Name: Kaede Yamamoto Age: 17 Gender: Male Arcana: Emperor Equipment: Shoulder bag for carrying things (notebook, health items, etc.), Swiss Army knife (all occasions), and a one-handed sword (once the whole battle thing gets going) Skills: Very good at memorizing and remembering things, an eye for detail, and has fencing experience. Appearance: Short dark brown hair with a small hair clip, light blue eyes, glasses with rectangular black frames, slightly shorter than average height, and a slender build. Overall, a neat, put-together appearance. Personality: Very controlling, a bit OCD, safety-oriented (so a bit of a buzzkill), but has a flair for the dramatic, and when he's with people he's comfortable with, has a tendency to ramble on the oddest tangents. Movie and play buff (specially Shakespeare), and the kind of guy who needs his coffee with exactly one teaspoon of milk and two sugars in the morning before he can function. Biography: He grew and had a very normal childhood with his family until during a school play, his little sister died (the hairclip was hers) to a stage accident (and a very shoddy roof), and shortly thereafter, his parents divorced. His mother remarried and he hasn't seen her in years, since he lives with his father in a small apartment. Currently, he's the president of the drama club. Persona Name: Oberon Appearance: [img][/img] Abilities: - Zio - Media Block: Electricity Weak: Wind