[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KjQh0O1.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Kalpia-1921-FEBRUARY[/h1] [b]Kalpian Military Observer in Ferrareia[/b] The 2nd Lieutenant Tetaendio Utam is in Ferrareia as a military observer , he was sent by the Kalpian army to help train the soldiers of Ferrareia to use the equipment that was sold to them, but he had fairly little time to train them because of the war , since then he has stayed there observing how the equipment sold to Ferrareia has been performing , specially the Gothpath 105mm a very fine artillery piece that has seen a lot of action since the first days of the war , he has also been observing the tanks sent by Soroya and how they performed and how the Osladian tanks have been perfoming , his opinion over the war is that both countries have none military experience and that the stagnation of the front is the result of that , he keeps informing the Kalpian military daily by Telegraph. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/89/b1/d0/89b1d0af8ee5a0d3cadf02aeea07dac1.jpg[/img] [i]Tetaendio Utam[/i] [b]Expedition to North-Faresia[/b] A private company that has helped to colonize New Mistburn and Doxon have started their own enterprise to colonize in North-Faresia , the enterprise is private owned but it is under the supervision of the goverment , the expedition is to the farthest island from Kalpia , because of that there should be not problems to refuel or for assistance in case of anything , the goverment have sent a governor called Sen Aercapo to the expedition , he has said that he is curious of what the expedition will find on the North Continent , also he is very optismistic. [/center]