower pace). The max number of Skills you can have in a single Link is five for what is known as a Pentagram Skill. [/hider] Now with that out of the way, there are two main ways to Link Skills. The first is known simply as a Strengthening Link. You can equip the same Skill multiple times, and then Link these copies together. This just merely powers up the Skill though, but is good if you would prefer strength over diversity. Its also good for those just starting out who have a decent amount of Register to use and few Skills to use it with. The second is the main usage for Links, which is linking differing, but compatible, Skills together. This creates a new, somewhat stronger and/or more unique Skill. For instance, you could link the Skill Magic Word: Hand with the Skill ‘Conjure Fire’ to create Fire Hand which conjures a fiery hand to strike foes. You could also link the Slash Skill with said Conjure Fire Skill to create the Fire Slash Skill. While these are rather basic, this is just an example of what linking two or more differing Skills can do. You can also link the newly created Linked Skills to other Skills to create even more unique Skills. For instance, Linking the Fire Hand Skill to the Power Strike Skill would create the Fiery Fist Skill, which allows you to focus the fiery power of the previous Skill into your hand for a strong fiery strike. It also gives you the ability to touch fire with that hand without getting hurt. There are many ways to experiment with acquiring very interesting Linked Skills. Of course, while you cannot use the Skills that make up the Linked Skills remember that you can equip those Skills again. So if you did have this Fiery Fist Skill, you could equip the Conjure Fire Skill again if you wanted to be able to use that as well. [hider=Acquiring Linked Skills] It is good to remember that Linked Skills are not permanent Skills. You can obtain Linked Skills, however; as your regular Skills. To do so, you merely need to use it for a while. Once you have used it enough, if you meet the requirements (which you usually will) you can then spend EXP equal to 10 - Linked Skill’s Rank to acquire it. Note that this cannot be done for Strengthening Links, just for regular Skill Links. Doing this will make the Skill one of your regular Skills, allowing you to equip it normally and level it as you please. You can even go as to Link this to other Skills to see what you can acquire. One thing to note as that a Link Skill that has been acquired as a regular Skill will start off somewhat weaker than it was as a Linked Skill. Usually though some leveling will allow it to catch up though. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Leveling Skills] Skills are a bit more easily leveled than Senses, but like Senses do possess a max level of 50. To level them, you merely need to use them or, if they are equipped, perform actions that utilize their Passive Affect. Naturally better results for a Skill’s usage levels it up faster. You can also use EXP to Level a Skill as well. For Rank 10 – 6 Skills, it’s just one EXP. For Rank 5 – 2 Skills it’s 2 EXP and for Rank 1 Skills its 3. Generally it’s better to use EXP when a Skill is higher in Level rather than lower though. Criticals and Fumbles will automatically Level up a Rank 10 – 6 Skill. A Rank 5 – 2 Skill can still be leveled automatically by a Critical, but a Fumble only levels it 50% and for Rank 1 Skills a Critical only levels it 50% and Fumbles are not applicable. The leveling rate for Skills is somewhat varied, but its progress is measured as a percentile and the lower its Rank and Level the faster it levels. Once a Skill has reached Level 50, you can either give it a Rank Up, which just raises its Rank and resets its level, allowing you to continue leveling it up to make it stronger, or Advance which gives it new abilities and functionality. This costs the same amount of EXP you would use to Level Up said Skill plus one more point. Naturally if you have two or more Level 50 Skills, you can Link them together to also perform a Link Advancement, which allows you to immediately acquire that new Linked Skill for no EXP, but requires you to sacrifice the new Skill in the process. Linked Skills gained through Linked Advancement are not as weak as regularly acquired Linked Skills and may sometimes have more unique abilities. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Arts] Arts are the final form of ability your Character possesses. These are actually rather simple. These are all active, special techniques that you do not need to equip to use. Essentially these are things you basically know how to do, and thus are based around your Senses. Arts are useful for those who do not have much Register and need something they can use outside of their Skills. Arts are easily learned from trainers, books, and even from Senses. They cost no EXP to learn and are very easily leveled through usage or EXP in the same manner that you use EXP on Skills. The main difference is that Arts usually level faster, but only have a max level of 25 and cannot be evolved or advanced. You simply just need to learn the next Art. You can experiment with Arts to learn new Arts as well. Arts are rather useful, but are usually weaker than Skills so they are either good for secondary abilities that you can’t find Skills for (or do not have the EXP to learn) or are good if you prefer to have Passive Skills that grant you big bonuses and use Arts for more active abilities. Unfortunately, unlike Skills, Arts are not kept on death and there are no passive Arts. Arts are another actually cheaper way to acquire Skills though. If you take the time to master an Art, you can actually take the option to convert that mental knowledge into a part of your soul. You will gain the option to convert the mastered Art into a Skill. This does take EXP, but usually less so than the other methods. So mastering an Art is like gaining a Skill Book that costs less EXP. Do note though that converting an Art to a Skill will not only sacrifice the Art, but the Skill will start off a bit weaker than the Art was when you converted it, but this can be quickly remedied by leveling the Skill. One final thing to note about Skills and Arts is that with Arts you have a small bit more freedom with those than Skills. While a Skill’s functions are somewhat stagnant, an Arts can be experimented with and new things can be discovered with it. Skills can only gain new functions by leveling up. Arts can gain new functions just by playing around with them, so sometimes it’s best to start with some neat Arts and then convert those into Skills after playing around with them for a bit. [hider=Arts Check] Arts, unlike Skills, are things that you just know how to do and must go through the process every time. That is why, unlike Skills, their strength actually fluctuates and is not fixed. This allows for some more freedom with Arts (as mentioned above) as you can play around with them, but for Skills those are somewhat stagnant in strength (even if that strength is mostly stronger). Whenever you utilize an Art, you perform an Arts Check. Some Arts don’t require this (like basic techniques), but a good number do (like mystical arts). Skills are always successful, but an Art can fail. It is this that allows for experimentation with an Art’s functionality to be explored. A good suggestion is to always learn an Art, play around with it, then convert it into a Skill once you have opened up neat functions for what you can do with said Art, as Skills can only gain new functions by leveling up. Another thing about using Arts is that physical Arts utilize Endurance. It is always a good idea to keep an eye on your Endurance when utilizing physical Arts. While the amount of Endurance they use is always relatively low, do note that utilizing these taxing physical techniques again and again is not the best for your stamina and thus can tire you out rather quickly, so always keep an eye on your Endurance. A good thing to note is that Arts that do require an Arts Challenge are usually ones tied to a Score of some kind. For instance, a Word Magic Art is tied to your Magic Score, so that would be used for the Arts Check. All Arts that have Arts Checks are usually further enhanced by your Success Rating, (see ‘Challenges’ for more details). If this happens, the max amount this Rating can be is the Score you used. For instance, let’s say you use a Word Magic Art that has an Arts DL of 70 and your Magic Score is 12. You get a 50 on the roll and the Art is enhanced by 75% of your Success Rating. While the Success Rating (SR) is 20, only 12 is applied since your Magic Score is 12, meaning the amount here (since it was 75% SR) is 9 rather than 16. Getting a Critical on an Arts Check will actually raise the max Success Rate to double your Score, so for this scenario getting that Critical will raise that 12 to 24. One final good thing about using Arts is that Arts, unlike Skills, can be used silently (unless it’s something like Word Magic which requires you to say a word). Skills require you to call their name to evoke them. Arts are evoked more naturally by just doing them, the game allowing you to invoke them silently if you so choose, but you can call out their name to evoke them if you want. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Traits] Traits are not really an ability. Rather they are just passive bonuses that your character just has. These are usually gained through in game means such as quests, special items, Senses, etc. These can be anything from just a bonus to your Stats to some special ability. These are rather niche though, and are better explained as they are received. Traits can be strengthened, but how they are strengthened depends on the individual Trait. Traits, unlike everything else, cannot be strengthened with EXP. They are only strengthened by Senses, Skills, and Traits related to said Trait. They can be bought or unlocked with EXP, but they cannot be strengthened by it, so you do not need to worry about utilizing your EXP for leveling your Traits. Traits can also be Soul Bound, so if you have a very powerful Trait you'd like to take with you to your next Character then its highly suggested that you Soul Bind it. [/hider] [hr] Character Creation Information This is everything you need to know to create your character. How to actually create your character will come after this section though. [hider=Stats] The main determining factor of your character’s abilities is their Stats. These scores are measures of your character’s natural abilities. These first six are your basic stats, but you have two other very special Stats as well, giving you a total of eight Stats. Might Might is a measure of your character’s overall physical strength. The higher this score is, the stronger they are and the harder they can hit. This stat also helps with physical damage reduction and other actions or aspects that would be considered physical, so for someone who is more interested in being physical this Stat is heavily recommended. This also increases your Endurance. Quick Quick, or Quickness, is a measure of how agile your character is. This is useful for characters who prefer to be lighter on their feet. This helps with dodging, utilizing light weapons, and a few other things. Overall useful for those who like to dodge entirely or just be otherwise really fast. It has a good number of uses, especially since it is better to dodge projectiles then it is to block them without a shield. Finesse Finesse represents how dexterous your character it is. Your skill with weapons and accuracy with projectiles is tied to this stat, so for one who prefers parrying, blocking, or any form of non-mystical fighting this Stat is highly essential. Of course, this Stat also determines your accuracy with projectiles and such, so a good number of mystical attacks do also depend on being accurate with them. Cunning Your Cunning determines your character’s overall intelligence, wit, and aptitude. It is highly useful for knowledge based tasks such as crafting or magic. Furthermore, you do gain extra EXP equal to your Cunning, so every time you increase your INT you gain a point of EXP. Do note though that the EXP gained from Intelligence can only be used on Arts, Senses, and Skills. Attunement Attunement represents your natural focus, concentration, and willpower; essentially your overall connection to your Soul. This Stat helps with mystical abilities and resistances, but its main use is in acquiring Skill Slots. While this does increase your Soul Stat so that you can utilize more mystical Skills, it is mainly useful in being able to use either more Skills or more powerful Skills. Luck Luck is useful for many different things. As its name implies, it really determines how lucky you are. It is useful for item drops, critical successes, critical strikes, etc. It has many different uses, so whether or not you decide to invest in it will depend upon your own preferences. [hider=Special Stats] These are your two special Stats. They can be raised and leveled like Stats, since they are Stats, but they work a bit differently than your other Stats. Endurance Endurance is a representation of how much punishment your character can take and is your version of health in this game. Endurance is lost from taking damage, from mind based attacks, using some Arts or Skills, and just from other things that would damage or exhaust your character. When your character’s Endurance hits 0 that is when they will pass out. If you hit -25% (so if you had 40 Endurance, for instance, you hit -10) then your character dies. See ‘Death’ for more details. While taking damage from attacks is obvious, you take Endurance damage whenever you use any form of physical Skill or Art. The damage is not much, but using too many Melee Arts and Skills the damage starts to pile up. Your max Endurance is also reduced whenever you take Wounds as well. For more details on this, see the ‘Damage’ section. Endurance does help with physical damage reduction and resistance to ailments. Your bonuses to these are determined by your maximum endurance, so you need to be very careful to manage your wounds. Your Might score also helps to increase your Endurance, so if you want a lot of Endurance investing in Might isn’t too bad of an option. Essentially your base Value for your Endurance (to determine EXP increase and other such things that measure Base Value) would be Base Value + Might. So if at Character Creation your Might was 8 and you started with 16 Endurance your Endurance’s actual value would be 24. Soul Soul is a measurement of the strength of the essence of your spirit and how much you have. Soul is used whenever you use any Skills or mystical Arts. Essentially it is your energy for utilizing any mystical abilities while also providing a few other things. Your Soul can also be damaged by some special mystical attacks, but these are not too common. Soul helps with mystical damage reduction. There are things that can reduce your max Soul, but these are also pretty rare so there shouldn’t be too much worry about that. Attunement helps to increase your Soul, so if you plan on using a lot of Skills or mystical Arts then investing into Attunement will help. Non-mystical Skills don’t use too much Soul, but using them a lot will add up, so take care in managing that. Soul can also be permanently spent to do many other things (see The Uses of SOUL). Of course, as it can be spent, there are also ways to acquire more Soul outside of the usages of EXP and specific Senses. Increasing your Attunement is one of these ways, as Attunement is used to increase your Soul. Essentially your base Value for your Soul (to determine EXP increase and other such things that measure Base Value) would be Base Value + Value, so if at Character Creation your Attunement was 8 and you started with 16 Soul your Soul’s actual value would be 24. [/hider] [hider=Scores] Scores, also known as your Sub Stats, are specific stat scores you possess that have a specific sort of function. While you do not get to put points into them at Character Creation, you can use EXP to raise their base values if you so desire. More Scores may be gained from Senses or Traits, those Scores being used for specific forms of actions or tasks. Resilience Resilience represents your resistance to physical damage. The Base Valuee of your Resilience is determined by 1 + 5% Max Endurance, and is then further increased by ¼ Might. Resilience directly reduces all physical damage you take, helps prevent Wounds (see Damage for details), and is your Resistance against Physical Ailments. This also determines your resistance to physical ailments. Naturally, since getting wounded decreases your max Endurance, then that also decreases your Resilience. Resistance Resistance represents your natural ability to resist mystical attacks. The Base Value of your Resistance is determined by 1 + 5% Soul, and is further increased by ½ Attunement. Resistance directly reduces damage to Soul and Endurance taken from mystical attacks and is your ‘resistance’ against Mystical Ailments. Recovery Recovery represents the rate at which your Soul is restored. The base value is determined by 1/4th of your Attunement Score. This is how much Soul you recover every minute. Regeneration Regeneration represents the rate at which your Endurance regenerates per minute. The base value is 1 + and then its further increased by 5% of your Max Endurance. Naturally this means that the more wounded you are, the slower your Endurance, which is like a combination of health + stamina, recovers. Register This determines how many Skills you can equip and how many Skill Links you can perform. All characters have a Register equal to 1 (its Base Value) + 1/3rd Attunement + 1/5th Cunning. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Character Growth] As you adventure, complete quests, and do other such things your character will gain Experience Points or EXP (XP). EXP is gained from fighting tough enemies, completing difficult quests, and other such forms of grand achievements that represent growth such as reaching Max level in any Art, Sense, or Skill. EXP is used a bit differently here. Rather than you having a numerical level, how skilled a character is can be determined by how much EXP they have acquired. EXP is used for many things. You can spend your acquired EXP to level your Senses and Skills or acquire new ones. You can even use your EXP to raise your Stats. There are some other rather very niche uses for EXP… but those are more in game circumstances that would be better explained when, or if, they are discovered. Naturally of course character growth is done through more than just EXP. Training your abilities will grant you bonuses to your other abilities. Other bonuses or increases can be acquired through quests, special items, special passive Skills/Senses, and other such things. So while EXP plays a large part of your character’s growth, so does just going out there and experiencing the world in your own way. Even training a specific Stat through rigorous activities involving it can increase said stat, like working out to increase your Might or studying hard to increase your Cunning. There are plenty of ways to grow and change, it is best to always look for them. [hider=Stat Growth] This here will show the EXP Costs for increasing your Stats once their starting values have been determined. To increase your ‘Main’ Stats you spend 2 + 10% of that Stat’s value in EXP. So at lower than 10, it only costs 2 EXP to increase a Stat. At 10 – 19 you spend 3 EXP per point, 20 – 29 you spend 4 EXP and then so on and so forth. To increase Soul and Endurance from 1 – 99 you gain 3 points per point of EXP spent. From 100 – 199 you only gain 2 per point of EXP spent. Then from 200 – 299 it’s a 1:1 ratio. From 300 – 399 it’s a 1:2 Ratio and it goes on from there. For any of your Scores, it costs an amount of EXP equal to 10% of that Score’s Base Value rounded down to increase it. From 1 – 19 it would only cost 1 EXP per point. From 20 – 29 it would cost 2 EXP and then so on and so forth. Do note that there are plenty of things that can raise your Scores. All of your Stats and Scores have plenty of ways that they can be increased, these ranging from Skills and Senses to special Items. So you do not need to worry too much about investing EXP into them if you would rather focus on powerful abilities. All of your Stats and Scores can also be trained by working hard at something that would increase said Main Stat like studying in a library to increase Cunning, performing physical training to increase Might and/or Endurance, or even having someone hit you again and again with strong attacks to increase Resilience. Of course, this does take time, but saves EXP in the end. [/hider] [/hider] How to Create your Character Now that we know the aspects of your character, it is time to create them. I hope I can make this process as streamlined as possible. Just remember that everything at Character Creation is determined by your EXP. At Character Creation you are given a base of 100 EXP to spend. Plus you gain an additional amount of EXP equal to your Cunning. Note though that this extra EXP from your Cunning can only be spent on Senses, Arts, and Skills. This ‘talent’ EXP that you get from Cunning will continue to go up. So every time your Cunning increases, you will get a point of EXP to use on Senses, Arts, and Skills. This cannot be used on anything else. [hider=Determining Stats] Everything at Character Creation is determined by your EXP, as mentioned before. Your Stats are no exception. Your Main Stats all start off at 1 while Endurance and Soul start off at 5 each. Now there is a small saving grace here in terms of your main Stats. You get to spend one less point of EXP to raise them up at Character Creation, which can help. So essentially at Character Creation, for your Main Stats, it only costs an amount of EXP equal to 1 + 10% Main Stat (Rounded Down) to increase said Stat Main Stat rather than 2 + 10% (Rounded Down). So you could potentially put more of your Character Creation EXP into your Stats rather than other things if you really, really wanted to start with higher Stats but fewer other abilities as at Character Creation from 1 - 9 it would only cost 1 EXP per point put into your Main Stats, from 10 - 19 it would cost 2 and so on and so forth. Just note that this would be for each Stat, so while you could raise each Main Stat to 10 at Character Creation it would require 54 EXP to do so. Then lets not mention raising Soul and Endurance as well, although those do cost a bit less EXP. You do need to take leveling Senses, acquiring Arts/Skills, and other such things into account as well, of course you are free to start however you please, so if you want higher Stats, but fewer starting abilities that is up to you. You could also prioritize Abilities over Stats (and there are even Senses for increasing specific Stats/Scores) if you truly wanted to. Remember though that you do have an additional pool of EXP to spend on ONLY your Senses, Arts, and Skills equal to your Cunning, so that is always something to take into consideration. [/hider] [hider=Senses] While you don’t necessarily need to determine the next things in any specific order, your Senses are still a good place to start. You must use your EXP to purchase and Level your Senses at the start. You can choose any Sense from the list as long as you meet its Stat Requirements (if it has any). Of course, if you have any ideas you are free to suggest them, I am always open to suggestions. Once you purchase a Sense, you are free to Level it by spending EXP. Please refer to the Sense Ranks button for how much EXP you would need to spend to level it. You can spend as much EXP you want on Senses, but be sure to save some anyway for other things. You can Level up any Sense up to Level 5, they can go no higher than that at Character Creation. You can spend all of your EXP on Senses if you desire to do so, but I personally don’t recommend it. [hider=Sense List] Note this list will just give a basic description and the first bonuses up to Level 5 to give you an idea of what is going on here with each Sense. Note the ‘categories’ that each Sense is in has no gameplay meaning, it is just a neat way to categorize things and show examples of Senses while listing the Senses you can start off with. Remember, feel free to suggest something based on the examples if you’d like. Also if you feel like I need to add more to this list, then just tell me and I will do so. Like if there is some sort of ability you’d like to start off with, just suggest it to me and I will see if it can qualify as a Sense that you could start off with. Do remember that all Senses can be advanced into newer Senses, so consider what sort of Senses you could get later on from taking certain ones at the start. You can always ask me as well. I won’t straight up tell you (as where is the fun in that), but I can drop some good hints if you really want me to (like one a hint about what getting a Score Boost Sense for any of your Scores could get you later on). [hider=Weapon Senses] These Senses are for training and proficiency with weapons. Wielding a Weapon without any Proficiency in it not only gives you a -20 Penalty to Parry Defense and Accuracy, but you also cannot perform any Skills or Arts utilizing said Weapon. Leveling these Senses just involves utilizing the weapon(s). Melee Weaponry (Rank 9, Cost: 7 EXP): Your sense of handling for Melee Weapons and the basics of melee combat. This is good for those who either want to wield multiple weapon types. It also gives bonuses to melee combat in general. Level 1: ‘Simple’ Weapon Proficiencies – You are now proficient with simpler weapons, able to wield them without penalty. These usually include daggers, spears, maces, and other such ‘simple’ weapons. Level 2: +1 Accuracy with Melee Weapons Level 3: +1 Parry Defense Level 4: ‘Martial’ Weapon Proficiencies – You are now proficient with most Melee Weapons, including most swords (not Bastard Swords or other such exotic blades), axes, hammers, etc. Level 5: +1 Damage Range to all Melee Weapons Missile Weaponry (Rank 9, Cost 7 EXP): Your sense for handling most forms of ranged projectile weaponry from crossbows to longbows. Level 1: Basic Proficiency – Can now wield Light and Heavy Crossbows and Thrown Weapons. Level 2: +1 Accuracy with Ranged Weapons Level 3: Bow Proficiency – You are now proficient with Bows. Level 4: +1 Damage Range of Ranged Weapons Level 5: Gain the ‘Careful Aim’ Art. Thrown Weapons (Rank 10, Cost: 5 EXP): Your sense for handling and executing well done throws with throwing weapons. Level 1: Proficiency – You can wield Thrown Weapons without penalty. Level 2: +1 Accuracy with Throwing Weapons Level 3: +1 Damage Range with Thrown Weapons Level 4: +1 Critical Chance with Thrown Weapons Level 5: Light Throwing Weapon Trait – You can now use Light Weapons that usually aren’t meant for throwing as Thrown Weapons. Weapon Type Proficiency (Rank 10, Cost: 6 EXP): These Senses are for training, proficiency, and expertise in a certain type or ‘grouping’ of weapons. This includes Swords, Spears, Polearms, Maces, Hammers, Crossbows, Bows, Axes, etc. Level 1: Proficiency – You can now wield most Weapons of this type without penalty. Level 2: +1 Accuracy with Weapon Type Level 3: +1 Damage Range with that Weapon Type Level 4: +1 Parry Defense (for Melee) and Critical Chance with Weapon Type Level 5: Depends upon Weapon Type Firearm Proficiency (Rank 9, Cost: 6 EXP): Your proficiency with firearms. While these are rather uncommon, they can be rather strong if one learns how to use them properly, preventing them from malfunctioning or jamming. Level 1: Small Firearms Proficiency – You can wield small firearms without penalty. Level 2 - 4: +1 Accuracy, -1 to Jam Rate Level 5: Medium Firearms Proficiency – You can now wield medium firearms without penalty. Specific Weapon Proficiency (Rank 10, Cost: 5 EXP (6 for Firearms or other Exotic Weapons): Your proficiency with a specific form of weapon. The bonuses will vary based on just what weapon you choose, but typically this represents more or less specialized proficiency in one specific form of weapon. Shield Proficiency (Rank 10, Cost: 6 EXP): Your proficiency and ability to block with shields and utilize them. Level 1: Shield Proficiency – You can now wield Shields with no penalty to Accuracy for attacks. Level 2: +1 Defense Rating with Shields. Level 3: Gain the ‘Shield Bash’ Art Level 4: +1 Defense Rating with Shields. Level 5: Gain the ‘Shield Block’ Art Armor Proficiency (Rank 9, Cost: 7 EXP): Your ability to move around efficiently in armors, something that normally impedes your movement. You also will have a better sense for protecting yourself. To Gain SP: Perform Actions and Fight while wearing Armor. Level 1: Gain the ‘Light Armor’ Trait, which halves the Armor Penalty from Light Armor. Level 2 – 4: +1 Armor Rating while wearing Armor. Level 5: +1 Endurance, -1 Armor Penalty to all Armors and Shields [/hider] [hider=Technical Senses] These represent more technical senses. Leveling them varies, but they are quite useful. Critical (Rank 8, Cost: 10 EXP): Your ability to find the weak points in things through both skill and luck. To Level: Perform Critical Strikes (1 SP per Critical Strike), takes +1 SP more than normal per Level. Level 1: +1 Critical Chance to all Attacks Level 2: +1 Accuracy with all Attacks Level 3: Gain the Back-Stab Art Level 4: +1 Critical Chance with all Attacks Level 5: Gain the ‘Critical Strike’ Skill (Costs 3 EXP to unlock) Accuracy (Rank 9, Cost: 8 EXP): Your ability to properly aim and hit your target with all forms of attacks. Level 1 – 4: +1 Accuracy with all Attacks Level 5: Gain the ‘Aim’ Art. If you already have the ‘Aim’ Art. Defense (Rank 9, Cost: 8 EXP): Your ability to defend against attacks through either blocking or dodging. To Level: Defend against Attacks. Level 1: +1 Defense against all Attacks Level 2: +1 Parry Defense Level 3: +1 Dodge Defense Level 4: Gain the ‘Guard’ Art. If you already have it, gain the ‘Guard’ Skill. Level 5: +1 Resilience and Resistance [/hider] [hider=Ability Senses] These are examples of Senses that enhance already existing abilities or perhaps grant new ones. Fisticuffs (Rank 10, Cost: 5 EXP): Your sense for the natural flow of unarmed combat. This Sense is for those who would rather fight unarmed and turn their bodies into weapons rather than wield weapons themselves. Naturally to gain SP in this Sense you just need to fight unarmed. Level 1: Gain the ‘Unarmed Strike’ Trait. Allows Unarmed Strikes to be lethal and raises their base Damage Range to 1 – 6 + STR. Also grants the ‘Fisticuffs’ Score (1 (Base Value) + Finesse), which is used to determine Accuracy and Defense for Unarmed fighters (see ‘Combat’ for more details). Level 2: +1 Damage to Unarmed Strike Level 3: +1 Defense while Unarmed Level 4: +1 Fisticuffs Level 5: +1 Critical Chance to Unarmed Strikes. +1 Endurance. Movement (Rank 10, Cost: 5 EXP): Your sense for just basic movement both in and out of combat. This is good for those who prefer to move around a lot and want their abilities based on movement. To gain SP: Just move really. Do things that utilize movement (run, jump, dodge, etc). Level 1: Gain the ‘Movement’ Score (1 (Base Value) + (Quick + ½ Might)). Used for all forms of movement based actions and determines movement speed for movement based Arts and Skills. Falls with Resistance and Resilience in terms of increasing it with EXP. Level 2 & 4: +1 Movement Level 3: +1 Dodge Defense Level 5: Gain the ‘Charge’ Art. Focus (Rank 9, Cost: 8 EXP): Your sense for focusing and concentrating your mind. This special Sense has a rather number of various uses that revolve around honing and focusing your mind, uses that are both physical and mystical. The Focus Score is also used to resist mind based Ailments (which aren’t too common, but still a threat when encountered nonetheless). Level 1: Gain the ‘Focus’ Score (1 (Base Value) + (Attunement). Can now learn ‘Focus’ based Arts/Skills. Level 2: +1 Soul Level 3: +1 Focus Level 4: +1 Endurance Level 5: Learn the ‘Target Focus’ Art Main Stat Boost (Rank 8, Cost: 12 EXP): Your somewhat natural sense for some aspect of yourself. These Senses are used to boost your Main Stats and take quite a bit of effort to level up. They require +3 SP more per Level to level up and are only leveled through successful actions with said Stat. Level 1: +1 to chosen Stat Level 2 - 4: +1 to all Scores involving said Stat Level 5: +1 to chosen Stat Score Boost (Rank 9, Cost: 7 EXP): Your natural aptitude towards some more specific aspect of yourself. These are used to augment one of your specific Scores and SP is gained as you utilize said Score. Leveling: Each Level boosts said Score by 1, Level 10 giving you +1 to the most relevant Stat. Soul/Endurance Boost (Rank 8, Cost: 9 EXP): Your sense for your natural bodily or spiritual strength. These two Senses are also a good bit useful and Level as you utilize and train either of these two special Stats. Every time 10 Points of this Stat are utilized, you gain 1 SP in this Stat. They require +2 SP more per Level. Level 1 – 4: +1 to the chosen Stat. Level 5: +1 to Attunement (for Soul) or Might (for Endurance) [hider=Mystical Senses] These are Senses that unlock special mystical abilities for you. Just putting them here to better sort out the list. Ether Affinity (Rank 9, Cost: 9 EXP): Ether exists all around us, a form of Ether existing for each Element of the world. These Senses are your affinity to that form of Ether and through that Affinity you can gain special abilities utilizing that Ether. The Ether types are Red (Fire), Blue (Water), Purple (Ice), Brown (Earth), Green (Life/Nature), Yellow (Lightning), Silver (Wind). Level 1: Gain Ether Affinity Score – Gain an Ether Affinity Score based on that form of Ether. This is equal to 1 (Base Value) + ½ Attunement. Gain an ‘Art’ Based on chosen Ether type. Level 2 – 4: +1 to chosen Ether Affinity Level 5: +2 Soul Magic Power (Rank 9, Cost: 7 EXP): This is your sense for the art and power of magic and is required when utilizing Magic. To be able to utilize and cast Spells, this Magic Power Sense is required and as one’s sense for magical power grows, so too does their magical ability. Level 1: Acquire the ‘Magic’ Score (1 (Base Value) + Cunning). You can now begin learning Magic related Senses, Skills, and Arts. The Magic Score is increased with EXP in the same way Resilience is. Level 2: +1 Magic Level 3: +1 Soul Level 4: +1 Magic Level 5: Gain the ‘Focus Magic’ Art, +1 Resistance Word Magic (Rank 9, Cost: 8 EXP): Requires Magic Power. This is base for one of the three forms of magic. Word Magic utilizes single word spells that are meant for casting quickly just about anywhere. This magic is more for combat, but has plenty of utility use as well. It utilizes a single word that acts as a command, commanding the pure energy of Mana to act upon your whim of the word. Level 1: Can now learn Rank 10 Word Magic Skills and Arts. Acquire a Rank 10 Word Magic Art. Level 2: +1 Magic (when using Word Magic) Level 3: All Word Magic is 1% stronger. Level 4: +1 Magic Level 5: Can now learn Rank 9 Word Magic Skills and Arts. Gain a Rank 9 Spell as an Art. Ritual Magic (Rank 9, Cost: 6 EXP): Requires Magic Power. A form of magic that utilizes immense amounts of ritualistic preparations and casting to cast very strong magical spells utilizing magic circles, incantations, and other such things. This form of magic is meant to be used outside of combat. For combat purposes, this form of magic is used to ‘cast’ spells in advance, store them, and then unleash them with a command. Level 1: Can now learn Rank 10 Ritual Magic Skills and Arts. Acquire the ‘Ritual Casting’ Art. Level 2: +1 Magic (when using Ritual Magic) Level 3: Acquire the ‘Prepare Magic’ Art Level 4: +1 Magic Level 5: Can now learn Rank 9 Ritual Magic Skills and Arts, +1 Soul Herb-Craft (Rank 10, Cost: 6 EXP): A basic sense for identifying and utilizing herbs for making various forms of poultices and other herbal concoctions like poisons, salves, and elixirs. A nice basic sense for a person who wants to get into Alchemy, the somewhat widely acknowledged ‘third’ form of magic. Level 1: Acquire the ‘Botany’ Score (1 (Base Value) + Cunning). You can now utilize Rank 10 Herbs in the making of various herbal concoctions. Level 2: +1 Botany Level 3: Acquire the ‘Wilderness Apprentice’ Trait (Grants +5 to all forms of ‘searching’ based tasks in the wilderness). Level 4: +1 Botany Level 5: Can now utilize Rank 9 Herbs in your herbal concoctions. [/hider] [hider=General Senses] These are Senses that encompass a number of varying general knacks and abilities. All of these have Sense specific scores as they determine your general ability to do things such as observing, climbing, etc. Observation (Rank 10, Cost 5 EXP): Your sense for observing and identifying people and other things in the world around you. This is good for those who want to search for things and be able to notice more in the world around them. A great counter against those who value stealth, traps, and deception as well. Level 1: Gain the ‘Observe’ Art and the Observation Score (1 (Base Value) + Cunning). Level 2 – 9: +1 Observation Level 10: +1 Cunning, +1 Observation First Aid (Rank 10, Cost: 6 EXP): Your sense for administering first aid and healing to those who need it utilizing various supplies, poultices, herbs, etc. Level 1: Gain the ‘First Aid’ Art. Level 2 – 4: Any form of First Aid you administer heals 1 more point of Endurance. Level 5: +1% Healing to all forms of Healing you perform or create and have +1 against Ailments. Climbing (Rank 10, Cost: 5 EXP): Your sense for the natural instincts and attained Skills of climbing various obstacles. Level 1: Gain the ‘Climb’ Score (1 (Base Value) + (Might + ½ Quick)) that determines how well you climb. Level 2 – 4: +1 Climb Level 5: Gain the ‘Light Armored Climber’ Trait. Armor Penalty from Light Armor is cut in half for Climbing. +1 Climb. Stealth (Rank 9, Cost: 7 EXP): Your capacity for acting stealthily and moving about stealthily. Great for those who prefer to strike either from afar or from the shadows and never be seen. The art of stealth is a great introduction for those who wish to become aspiring thieves. The Score gained from this Sense uses Quick when it comes to movement and Finesse when it comes to stealthy actions such as pick-pocketing or other sleight of hand notions. Level 1: Gain the ‘Stealth’ Score (1 (Base Value) + (Quick or Finesse)), Gain the ‘Hide’ Art. Level 2: +1 Stealth Level 3: Gain the ‘Backstab’ Art Level 4: +1 Stealth Level 5: Gain the ‘Secret Strike’ Art, +1 Dodge Defense Manipulate Device (Rank 10, Cost: 5 EXP): Your ability to tinker with various mechanical devices, locks, and other such things in a deft, safe manner using coordination and urgency. Without a pick of some kind, trying to open a lock through improvised means has a -20 Penalty to your Disarm Score. Level 1: Gain the ‘Disarm’ Score (1 (Base Value) + Finesse) Level 2 – 4: +1 Disarm Level 5: Gain the ‘Improvised Lock-Picking’ Trait. With this, the penalty for not having a pick when disarming a lock is -10 instead of -20. Persuasion (Rank 10, Cost: 5 EXP): Your sense for negotiating with others through various forms of coercion, haggling, diplomacy, and other forms of persuasion. Useful in many different areas. Level 1: Gain the ‘Persuasion’ Score (1 (Base Value) + Cunning) Level 2 – 4: +1 Persuasion Level 5: +1 Cunning Writing (Rank 10, Cost: 4 EXP): This is your sense for the basics of linguistics and writing. This Sense has some rather niche uses, but is still quite useful. Being well versed in writing will let you write and decode secret messages, write Art Books, and do various things. It is pretty useful. Level 1: Gain the ‘Writing’ Score (1 (Base Value) + Cunning) Level 2: +1 Writing Level 3: +1 Writing Level 4: Acquire the ‘Literary Apprentice’ Trait (grants +5 to applicable Scores for studying, researching, experimenting, or writing while in a library or have applicable literary materials at your disposal) Level 5: Acquire the ‘Write Skill Scroll’ Skill (Requires Attunement 8, Cost: 3 EXP) Crafting (Rank 10, Cost: 6 EXP): A useful Sense for the making, examination, and repairing of various forms of items and objects. This includes many things from weapons and armor to other forms of items. This is just a rather basic sense for crafting itself, but can be advanced to learn more specific forms. Level 1: Gain the ‘Crafting’ Score (1 (Base Value) + Cunning), Can now make and repair mundane Rank 10 Items. Level 2: +1 Crafting Level 3: Acquire the ‘Spruce Up’ Art Level 4: +1 Crafting Level 5: Acquire the ‘Craftsman’s Haggling’ Trait (adds 10% of your Crafting Score to your Cunning or other applicable score when haggling over Items you can identify) [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Deciding Skills & Arts] The next thing to decide will be what sorts of Skills and Arts you will be starting off with. There are many potential candidates for starting Skills and Arts, so listing all of them would make way too long of a list. Instead, I will list a few examples of Skills and Arts that you can start with, but I highly recommend coming up with your own based on your Senses. Note that, while Senses do grant you free Arts, buying starting Skills and Arts does use EXP here at Character Creation. Note that you can use your EXP at Character Creation to also level your Arts and Skills as well to make them start off a bit stronger. While not too recommended, it is an option you do possess if you would rather start off with Skills and/or Arts that are already a bit stronger. Skills and Arts will seem very similar, but note that an Art is just something you know how to do. A Skill is literally part of your being and is thus more powerful, but somewhat harder to learn and manage. For making your own Skills and Arts, remember that for the start they need to be very basic and should be based around the Senses you have currently. For instance, if you are good with Swords then choose some sort of sword technique as an Art or just some basic attack for a Skill. Remember that some Senses do grant free Arts, so you can make your own Arts for those scenarios (if the Art you get is not specified). Just remember to suggest something basic and very simple (for Skills) and just basic (for Arts). One final thing to note about Skills and Arts is that with Arts you have a small bit more freedom with those than Skills. While a Skill’s functions are somewhat stagnant, an Arts can be experimented with and new things can be discovered with it. Skills can only gain new functions by leveling up. Arts can gain new functions just by playing around with them, so sometimes it’s best to start with some neat Arts and then convert those into Skills after playing around with them for a bit. [hider=Skill Examples] Strike (Rank 10, Cost: 3 EXP, Requires: Might 6) Passive: +1 Damage Range to all Melee Attacks Active (4 Soul): You focus your strength and power into an attack, attacking with more power than normal. When utilizing this Skill, you perform a regular attack that deals 5% more damage. Cooldown: 5 Seconds. Kick (Rank 10, Cost 2 EXP) Passive: +1 Dodge Defense Active (2 Soul): This Skill can be performed either on its own or as an instant follow-up to a Regular Attack. This allows you to quickly kick an opponent, to throw them backwards and even knock them off guard. If this attack connects, then it hits with Knockback that has a Resistance DL equal to 1 + 50% Might. (Better for users of Fisticuffs) Cooldown: 5 Seconds ‘Bolt (Rank 10, Cost 4 EXP, Requires: Word Magic) Passive: +1 Accuracy with Ranged Attacks Active (8 Soul): The Magic Word ‘Bolt allows you to command the force of Mana to conjure a small mystical bolt that is fired in the direction you desire. It deals 1 – 6 + 20% ‘Magic’ Score Mana Damage. Cooldown: 10 Seconds Critical Strike (Rank 9, Cost 5 EXP, Requires: Finesse 5, Luck 5) Passive: +1 Critical Strike Chance to all Attacks Active (Passive): Deal 100% More Damage and ignore 50% of the opponent’s Resistance/Resilience with Critical Strikes. This Skill shows your ability to locate and strike weak or ‘critical’ points on an opponent. As this Skill grows, your Critical Strikes will become much stronger. Toughness (Rank 10, Cost: 3 EXP, Requires: Might 5, Endurance 25) Passive: +1 Resilience Active (Passive): You know just how to endure things, able to put up with all sorts of damage. Get +1 Endurance and your Resilience is considered 1 higher when resisting Wounds. Relief (Rank 10, Cost: 3 EXP, Requires: Green Ether Affinity) Passive: All Healing heals +1 Endurance Active (10 Soul): You channel a bit of Green Ether from within and around, utilizing it to heal general pain and soothe the fatigue of a nearby target. You heal 1 – 6 + 10% (Green Ether Affinity) Endurance. Dodge (Rank 10, Cost: 3 EXP, Requires: Movement) Passive: +1 Dodge Defense Active (1 Soul + 3 Soul/Round): You focus your natural speed and movement from your core, utilizing it to work on dodging attacks. Your Dodge Defense is increased by 1 + 5% Movement. [/hider] [hider=Art Examples] Here are some examples of Arts. Arts are a bit more ‘fleshed out’ at the start since their development is rather short, but they are good to experiment with to get some new functionalities for some of them, since Arts do not need to become stronger to be developed but instead can be developed through trial and error. You may pick one free Rank 10 Art that you can learn (either from this list or make it yourself), but any additional Arts will cost EXP. Rank 10 Arts cost 2 EXP, Rank 9 Arts cost 3 EXP. Remember that some Senses give Arts for free, so it may be a good idea to save your EXP and free Art on the ones you could gain later. Precision Strike (Rank 10) Requirements: Level 5 Melee Weaponry or Level 3 in a more specific Weapon Sense. Finesse 6. Cost: 2 Endurance You steady yourself, and then strike your opponent looking for the weak points in their armor. This special technique bypasses an amount of your opponent’s Armor Rating equal to 25% of your Finesse, or 50% if you performed a Full Strike. Fierce Strike (Rank 10) Requirements: 8 Might Cost: 3 Endurance You abandon any form of finesse and just go for pure force as you swing your weapon with reckless abandon to strike your foe. Your Accuracy is reduced by 20 for this attack, but it deals 20% more damage than a regular strike. Aim (Rank 9) Requirements: Finesse 11, Cunning 5 Cost: 1 Endurance You know how to calm yourself and, by taking a few seconds, aim your weapon just right to strike. If using a Ranged Weapon, this allows you to fire at an opponent engaged in Melee Combat without fear of hitting the other combatant(s). If you are hit before you can make your Attack, the benefit is lost. This adds +5 Accuracy to your next Attack, but for Melee Attacks reduces the damage dealt by 50%. Magic Word: “Bolt” (Rank 10) Requirements: Word Magic Cost: 10 Soul Arts Check DL: 75 You know the process behind conjuring up and utilizing the power of this magic word. Upon successfully utilizing this word, you command the force of magic to conjure a small bolt of magical energy, with which you can fire at an opponent. Doing so does 1 – 4 + 25% SR Mana Damage. Magic Word: "Trip" (Rank 10) Requirements: Word Magic Cost: 12 Soul Arts Check DL: 70 You know the process behind conjuring up and utilizing the power of this magic word. Upon successful utilization, you command magical forces to trip a nearby target. They can use Might or Quick to resist, the DL being 90 – (1 + 20% SR) Conjure Fire (Rank 10) Requirements: Red Ether Affinity Cost: 6 Soul (10 if igniting a Weapon) Arts DL: 80 (60 if igniting a Weapon) This rather basic form of Red Ether manipulation allows you to call forth a fire to hand or to ignite a small object. It can be used to enhance an Unarmed Strike with Fire Damage, adding an amount equal to 3 + 25% Success Rating. It can also be used on a Weapon to enhance it with fiery power, but this lowers the Arts DL and raises the Soul Cost. Lasts for 30 Seconds. Soothing Touch (Rank 10) Requirements: Green Ether Affinity Cost: 15 Soul, 2 Endurance Arts DL: 70 This is a basic form of Green Ether manipulation that allows you to call Green Ether and a small bit of your own bodily energy to your hand. With it, you can touch an ally or yourself to restore an amount of Endurance equal to 3 + 50% Success Rating. Shield Block (Rank 9) Requirements: Shield Proficiency Cost: 1 Endurance You steel yourself behind your shield, focusing your attention on blocking attacks rather than attacking. As such, you get +1 to your Defense and, if the strike is not a Full Hit, the damage is reduced by 50% of the amount they missed the Full Hit DL by. Intimidating Shout (Rank 10) Requirements: Persuasion Arts DL: vs. Opponent’s Attunement Check You let out a rather intimidating shout, call, or otherwise loud intimidating action and sound. If the opponent fails to resist, they suffer the Intimidation Affect (-10 on all Actions against you, -5 on all other Actions), which will go away either after 1 + 10% Success Rating Rounds, you are taken out of combat, or they inflict a blow upon you. Fighting Stance (Rank 9) Requirements: Fisticuffs Arts DL: None Cost: 1 Endurance/Round You get into a stance that lets you more properly utilize your body’s more natural movements and muscles to deliver better offense and defense while fighting unarmed. Add 1 to Damage Range and Accuracy of Unarmed Strikes and get +1 Defense while in this stance, plus increase the damage done by Unarmed Strike Arts and Skills by 10% of your Fisticuffs Score. Getting hit will take you out of this Stance. (GM Note: This Art is a Free Action, so it can be used on your Turn using no Actions). Follow-up Jab (Rank 10) Requirements: Fisticuffs or Finesse & Quick 7 Arts DL: None Cost: 1 Endurance You either are well versed in unarmed combat or at least are proficient enough to attack with a weapon and then throw a quick jab right afterwards with a fist, elbow, or leg. Regardless, this lets you perform a follow-up Unarmed Strike (As a free Action) to any Regular Attack, with a -25 to Accuracy. Push Wind (Rank 10) Requirements: Silver Ether Affinity Arts DL: 75 Cost: 7 Soul A basic know-how of Silver Ether manipulation. You call forth the power of Silver Ether, using it to then conjure forth a strong wind to send forth. It can be used to push both objects and people, hitting the target with a Knockback Affect that has a Strength of 1 + 75% Success Rating. [/hider] Conjure Lightning (Rank 10) Requirements: Yellow Ether Affinity Arts DL: 70 (55 Enhancing a Weapon) Cost: 11 Soul (15 Soul: Enhancing a Weapon) A slightly more intricate form of Yellow Ether manipulation. Harnessing lightning is rather difficult, but you know how to call Yellow Ether to your hand to conjure lightning in your hand. You can perform a lightning enhanced Unarmed Strike that adds 5 + 50% Success Rate Lightning Damage to your attack. You can enhance a Weapon with this Art, but it raises the DL and Soul Cost. This lasts for 15 Seconds. Lightning Damage ignores all non-mystical Armor Rating. Chilling Grasp (Rank 10) Requirements: Purple Ether Affinity Arts DL: 75 Cost: 8 Soul You call the icy Purple Ether to your hand, utilizing it to grab a foe or touch an object. If you succeed, the touched target takes 3 + 50% Success Rating Ice Damage. Furthermore, they suffer a 10% Success Rating penalty to all Physical Actions and Resilience if they fail a Resilience Check, this lasting for 10 Seconds or until exposed to fire or other extreme warmth. [/hider] [hider=Deciding Traits] Your starting Trait(s) are a good thing to determine fourth, but again you can determine them in any order you like. You can purchase as many Traits as you’d like at the start utilizing your EXP, but do remember that any EXP gained from your Cunning cannot be used on Traits. It can only be used on Senses, Skills, and Arts. So keep an eye on how much EXP you possess at Character Creation, as while Traits are indeed nice little bonuses, you shouldn’t put all of your attention into them. Here are some sample Traits that you can either choose or use as ideas on making your own Traits for your character. Note that, as goes for Senses, Skills, and Arts; even if I say you cannot have that idea at the start, if I do like it I will add your idea to the game (after possible revisions) and it could be available to you later. So I am always open to suggestions. Remember that Traits are only strengthened through Senses and Skills that are somewhat related to said Trait. So for instance, having Magical Senses would strengthen the Magical Knack Trait after a while or having a Sense related to Might would strengthen the ‘Strong’ Trait. There are also some Traits that really can’t be strengthened any further. [hider=Sample Traits] Strong (3 EXP): You are pretty strong physically. Receive +1 Might and deal +2 Damage with Melee Weapons. Tough (3 EXP): You are pretty tough, able to take damage. Receive +3 Endurance and +1 Resilience. Magical Knack (7 EXP): You have a pretty decent, natural knack for the art of magic. You spend 1 less EXP (Min 1) on all Magic based Skills and Senses. Furthermore, if you do get Magic, you get +1 to the Magic Score. Tough Fist (2 EXP): You have some pretty strong fists. Adds +2 to the Damage Range of Unarmed Strikes, plus an additional 1% Damage. Tough Skin (4 EXP): Your skin is pretty ‘thick’, essentially you have a body that just naturally shrugs off damage. +1 Resilience, +1 Resistance, resist 1% of all Damage. Attuned (3 EXP): You have a sort of natural attunement and knack for using the strength of your soul. +1 Attunement, +1 Register, and +2 Soul. Intelligent (3 EXP): You are decently intelligent. +1 Cunning, +2 to all ‘Knowledge’ based actions outside of combat. Combat Trained (3 EXP): You have some past experience in combat. +1 Accuracy, +1 Defense, and deal +1 Damage with all Physical Attacks. Agile (3 EXP): You are decently and naturally agile. +1 Quick, +1 Dodge Defense. Pack Mule (2 EXP): You are used to carrying large loads and weights. Reduce Armor Penalty of equipped Armor by 1 and gain +1 Endurance. Quick Drawer (2 EXP): You know how to draw a weapon quickly, but while on your guard. Lucky (5 EXP): You are exceptionally lucky. You get +1 Luck and +1 to your ‘Lucky’ Critical Range. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Gear] The final thing to determine is your starting Gear. You can utilize EXP to do this as well. You start off with a free Weapon, Magic Ring (for Magic Users), or Ether Stone (for Ether Users). You also start off with 10,000 Essence (Ess). Essence is the currency of this world, small tiny crystallization of lifeless spiritual energy that is used as an energy source for many different things and as such is used as a form of currency. You can use EXP if you'd like to start off with other gear as well like armor, ingredients, potions, very weak mystical items, other weapons, or even more money. Just tell me what you would like, although you will be getting more gear soon enough, you can use your EXP to get a small head start. You can spend 1 EXP to start off with 5,000 more Essence than normal, if you want to. Again, you can use EXP to get a small head start on gear, but in the end its up to you. Just tell me what sort of additional starting gear you would like (I will make it somewhat worth the EXP you are willing to spend, but the max amount of EXP you can spend on any piece of gear at Character Creation shall be 3 to keep things simple enough). [/hider] Character Sheet Here is the Character Sheet in which you will put your information down upon. [hider=CS] Real Name (First and Last) Age (Min 15) Gender Appearance (Description, Picture, or Both) Personality At least a paragraph or so, preferably more. History Just somethings about your character's life that are important like what they do, who they are, maybe where they came from. Note that going into detail may or may not help your character out in game, since this will have place in both the real world and the virtual world. Epic Points 3 [hider=Game Character] User Name Appearance Description, Picture, or Both. Note that you aren't going to start with super fancy armor or clothes right off the bat, but that doesn't mean you can't have a picture with them in it. Again, a picture is just an appearance aid. Total EXP 100 Earned EXP 0 Current EXP 100 Reincarnations 0 [hider=Status Window] For Character Creation you use your EXP to determine your Stats. For Endurance/Soul: 1 EXP: 3 Points (from 1 - 99), 1 EXP: 2 Points (from 100 - 199) For Main Stats (at Character Creation): 1 + 10% Stat's Value EXP = 1 Point Endurance (En) 5 + Might Soul (So) 5 + Attunement Might (Mi) 1 Quick (Qu) 1 Finesse (Fin) 1 Cunning (Cu) 1 Attunement (Att) 1 Luck (Lu) 1 [hider=Scores] 10% (Score's Base Value) EXP = 1 Point for each Score Resilience Base (1 + 5% Max Endurance) + 1/4th Might Resistance Base (1 + 5% Max Soul) + 1/2 Attunement Recovery Base Value = 1/4 Attunement Regeneration Base (1) + 5% Max Endurance (Additional Scores you acquire from Senses will go here) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Senses] The Senses you acquire will go here. [/hider] [hider=Skills] The Skills you acquire will go here. [/hider] [hider=Arts] The Arts you acquire will go here. [/hider] [hider=Traits] The Traits you acquire will go here. [/hider] [hider=Inventory] This is your Inventory. This shows your gear and current equipped inventory space. Your Gear will go in the Gear Section. Remember that you get a free Weapon to start with. If you are a Magic or Ether user, you can instead opt for a Magic Ring or an Ether Stone instead of a weapon. [hider=Bags] Currently Equipped Sack: 5 Slots Money: 10,000 Essence [/hider] [hider=Gear] Hand 1 Free Starting Weapon Hand 2 Torso (Body Armor, Robes, Etc) Waist (Belt, 2 Slots for 'Pouches' or other such things) Hands (Gloves, Gauntlets, Etc) Head (Helmet, Circlet, etc) Accessories (Can wear 2 Rings on each Hand, an Amulet, Earrings, and other such things) Misc (Bags and other misc equipment) Sack: A basic cloth sack for the traveler. Gives 5 Slots. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] And that is everything about the system I will be employing. Naturally things may change or improve as I discover more kinks or things that need to be ironed out, but I believe that this system can work for us all. Again, I am looking for 4 - 6 Players (Myself included), and will be making an OOC once I have some people. Feel free to shoot me character ideas in the meantime or even create some character concepts. If confusion arises, feel free to ask questions and I may be posting some sample CS's in a short while. Anyway, I hope I have caught your interest and can't wait to start our adventure into Soul Bound Online.