[center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=7821&s=55&t=Megan&c=4169E1[/img] [img]http://images.coilhouse.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/zst1_2.jpg[/img] [img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=7821&s=55&t=Sprite&c=4169E1[/img] [H2]NAME : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Megan Emmeline Arcadia Hanover / Sprite[/color] [H2]GENDER : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Female[/color] [H2]SEXUALITY : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Bisexuality[/color] [H2]AGE : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]16[/color] [H2]YEAR : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]6th[/color] [H2]HOUSE : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Ravenclaw[/color] [H2]BLOODSTATUS : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Muggle/Squib[/color] [H2]IN DEPTH INFORMATION[/H2] [H2]APPEARENCE[/H2][color=AFEEEE] Megan is a petite girl standing barely five foot in height and weighs about ninety-two pounds. She is a strong believer in regular exercise and engages in gymnastics to keep herself fit concentrating on floor exercises and uneven-parallel bars which as one expects gives her a very tight muscled frame. Her hair and sometimes even her eyes shift color so often sometimes she forgets her own original color; it's length and style is also in constant transition changing as often as three to five times a day. She wears glasses almost all the time her favorite frame style cat's eye and range from simple black to sparkling works of art.[/color] [H2]PERSONALITY : [/H2][color=AFEEEE] Megan is an openly friendly girl who loves to get people to talk about themselves but rarely exposes any real details about herself. She is a inquisitive personality bordering on nosey loving to dig into the details of any subject or person that catches her interest and as a lover of facts strives to never speak about any subject that she doesn't know enough about. Another facet of her love of facts means that she dislikes telling lies or hearing them. Megan dislikes anyone who seeks to use power against the powerless and will risk injury or trouble seeking to see justice done using her skill at journalism as her best weapon an expansive knowledge of legal codes to see justice done.[/color] [H2]HISTORY : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Megan was born to the Hannover / Sprites as an only child. Her mom is a Barrister of the The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple and a much sought after scholar of law named Dame Winifred Hanover. Her father is an artist and a Squib of the pure blood Sprite family who is more well known for his handsome appearance which many say is why his wife married him. Raised in the affluent neighborhood of [URL= http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/16/article-2115645-12330C9A000005DC-188_634x450.jpg]Hyde Park[/URL] Megan went to the finest local private Academy from the age of four till at ten when she began to exhibit magical talent. It all happened when she discovered her deceased aunt Livonia's wand while exploring the Sprite ancestral home and aunt Liv's ghost as well which greatly concerned the family and proved to have a natural gift with Transfiguration spells. (Aunt Livonia was a renowned Transfigurist and is thought to be the reason Muggle associated witches with turning the luckless to toads) Since the day she and her aunt discovered one another Megan has had the odd ghost as a personal mentor an confessor an they are often seen together engaged in deep conversation. Many in the Sprite family have viewed the return of Livonia's ghost with mixed feelings; some hoping the ghost will reveal the location of her fortune and others fearing that she's grooming Megan to assume the position of family Matriarch.[/color] [H2]MAGIC[/H2] [H2]WAND : [/H2] [hider=Wand][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=122343&s=55&t=Moon%20Dancer&c=4682B4[/img] [color=AFEEEE]Birch 10 3/4" Gold 16 gage wire enhancement with a Vella hair core[/color] [img] http://www.itsatradition.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/DSC_0146.jpg[/img] Artificer unknown[/hider] [H2]BOGGART : [/H2][color=AFEEEE] A horde of Frogs an Toads Megan discovered this odd little fear the day she first touched her wand and accidently transfigured a nest of bees into the slimy creatures an being covered in them. (It isn't just her Boggart but a reoccurring nightmare where she is pursued by an angry horde of toads an frogs who are the vengeful spirits of the transfigured seeking revenge and may be a transfered fear of her aunt's)[/color] [H2]PATRONUS : [/H2] [hider=Horned Owl][img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmCg_NYO-8pg2II9syjS7hWLCr_O8k13LryWIuxrlIxfdAGOkegg[/img][/hider] [H2]TALENT : [/H2][color=AFEEEE]Transfiguration Prodigy[/color] [H2]WEAKNESS : [/H2][color=AFEEEE] Herbiology Megan is cursed by a brown thumb having no luck at all no matter how attentive in keeping any plant she's associated with alive.[/color] [H2]OTHER[/H2] [H2]PET : [/H2] [hider=Chauncy][img] http://thumbs.imagekind.com/4381510_650/Bull-Mastiff-Portrait_art.jpg?v=1392489300[/img] [color=AFEEEE]Chauncy has been Megan's pet for three years now and lives with her parents while she is at school. Now a full grown male of his breed Chauncy weighs well over two hundred an fifty pounds and is a frightening sight for many visitors to the Hyde Park home of the Hanover / Sprites. He loves and protects all those of the house but adores his young mistress with sometimes destructive enthusiasm. He is for obvious reasons unafraid of ghosts and even seems to be able to sense their presence and track them.[/color][/hider] [H2]EXTRA : [/H2] [hider=Aunt Liv][img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/01/12/28995/9db675d7f4c6a85ba499d1293da3bf2a.jpg[/img] [color=AFEEEE]Aunt Livonia was last seen alive about 900 years ago and at that time despite appearances was over 300 years old. She was at the time one of the most feared of Witches in the known world and a wanted criminal by the powers that be. (Some in the Sprite family believe it was because Liv had discovered a powerful transfiguration spell that could grant immortality.) In any case information about this powerful witch is either hidden, sealed away or simply lost so it is all speculation. Livonia for reasons she has yet to reveal has taken a great interest in her niece and because she is fettered to her former wand is always wherever Megan is. This was at first a bit frightening to Meg but over time has become so normal that Livonia's absence is now more concerning.[/color][/hider][/center]